Hacker News
- My impressions using the System76 Oryx Pro https://write.as/mokou/my-impressions-using-the-system76-oryx 11 comments hardware
- [System76] Oryx Pro laptop now features 16:10 display https://s76.co/GhJgjQzF 5 comments pop_os
- Oryx Pro by System76 -- A Great Gaming Laptop https://linuxgamingcentral.com/posts/oryx-pro-by-system76-review/ 4 comments pop_os
- Oryx Pro by System76 -- A Great Gaming Laptop https://linuxgamingcentral.com/posts/oryx-pro-by-system76-review/ 17 comments linux_gaming
- Oryx Pro is the first System76 laptop with Coreboot, Open Controller Firmware and NVIDIA https://blog.system76.com/post/621907890783076352/things-we-love-about-the-new-oryx-pro 75 comments linux
- Oryx Pro is the first System76 laptop with Coreboot, Open Controller Firmware and NVIDIA https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2020/06/oryx-pro-is-the-first-system76-laptop-with-coreboot-open-controller-firmware-and-nvidia 25 comments linuxhardware
- For those wondering, Arch works great on the System76 Oryx Pro https://vadosware.io/post/starting-my-journey-with-the-system76-oryx-pro-and-arch/ 38 comments archlinux
- What do you guys think of system76 Oryx pro?? https://youtu.be/niNoHCXrW70 20 comments linuxhardware
- System76 Darter Pro or Oryx Pro for college laptop(Cybersecurity degree)? https://system76.com/laptops/darter 19 comments linuxhardware
- System76 Oryx Pro versus Dell XPS 15 https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4i11c3/system76_oryx_pro_versus_dell_xps_15/ 23 comments linux
- System76 Oryx Pro for Sale http://ebay.us/cHIcmP?cmpnId=5338273189 21 comments pop_os
- New System76 Oryx Pro laptop shown: Nvidia 1060 or 1070 GPU, 15" optional UHD/4K display, up to 32GB memory, 8th gen i7 6C/12T, 2kg https://betanews.com/2018/05/09/system76-oryx-pro-linux-laptop/ 13 comments linuxhardware
- System76 Oryx Pro review: Linux in a laptop has never been better http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/11/system76-oryx-pro-review-linux-in-a-laptop-has-never-been-better/ 29 comments linux
- System76 Oryx Pro is the Ubuntu Linux gaming laptop of your dreams [Review] http://betanews.com/2015/12/29/system76-oryx-pro-ubuntu-linux-review/ 4 comments linux_gaming
- System76 gives the Oryx Pro laptop a powerful refresh https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/07/system76-gives-the-oryx-pro-laptop-a-powerful-refresh/ 22 comments linuxhardware
- System76 Oryx Pro 2018 Review - Part 1 http://memin.tk/system76-oryx-pro-2018-review/ 3 comments linuxhardware
- Linux Laptop 2018 Buyer's Guide - [PDF, 80 pages] (Chromebooks with Android apps, Dell XPS 13, Librem 13v2, System76 Oryx Pro, cheap laptops for traveling and on-call) https://www.linuxjournal.com/sites/default/files/2018-11/LinuxLaptop2018BuyersGuide_0.pdf 18 comments linuxhardware
- System76 Oryx Pro Linux laptop is now thinner and faster, putting Apple MacBook Pro to shame https://betanews.com/2018/05/09/system76-oryx-pro-linux-laptop/ 4 comments pop_os
- System76 Oryx Pro Linux laptop is now thinner and faster, putting Apple MacBook Pro to shame https://betanews.com/2018/05/09/system76-oryx-pro-linux-laptop/ 52 comments linux