Hacker News
- Python 3.x has a buffer overflow which may lead to remote code execution https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-3177 2 comments
- Rust ranked #3 most loved in Stack Overflow survey http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2015 8 comments rust
- National Parks Overflow with Trash, Human Waste as Gov’t Shutdown Approaches 3 Weeks https://www.democracynow.org/2019/1/10/national_parks_overflow_with_trash_human 14 comments politics
- Hacking the Tenda AC10–1200 Router Part 3: Yet Another Buffer Overflow https://noob3xploiter.medium.com/hacking-the-tenda-ac10-1200-router-part-3-yet-another-buffer-overflow-4eb322f64823 6 comments reverseengineering
- Crowd at Hillary Clinton's Omaha rally exceeded 3,300 with overflow http://www.omaha.com/news/metro/crowd-at-hillary-clinton-s-omaha-rally-exceeded-with-overflow/article_0c8bc1b0-5946-11e6-abf7-6f6f26e598bf.html 265 comments politics
- Stack Overflow: how sharding a database can make it faster, 3 easy steps https://stackoverflow.blog/2022/03/14/how-sharding-a-database-can-make-it-faster/ 7 comments mysql
- What a buffer overflow looks like when you call glDrawArrays with (verticies.count * 3) instead of verticies.count https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LA5WxXKdAFg/TqXlSDSZpfI/AAAAAAAAAl4/kaBN9FUFJrI/s630/try2.png 7 comments opengl
- So what are we calling the 3-or-4-horizontal-line-box-icon thing? I've seen it referred to as both a "menu", "overflow" and "more" icon. http://i.stack.imgur.com/mfnhm.jpg 13 comments webdev