- ConstitutionDAO has raised $3M. Let's own an original copy of the Constitution on the Blockchain. https://www.constitutiondao.com/ 6 comments cryptocurrency
- The Origins (and Fate) of the $60 Retail Copy http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/luislevy/20111114/8832/the_origins_and_fate_of_the_60_retail_copy.php 13 comments gamedev
- How India preserves her original handwritten copy of Constitution? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/hjldfq/how_india_preserves_her_original_handwritten_copy/ 12 comments india
- Original or Copied? ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Is Back in Court https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/22/business/media/stairway-to-heaven-copyright-appeal.html 4 comments law
- Find copies of your original videos on the internet (reverse video search technology) https://spotter.tech/ 3 comments technology
- uBlock Origin developer calls out AdblockPro copying code, distributing with spyware capabilities. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-pro/ocifcklkibdehekfnmflempfgjhbedch/reviews 13 comments chrome
- Does anyone have a copy of Austin Allred's original Grasswire press kit? http://austenallred.com/user-acquisition/book/chapter/press/ 3 comments startups
- GOP Speeches? Not So Original. Tea Party Speeches? GOP Carbon Copies. Big Surprise! http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/gop-speeches-not-so-original-tea-part 5 comments politics
- Since The RIAA & MPAA Say That A Copy Is Just As Valuable As The Original, Send Them A Copy Of Money http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120314/03411218100/since-riaa-mpaa-say-that-copy-is-just-as-valuable-as-original-send-them-copy-money.shtml 125 comments technology
- Censoring Roald Dahl? I’ll be keeping my original copies https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/sensitivity-readers-are-twits-to-mess-with-the-magic-of-roald-dahl-zxk928mdz 5 comments europe
- Constitution v1 : Couldnt find a copy that did justice to the original so recreated it over 3 years. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/juh6uy 95 comments india
- Pentagon claims Iran's copy of captured US Sentinel drone 'inferior' to original http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/12/pentagon-iranian-copy-us-drone-inferior 25 comments worldnews
- TIL that all ships visiting the ancient city of Alexandria were obliged to surrender their books for immediate copying. The owners received a copy and the originals were placed in the Library of Alexandria https://www.shorthistory.org/ancient-civilizations/ancient-macedonians/ancient-library-of-alexandria/ 4 comments privacy
- Copying directories and contents exactly identical to original. Help please! :) https://www.reddit.com/r/csharp/comments/9c8jv0/copying_directories_and_contents_exactly/ 22 comments csharp
- First Copy of Jesus' Heretical 'Writings to His Brother' Recovered in Original Greek at Oxford University https://www.egypttoday.com/article/4/34962/rare-heretical-christian-writing-reveals-jesus%E2%80%99s-secret-teaching 11 comments worldnews
- An original copy of the Magna Carta has been discovered in a scrapbook in Kent, England. http://www.livescience.com/49742-magna-carta-discovered-scrapbook.html 132 comments worldnews
- Copying is often a necessary step to a creating something new and original http://blog.maxlytvyn.com/post/48718196832/you-should-copy 6 comments technology
- help with pricing: roughly, what would you charge for building a copy of this website? (obviously with original design, content, etc) http://www.jcolemusic.com/us/home 18 comments web_design
- Help save the worlds first webserver. We need to track down a copy of the original tarball WWWDaemon_0.1.tar.Z to preserve in the annals of history. [x-post] https://groups.google.com/group/comp.sys.next.announce/browse_thread/thread/6af5808c84a771fc/042c02b1b5992dd3?pli=1 72 comments compsci
- Ferrari copies the bottom, but goes faster than the original - Giorgio Piola’s F1 Technical Analysis https://it.motorsport.com/f1/news/f1-ferrari-copia-il-fondo-ma-va-piu-forte-delloriginale-red-/10318576/ 19 comments formula1
- Former Apple developer explains why didn't the original iPhone have copy and paste feature https://gadgetlite.in/2022/06/why-didnt-the-original-iphone-have-copy-and-paste/ 25 comments technews
- NYT: Mueller Has Copy Of Original Letter Trump Drafted To Justify Comey Firing http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/mueller-has-trump-letter-explaining-comey-firing 13 comments politics
- I have a gift copy of Factorio that I was originally going to give to my sister so we could play together, but I had some unexpected expenses.. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/5hbguo/i_have_a_gift_copy_of_factorio_that_i_was/ 7 comments factorio
- Original Copy of FBI Letter to Martin Luther King Jr. Urging Him to Commit Suicide Revealed http://www.latinpost.com/articles/25928/20141115/original-copy-of-fbi-letter-to-martin-luther-king-jr-urging-him-to-commit-suicide-revealed.htm 82 comments history
