- $100 That Windows Phone is Faster Than Your Phone [x-post WP7Dev] http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archive/2012/01/10/i-ve-got-100-that-says-your-smartphone-will-get-smokedbywindowsphone.aspx 31 comments technology
- Flashlight-X app for windows phone has reached 3.5M+ downloads! Share the lovely light :) http://twitter.com/asleroid/status/365062177150873600 6 comments windowsphone
- How I feel as a Windows Phone user... (x-post /r/gaming) https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/4sy6r3/how_i_feel_as_a_windows_phone_user/ 29 comments windowsphone
- (X-post) VAIO to produce Windows 10 Mobile phone http://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10M/comments/3or9wi/vaio_among_japanese_companies_planning_to_release/ 14 comments windowsphone
- Microsoft Pads Windows Phone’s Midriff With Three More Lumias (x-post from /r/technology) http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/04/lumia-830-730-735/ 4 comments windowsphone
- Codename One 1.0 Released: Build Android, iOS, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone native apps from one Java code base (X-Post from r/programming) http://www.codenameone.com/ 23 comments apple
- Over 6000 Words On Windows Phone 8 (x-post from r/Microsoft) http://unleashthephones.com/2012/11/05/windows-phone-8-review/ 8 comments windowsphone
- New Windows Phone 8 Lumia devices to be announced on September 5th? (x-post from /r/technology) http://www.neowin.net/news/new-wp8-lumia-devices-to-be-announced-on-september-5th 4 comments microsoft
- So Windows Phone 7 has no support for multi-tasking, copy/paste, Flash, etc. Why aren't people making a big deal of this, like they did with the iPhone? [x-post] http://www.reddit.com/r/gadgets/comments/ffetw/windows_phone_7_has_no_support_for_multitasking/ 286 comments apple
- X-post from /r/Windows10m -- [Great commentary from Windows Supersite] The future will be different for Windows Phone http://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10M/comments/3336xx/the_future_will_be_different_for_windows_phone/ 15 comments windowsphone
- Windows X for Phones - [Concept Art] http://stampsy.com/user/30902/latest/13072 122 comments windowsphone
- Elop: Nokia X will bring more consumers to Windows Phone http://www.engadget.com/2014/02/24/nokia-x-elop/?ncid=rss_truncated 5 comments windowsphone
- Facebook Beta Now Live in the Marketplace for Windows Phone 7.x Devices http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/facebook-beta/93da5d29-daf0-4783-9ed5-a87b33247ec6 10 comments windowsphone
- On{x} for Windows Phone? https://www.onx.ms/#!landingPage 4 comments windowsphone
- Microsoft winding down Windows Phone 8.x apps https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/search 12 comments windowsphone
- [X-post] Windows Phone gaining traction in r/funny post http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/2nujrx/my_wifis_name_is_sure_to_confuse_some_people/ 23 comments windowsphone
- Foursquare Updated (Also for Windows Phone 7.x) http://www.wpcentral.com/foursquare-windows-phone-updated-brings-new-ui-7x-users 5 comments windowsphone
- Pictastic: The first complete Instagram client for Windows Phone 7.x http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/pictastic/09c155ee-ebda-4172-a70c-b9ee7f1bce18 7 comments windowsphone
- Nokia releases Cinemagraph app for Windows Phone 7.x Lumias http://www.wpcentral.com/nokia-releases-cinemagraph-app-windows-phone-7x-lumias 7 comments windowsphone
- Mac OS X Yosemite Beta Users - Are you able to connect your phone through the Windows Phone app? http://i7.minus.com/ibi8SP67AiKyou.png 4 comments windowsphone
- Don't ever miss a single result again, with the DOTA eSport app for Windows Phone ! ;) [x-post /r/dota2] http://www.windowsphone.com/en-ca/store/app/dota-esports/a6447199-9250-4024-9de0-45fcc9a0abcc 14 comments windowsphone
- Samsung overtakes HTC as second biggest Windows Phone maker (X-post from r/samsung) http://www.windowsphone-news.com/samsung-overtakes-htc-as-second-biggest-windows-phone-maker/ 64 comments windowsphone
