Hacker News
- WinBtrfs – an open-source btrfs driver for Windows https://github.com/maharmstone/btrfs 113 comments
- Butterfly Player – Open-source music player for Windows http://www.butterflyplayer.org 49 comments
- Microsoft open-sourced Windows File Manager https://github.com/microsoft/winfile 189 comments programming
- LightBulb - Open-source f.lux clone for Windows https://github.com/Tyrrrz/LightBulb 31 comments opensource
- Microsoft open-sources MS-DOS and Word for Windows http://blogs.technet.com/b/microsoft_blog/archive/2014/03/25/microsoft-makes-source-code-for-ms-dos-and-word-for-windows-available-to-public.aspx 82 comments sysadmin
- A list of free & open-source apps I use on Windows https://gourav.io/blog/windows-free-apps 5 comments windows
- Gramma - an interactive, multilingual command-line grammar checker for Linux / Windows / macOS - free and open-source (with optional Git integration) https://caderek.github.io/gramma/ 2 comments programming
- Natron: Open-source compositing software for Mac, Windows and Linux http://natron.fr/ 6 comments programming
- A nice open-source window manager for OSX https://github.com/skandocious/shiftit 12 comments apple
- Free, Open-Source software for Windows http://www.opensourcewindows.org/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows and Linux http://www.truecrypt.org/ 2 comments reddit.com
- Doubles: open-source tool for finding and symlinking duplicate files; works on Windows + *nix http://sourceforge.net/projects/doubles/ 15 comments sysadmin
- PowerToys - open-source Windows utilities https://www.fourth-wall.co.uk/post/powertoys-11-awesome-features-microsoft-won-t-add-to-windows 6 comments technology
- Introducing Project Mu - Windows Developer Blog [Open-Sourcing UEFI Core] https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2018/12/19/%E2%80%AFintroducing-project-mu/#xusv6dsimmjo9ac1.97 9 comments linux
- Iceland swaps Windows for Linux in open-source push http://www.zdnet.com/article/iceland-swaps-windows-for-linux-in-open-source-push/ 109 comments europe
- Microsoft go all-in with Docker: Native Windows Server support, open-sourced under Docker. Hub integrated with Azure. http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/10/15/new-windows-server-containers-and-azure-support-for-docker/ 157 comments programming
- Iceland swaps Windows for Linux in open-source push http://www.zdnet.co.uk/news/business-of-it/2012/03/22/iceland-swaps-windows-for-linux-in-open-source-push-40154870/ 21 comments linux
- Process Hacker, an open-source alternative to windows task manager http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/ 6 comments software
- Microsoft open-sources original File Manager from the ‘90s so it can run on Windows 10 https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/9/17214586/microsoft-windows-file-manager-windows-10-app-download 5 comments reactos
- ReactOS 0.4.7-RC1 Is The Latest As "Open-Source Windows" https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ReactOS-0.4.7-RC1 3 comments reactos
- ReactOS Hires Developer To Work On Their Open-Source Windows Storage Stack https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ReactOS-Storage-Development 4 comments reactos
- Hey Reddit, check out my open-source bear adventure game in the Windows Store [WIN8] http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/FallFury 8 comments microsoft
- Open-source pioneer Munich debates report that suggests abandoning Linux for Windows 10 http://www.techrepublic.com/article/open-source-pioneer-munich-debates-report-that-suggests-abandoning-linux-for-windows-10/ 11 comments opensource
- Living with Linux: how open-source OS gaming stacks up against Windows [PC Gamer] http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/11/12/living-with-linux-how-open-source-os-gaming-stacks-up-against-windows/ 40 comments linux_gaming
- OS.js - an open-source JavaScript web desktop platform with a window manager, application APIs, GUI toolkit, filesystem abstractions and much more https://www.os-js.org/ 5 comments javascript
- Microsoft says 3D printing in Windows 8.1 will support open-source technologies http://www.geekwire.com/2013/microsoft-promises-broad-support-for-3d-printers-in-windows-8-1/ 509 comments technology
- Top 10 Open-Source Web Hosting Control Panels for Linux or Windows With Screenshots & Demos http://itswapshop.com/reviews/top-10-free-and-open-source-web-hosting-control-panels-linux-or-windows-demos 6 comments opensource
- User reports Ubuntu works better than Windows with Cemu emulator (in Wine) and PCSX2 emulator, when using AMD open-source drivers. https://www.reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/9uyr0f/amd_gpus_on_ubuntu_1810_a_report/ 30 comments linux_gaming
- Will Microsoft love Linux to death? Shuttleworth and Stallman on whether Windows 10 is free software's friend: Is Microsoft's newfound enthusiasm for open-source software genuine? http://www.techrepublic.com/article/will-microsoft-love-linux-to-death-shuttleworth-and-stallman-on-whether-windows-10-is-free-softwares/ 37 comments technology
- There's a program I rely on heavily in reddit to moderate that does not work in Windows 8/10 because it will not accept reddit's login details if .Net 4.5 installed, is this fixable (assuming it's open-source)? More details at the link https://cleanmodqueue.codeplex.com/workitem/34931 31 comments dotnet
- PowerToys is an open-source project with a set of 11 useful Windows utilities/extensions. https://www.fourth-wall.co.uk/post/powertoys-11-awesome-features-microsoft-won-t-add-to-windows 22 comments opensource
- Qualcomm Open-Source Vulkan Driver Aims To Run More Windows Games Via Wine / Proton https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Qualcomm-TURNIP-2022 48 comments linux_gaming
- A free and open-source tool to enable pasting plain, unformatted text by default in Windows, systemwide. With Ctrl+V or whatever is the app's default for pasting. https://github.com/postprintum/devcomrade#whats-new 77 comments programming
- The Sandboxie Windows sandbox isolation tool is now open-source. I guess it can help develop some security sandbox in ReactOS (if needed). https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/the-sandboxie-windows-sandbox-isolation-tool-is-now-open-source/ 3 comments reactos
- Pixel Wheels: an open-source top-down racing game for PC (Linux, Mac, Windows) and Android http://agateau.com/projects/pixelwheels/ 5 comments linux_gaming
- An easy to follow video tutorial showing you how to securely encrypt email to people (for MS Windows) using free open-source software. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nNibHgbI_w 10 comments privacy
- Gaia Sky: free, open-source, "real-time, 3D, astronomy visualisation software that runs on Windows, Linux and macOS." https://zah.uni-heidelberg.de/institutes/ari/gaia/outreach/gaiasky/ 32 comments space
- DwarfCorp, a Real-Time Strategy game with permissively-licensed open-source code, for Windows, Mac, and Linux, free during development http://www.dwarfcorp.com/site/ 6 comments opensourcegames
- Quake Live, a traditionally cross-platform game, has moved to Steam as a Windows-only game. We have an open-source third-party launcher, but they're nuking it via Steam. Speak up, my people! http://store.steampowered.com/app/282440/ 101 comments linux_gaming
- Qubes is an open-source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing using Security by Compartmentalization approach. Qubes is based on Xen, the X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications https://wiki.qubes-os.org/ 4 comments linux