- Quantum information cannot be perfectly copied. If it could, it would be possible to send signals faster than light. Scientists have now shown it is possible to perfectly recover the original from the imperfect quantum copies. They also proposed a way that his could be done in practice. http://www.physorg.com/news/2012-03-quantum.html 42 comments science
- "My original art has been copied by a manufacturer who is now suing me in federal court to overturn my existing copyrights and continue making knockoffs." http://www.johntunger.com/legal-defense-fund.html 175 comments reddit.com
- [Schefter] “The Chargers doctor caring for Justin Herbert’s rib injury is being sued by former Chargers QB Tyrod Taylor, who is seeking at least $5 million after suffering a punctured lung in 2020, according to copies of the original lawsuit obtained by ESPN.” https://twitter.com/adamschefter/status/1571451345345085447?s=46&t=mixfzSMtZgqIr8zWuvREnw 487 comments nfl
- A forensic computing researcher may have settled whether the original version of Microsoft's seminal MS-DOS operating system contained code copied from CP/M. But now we have another controversy: the researcher has close ties to Microsoft. https://www.wired.com/2012/08/ms-dos-examined-for-thef/ 5 comments technology
- Ancient copy of Jesus's secret papyrus teachings to his brother discovered: The first-known original Greek copy of the banned Christian manuscript was discovered in the Nag Hammadi Library at Oxford University. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/first-apocalypse-james-heretical-greek-text-jesus-his-brother-discovered-oxford-1649755 405 comments worldnews
- The first-known original Greek copy of a heretical Christian writing describing Jesus' secret teachings to his brother James has been discovered at Oxford University by biblical scholars https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2017-11/uota-tap113017.php#.wiemecqenb1.reddit 505 comments worldnews
- I purchased a 1st ed. copy of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" and found a 70-year-old note tucked inside. I was able to reunite the book with the son of the original owner. My local paper covered the story. (Links to article and photos inside.) http://www.brantsbooks.com/ 132 comments books
- DNA Performs Quantum Teleportation - It can send 'electromagnetic imprints' of itself into distant cells and fluids which can then be used by enzymes to create copies of the original DNA. http://science.slashdot.org/story/11/01/13/0017256/nobel-prize-winner-says-dna-performs-quantum-teleportation 25 comments science
- Scanned copy of Mitt Romney's original 1994 letter to Log Cabin Republicans endorsing "full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens" http://www.boston.com/news/daily/11/romneyletterbaywindows.pdf 78 comments politics
- The MPAA & RIAA claim that the internet is stealing billions of dollars worth of their property by sharing copies of files.Let's just pay them the money! They've made it very clear that they consider digital copies of physical property to be just as valuable as the original. http://sendthemyourmoney.com/ 1308 comments technology
- How Three Germans Are Cloning The Web --- "The most admirable entrepreneurs are those with original ideas, ja? It's a unique gift that you either have or you don't." Says Oliver Samwer, one of three brothers who do not have ideas. They just copy others. And make billions http://www.businessweek.com/printer/articles/10778-how-three-germans-are-cloning-the-web 18 comments business
- How Three Germans Are Cloning The Web --- "The most admirable entrepreneurs are those with original ideas, ja? It's a unique gift that you either have or you don't." Says Oliver Samwer, one of three brothers who do not have ideas. They just copy others. And make billions http://www.businessweek.com/printer/articles/10778-how-three-germans-are-cloning-the-web 22 comments worldnews
- The article "Native Americans morally disqualified themselves from the land" by Bryan Fischer is a very, very tough read. Shortly after publication it was removed; the author explained in a follow-up column why it was pulled. This submission, as best as I can tell, is a copy of the original piece. 4 comments politics
- Comic With First Superman Story Sells for $1.5m -- The 1938 edition originally sold for 10 cents. An issue in worse condition sold last month for $1m. This one was found tucked inside another magazine. About 100 copies exist, and only a handful in good condition. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/comic-with-first-superman-story-sells-for-15m-1930852.html 17 comments books
- On Nov. 19th, LA-based creationist Ray Comfort plans to distribute thousands of free copies of Darwin's On the Origin of Species to students at the "100 top U.S. universities." This edition of Origin includes a 54-page "special" intro by Comfort. Here are fliers to combat his introduction. http://www.dontdissdarwin.com/resources.php 4 comments science
- For decades it had been thought that the original full length version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927) had been lost forever. Now a copy has been found in a vault in Argentina, and will be digitally restored in Germany! http://www.thelocal.de/society/20090514-19281.html 32 comments reddit.com