- Windows Phone gets text and call blocking with latest Nokia update [X-post from /r/Microsoft] http://www.theverge.com/2013/8/8/4602014/windows-phone-sms-call-blocking-nokia-update 39 comments windowsphone
- Goodbye Spotify support/updates for Windows Phone 8.x devices. http://mspoweruser.com/spotify-quietly-drops-support-for-its-windows-phone-app/ 131 comments windowsphone
- Why OS X is considered successful with a low market share and Windows Phone isn't http://www.winbeta.org/news/why-os-x-considered-successful-low-market-share-and-windows-phone-isnt?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=reddit&utm_source=news 70 comments windowsphone
- Snaptastic: The first complete Snapchat client for Windows Phone 7.x http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/snaptastic-for-snapchat/b010cf59-e9ec-4f6f-9a7e-e721d95b3dc1 34 comments windowsphone
- Skype drops support for Windows Phone 7.x http://www.engadget.com/2013/09/20/microsoft-ends-skype-support-for-windows-phone-7/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget&ncid=rss_semi 41 comments windowsphone
- Ferrari display powered by Windows Phone (pretty sure continuum) X-Post /r/formula1 https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/4b1dc5/ferrari_powered_by_windows_phone/ 3 comments windowsphone
- Indian woman develops Windows Phone "auto reply" app to help her husband manage time (x-post from /r/windowsphone) http://www.winbeta.org/news/indian-woman-develops-windows-phone-auto-reply-app-help-her-husband-manage-time 11 comments india
- Nokia reveals hugely disappointing Lumia Windows Phone sales in Q4 2013 (X-post /r/gadgets) http://betanews.com/2014/01/23/nokia-reveals-hugely-disappointing-lumia-windows-phone-sales-in-q4-2013/ 40 comments windowsphone
- For all A State Of Trance Podcast fans on Windows Phone - here is EnTrance (x-post from /r/Trance) http://www.astateoftrance.com/podcasts/ 12 comments windowsphone
- Windows Phone Microsoft Health updated today (1.3.1209.1), forces update to Band as well (x-post from /r/microsoftband http://www.reddit.com/tb/2rmecs 8 comments windowsphone
- Try SokoBomber: Windows Phone 8, Windows 8, or free in your browser! [Trailer in link too, x-post r/windowsapps] http://ernestloveland.co.za/sokobomber-game/ 3 comments windowsphone
- Want to turn your Windows phone into a wifi hotspot? TETHER-X app is featured in WP store today! http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appId=5d347c63-fba6-4092-abdf-0845db1dfe7e 28 comments windowsphone
- Microsoft makes things right with Android user who wasn't smoked by Windows Phone. [x-post from /r/technology] http://www.theverge.com/2012/3/26/2903250/microsoft-smoked-by-windows-phone-apology-sasha-katta 23 comments windowsphone
- Windows Phone users in Toronto: check out my new TTC app called TTC Scout. Simple to use, pretty and complete with real-time vehicle locations! (x-post from /r/toronto) http://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/20q0o5/windows_phone_users_check_out_my_new_ttc_app/ 6 comments windowsphone
- Important dates regarding apps with Windows Phone 8.x and earlier and Windows 8/8.1 packages submitted to Microsoft Store | Windows Developer Blog https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2018/08/20/important-dates-regarding-apps-with-windows-phone-8-x-and-earlier-and-windows-8-8-1-packages-submitted-to-microsoft-store/#PCPhHdxUh08wFDjj.97 8 comments windowsphone
- Microsoft throws Windows Phone 7.x users a bone, asks what features they want in WP 7.8 http://wmpoweruser.com/microsoft-throws-windows-phone-7-x-users-a-bone-asks-what-features-they-want-in-wp-7-8/ 20 comments windowsphone
- Tom Warren: "Would be good if Windows Phone 8.1 included 3D touch gestures and notification interaction when phone's off. A combo of Glance and Moto X :)" https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/439405061920550913 32 comments windowsphone
- Windows Phone smokes quad-core HTC One X in Malaysia http://www.wpcentral.com/windows-phone-smokes-quad-core-htc-one-x-malaysia 3 comments windowsphone