- Who's your "Oh yeah I remember that guy!" ? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/6plj5s/whos_your_oh_yeah_i_remember_that_guy/ 342 comments nba
- JSBlocks - faster than AngularJS and ReactJS. Better MV-ish Framework. Oh yeah! http://jsblocks.com/ 92 comments javascript
- Di Matteo- Yes! Oh Shit! YEAH! http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/1004907/coach2.gif 10 comments soccer
- Oh yeah, this is JJ Barea's girlfriend http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-be10dan8v78/tzqyje-bx3i/aaaaaaaabs4/3d9aaof_l20/s1600/1.jpg 13 comments nba
- "Oh, that behind me? Yeah, I designed it. No big deal" http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/s-ic_engines_and_von_braun.jpg 65 comments space
- oh yeah (pic) http://data1.blog.de/blog/m/max400slag/img/see_yourself.jpg 6 comments reddit.com
- OH YEAH! [pic] http://failblog.org/2009/02/19/graffiti-win/ 2 comments reddit.com
- Oh yeah, I guess Bush did actually do a pretty good job... http://open.salon.com/content.php?cid=91097 13 comments politics
- “To be called and texted by your coach and be like, ‘Oh yeah, I heard the news.’ Yeah, you heard the news? It happened because of you. The reason I’m gone is because of you.” - Beckham https://www.bigblueview.com/2019/7/22/20703532/odell-beckham-gq-interview-ny-giants-disrespected-dave-gettleman-cleveland-browns 39 comments nfl
- "All r/BTC does is use argument from authority. They don't get that Bitcoin doesn't have a leader" Oh yeah? Interesting... http://archive.is/VPUdb 5 comments btc
- [Oh yeah] Signore e signori, il consolato americano a Milano http://video.repubblica.it/divertimento/l-italiano-si-parla-con-le-mani-il-rap-del-consolato-usa/171132/169664 15 comments italy
- Oh yeah, guess I should've ordered an FTDI cable... http://www.adafruit.com/products/418 9 comments arduino
- 1953: Duncan Hamilton wins the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and becomes the first man to average a 100 mph speed. Oh yeah, he was drunk while he did it. http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=131963 3 comments reddit.com
- Two guys made a life-sized Lego car... Oh yeah, and it runs on air http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/18/5224774/life-sized-lego-car-runs-on-air 8 comments technology
- Congressional Salaries, per year, since 1900. Guess who controls them? Oh yeah, they do. http://theeaglesnest.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/congress-salary.jpg?w=400&h=242 4 comments politics
- WTF am I paying for this for? Oh, yeah...Comcast has a monopoly on cable service in my area. http://www.speedtest.net/result/1050761750.png 26 comments techsupport
- Senator Murkowski is blocking the bill that will raise the amount that BP can be fined in order to clean up the mess - Oh yeah, and she got 1.2 million from them. http://www.opencongress.org/articles/view/1876-murkowski-blocks-bill-to-raise-oil-companies-liability-for-spills 13 comments politics
- “Blowjob” On MSNBC. And oh yeah Dick Cheney was ordering a whole bunch of illegal shit. http://firedoglake.com/2009/07/13/marcy-wheeler-says-blowjob-on-msnbc/ 7 comments politics
- You know what they say about high-fructose corn syrup... Um. Oh yeah, it contains mercury! http://health.msn.com/medications/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100231937 2 comments science
- Giuliani says decrease need for foreign oil. Oh yeah, he was at a NASCAR race. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/g/giuliani_florida?site=tnknn&section=home&template=default 3 comments politics
- Nuclear Fusion Reaches Ignition, Dark Photons, Remote Controlled Magnetic Slime (oh yeah) & More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr0Q_LGrQcg 2 comments space
- Oh, you know how Lenovo is getting blasted by having basically a rootkit in their BIOS? With a Windows firmware executable injection feature. Yeah, seems EVERYONE is is a client and/or using this https://www.absolute.com/en/partners/compatibility?_ga=1.56042923.1462449447.1439418883 9 comments windows
- Nobody told Donnie to arrange his toys in geometric patterns. Or to juxtapose them "socially". He just does it. Oh yeah, Donnie is a dog. http://blog.mlive.com/grpress/2007/12/um_professor_explores_dog_geni.html 3 comments science
- Oh yeah... there IS a war in Afghanistan and the US has been covering up dirty secrets about that one too. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/11/world/asia/11afghan.html?_r=1&hp 8 comments worldnews
- Joey Janella: I heard @SonnyKissXO was finally on tv tonight! Oh yeah its June, & it was a Pride commercial of course! Hasn’t been in a match on tv in like 2 Years, cut the bullshit https://twitter.com/janelababy/status/1537256348597067779?s=21&t=72wt2SjKegUuUqXFv5U2dw 468 comments squaredcircle
