Hacker News
- Found yet another extremely old Apple page! https://www.apple.com/hk/en/list/ 70 comments apple
- A dark mode extension I found on the addons page. https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/az6rgi/a_dark_mode_extension_i_found_on_the_addons_page/ 24 comments firefox
- The EU Suppressed a 300-Page Study That Found Piracy Doesn’t Harm Sales https://gizmodo.com/the-eu-suppressed-a-300-page-study-that-found-piracy-do-1818629537 7 comments europe
- The EU Suppressed a 300-Page Study That Found Piracy Doesn’t Harm Sales https://gizmodo.com/the-eu-suppressed-a-300-page-study-that-found-piracy-do-1818629537 72 comments italy
- Found this weird Wiki page, Stray Animals at Indian Airports https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/stray_animals_at_indian_airports?wprov=sfla1 5 comments india
- Release notes - 404: Page Not Found https://www.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/29.0.1/releasenotes/ 7 comments firefox
- Pic of the Lotus E22 found on their Facebook page https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/1656301_10200626472582842_1197153325_n.jpg 19 comments formula1
- What's the strangest thing you've found on a players' Wikipedia page? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigobert_Song#Personal_life 80 comments soccer
- I've found a page that was made for its users to upvote specific Reddit threads. Do something, admins! http://officeofstrategicinfluence.com/clicks/ 54 comments reddit.com
- Ad code 'slows down' browsing speeds: Developer Patrick Hulce found that about 60% of the total loading time of a page was caused by scripts that place adverts or analyse what users do https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-47252725 351 comments worldnews
- Went searching for a free metronome app, found a page on Apple.com that doesn't quite fit in... https://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/music/metronome.html 6 comments apple
- 404 Page Not Found, but what a great idea http://www.dvdtimes.co.uk/index.cgi?page=review&id=43 22 comments technology
- Soooo... I work at TI, and while logging in to check my vacation time I found this "Free samples page" http://www.ti.com/general/docs/buy.tsp?dcmp=tiheadertracking&hqs=other+ot+hdr_b_buy 29 comments arduino
- Just found out a very neat site for creating web page mockups... https://www.easel.io/ 34 comments web_design
- I was cleaning up my HD and I found a "mirror" of the CNN site dated 9/11/2001. It was a single page and I remember I could not even download the pictures; here it is. http://www.inf.unisi.ch/phd/bonzini/wtc.html 55 comments history
- i just found this little widget that captures entire web pages, regardless of scrolling. useful for developers and designers doing screen-grabs. http://www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/developer/pagecapture.html 7 comments apple
- Fixing "the page you requested cannot be found" in Chrome when accessing Microsoft sites - gHacks Tech News https://www.ghacks.net/2018/12/11/fixing-the-page-you-requested-cannot-be-found-in-chrome-when-accessing-microsoft-sites/ 6 comments windows
- New Zealand's government's 404 Not Found page is pretty good https://www.govt.nz/asdfasdf 6 comments webdev
- Found an app that sends an app's or xbox game's store page directly to any windows 10 device for quick download access. It never goes to the Edge, just straight to the Windows Store :) https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/store/p/download-app-anytime/9nblggh4v6bc 7 comments windowsphone
- I wanted one page I could visit for all my commonly Googled code help... I think I found it! http://creativenauts.me/2014/02/08/cheat-sheet-web-development-design/ 9 comments web_design
- Found on the front page of Fox News under "US" http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/28/wall-street-protesters-hold-vigils-for-injured-vet/ 19 comments politics
- Just found out my roommate made a pillow version of his GF to get down with. So I created him a facebook page for her. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002372769138 4 comments reddit.com
- Just found out a website that reports both Block Size Median and Average. Looks pretty decent. It also reports median block size of 2 weeks on its home page. https://www.btc.com/en/stats/block-size 9 comments btc
- Browsing /r/random I found a strange subreddit full of fake links with random titles. Is r/AuWh a karma farming page-rank mine for spammers? What do we do about it? http://www.reddit.com/r/auwh/ 3 comments reddit.com
- For those who are new learning to React, since the official React docs is still Class component-centric, I've found this WIP page that has been converted to use Functional components https://reactwithhooks.netlify.app/ 9 comments reactjs
- Found this today: CSSBattle - Great CSS challenges for improving your skills. Sorry if I'm the last human here to discover that page ... https://cssbattle.dev 3 comments css
- It's 2 In The Morning. And I Have Found An Error On Mike Trout's Minor League Stats Page. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/g4vt26/its_2_in_the_morning_and_i_have_found_an_error_on/ 50 comments baseball
- NYT article from Nov. 25, 1942, detailing the beginnings of and methods the Holocaust, 2 years before the first concentration camps were first found. The article is on page 10. http://www.rarenewspapers.com/view/589860?imagelist=1#full-images 6 comments history
- Found an old iPod In-Ear Headphone page! https://www.apple.com/in/ipod/in-ear-headphones/index.html 94 comments apple
- I just did a simple search for how to set a date in javascript, and the entire page was filled with w3 school links. So, I went straight to the Chrome web store to see if anyone else had an extension to keep that crap off of my search results. Found this guy, and I figured I'd share it with ya'll. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/w3schools-hider/igiahejkpbnbnekdaefddmdceocmjpll?hl=en-us 13 comments webdev
- Should we request imgur to tineye uploaded images? Just like reddit search leads to the submission page when a link is not found? http://www.tineye.com/ 9 comments reddit.com
- One schoolboy in about the year 900 found this page in the back of a book. He practiced for a bit with his lettering, making musical symbols above some letters since he was also being taught to sing at services. Then he got bored and did a bit of writing backwards. [pic] http://webwooop.blogspot.com/2010/06/ive-long-been-fascinated-by-drawings-of.html 184 comments science
- A Snopes investigation has found that 34 different facebook pages spreading Islamophobia and Pro-Trump memes from different ethnic and interest groups is actually the work of one evangelical in Ohio. https://www.snopes.com/news/2019/05/15/radical-evangelical-facebook/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app 59 comments politics
- I found the culprit of my phone's malware/spyware or whatever else issue. It is a PUP called "beautysnap" or "gangyun", and it forces full page ads. It is annoying as it gets, and it only reveals its existence in Developer Option's "running services". https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/8w2wvp/i_found_the_culprit_of_my_phones_malwarespyware/ 3 comments techsupport
- GM recalls 1.3 million cars over steering problem!! News not found anywhere in the news, however they still have 4 links about Toyota on the front page of CNN. http://www.businessweek.com/autos/autobeat/archives/2010/03/bad_timing_gm_r.html 30 comments reddit.com
- Hi. I am trying to find out more info about this chess set. Reproductions being sold online refer to it as a 14th century German Leipzig set, but I can't find any other info. All I have found is that it is in the Lepizig Museum (no info on their page). Any ideas? http://www.celticstitchery.com/crafts/europacrafts/medieval_lg.jpg 3 comments chess
- Found a page with some Classic Mac games ported to Mac OS X, immediately got hit with nostalgia http://subjunctive.net/cmgptmosx/ 31 comments apple
- I found a page on reddit where you can see both left-leaning and right-leaning political posts. Seems like the best place to get unbiased news. http://en.reddit.com/r/politics/new/ 5 comments politics
- After tracking the New York Times’ list of most e-mailed articles for more than six months, researchers found that lengthy, challenging science articles were consistently more popular than articles on the Times home page. They reason that readers’ desire to share material that inspires awe. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/09/science/09tier.html 111 comments science