- 23 year old female threatens a 69 year old male on a flight to Saskatoon. Oh yeah...he's a Senator, and she's his wife. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/senator-s-wife-charged-with-disturbance-on-plane-1.929234 25 comments worldnews
- NY Times - Ron Paul's Counter-Debate Hour Will Be Broadcast Live On *C-SPAN*. Oh yeah, and he's doing Leno Monday. Suck on that, Fox. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/05/new-hampshire-gop-backs-out-of-fox-forum/ 194 comments politics
- [Azarly] Nicolas Batum on if he surprised himself with his play: "Yeah. Kind of because when you start listening to all the noise, you say maybe I'm done for sure and you come back and play this way. I was kind of surprised like, 'Oh, maybe I'm not that bad actually. I'm not done.'" https://twitter.com/TomerAzarly/status/1410673172521754624 94 comments nba
- For sale - village with pub, 40 people. Sellers bought it for $56,000 and want to sell for $715,000 Greed? Oh Yeah. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100625/od_nm/us_village 3 comments reddit.com
- US spends a week worried about the amount of money lost in BP disaster. Oh yeah, 11 workers died, but they weren't rich so who cares? http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2010/05/20105902045594552.html 6 comments politics
- No knock warrant in a house with a small child leads to the arrest of a man for traffic violations. Also leads to the destruction of a parked car and an inferno which destroyed the house and almost the neighbourhood. Oh yeah, the cops also burnt a puppy to death then laughed at it. http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/2004-08-05/news/dog-day-afternoon/1 142 comments reddit.com
- Renee Paquette on Michael Cole’s recent commentary: “It makes me really happy to see him get to breathe and do his thing, but also to see people being like 'Oh shit, Cole is awesome.' It's like, 'Yeah, he is.'" https://wrestlingnews.co/wwe-news/renee-paquette-on-wwe-changes-ronda-rousey-is-being-booked-properly-shayna-baszler-is-being-booked-properly-oh-my-god-what-a-relief 104 comments squaredcircle
- [dakern74] Red Sox: First time scoring 16+ runs in a game since... oh yeah. Tuesday. Second time in franchise history doing it twice in the same road series. Thumped the A’s 18-7 and 17-7 in an Independence Day doubleheader in 1939. https://twitter.com/dakern74/status/1530039729260924929 10 comments baseball
- [Mooney] Kris Bryant on MLB’s crackdown on the sticky stuff: “We were so stupid as hitters, saying, ‘Oh, yeah, it’s for control. We just don’t want them to hit us.’ That was such a cop-out. I love that things are kind of going the other way. If we get hit, we get on-base percentage.” https://twitter.com/pj_mooney/status/1407545701060521986?s=21 114 comments baseball
- [Auman] This is correct. The exact quote from Arians on whether Bucs can win with another quarterback besides Winston: "With another quarterback? Oh, yeah. We can win with this one, we can definitely win with another one, too." Never said "if" https://twitter.com/gregauman/status/1211742475745972224?s=20 21 comments nfl
- [Stevens] John Elway was standing at DIA's baggage claim when Broncos drafted Tommy Maddox in the 1st rnd in 1992. “We needed a wideout. I said, ‘Oh (Carl) Pickens must have been gone.’ He didn’t go until the second round” Were you upset? “Sure. Yeah,” Elway said. “How’d that work out?” https://twitter.com/zacstevensbsn/status/1120762834567278592 23 comments nfl
- Blocksize discussion pre-2016: "Hey did you guys notice theres a limit on the block size?" "oh yeah, it's a spam protection" "what are we gonna do when it's not big enough?" "we'll just make it bigger" "oh okay, that makes sense". https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/8ws8om/blocksize_discussion_pre2016_hey_did_you_guys/ 71 comments btc
- Haliburton, Wall St., BP. The three most egregious violators of federal law have been all but ignored by the US Attorney General. Just what the hell is this guy doing all day? Well, let's look at his webpage. Oh, I see. Yeah, that trip to POLAND is more important. http://www.justice.gov/ag/ 5 comments politics
- Oh yeah, that healthcare bill, it also redesigned the student loan funding system. The bill will spend an additional $36 billion on Pell grants over 10 years and eliminates fees paid to private banks to act as intermediaries in student loans. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/education/22pell.html 316 comments politics
- Gentlemen! We have invented a phaser with stun setting .... but in order to work, the victim must be transparent, fed a special diet, and oh yeah must be a worm. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091118112421.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+sciencedaily+(sciencedaily%3A+latest+science+news) 5 comments science