Hacker News
- You do need a technical co-founder [video] https://www.ycombinator.com/blog/why-you-really-do-need-a-technical-co-founder/ 365 comments
- Why you still don't have a technical co-founder http://startupbeat.com/sub/2012/08/guest_column_why_you_still_dont_have_a_technical_co-founder_id2960.html 3 comments
- Do Technical Founders Need Business Co-Founders? [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43RhhwpiSk0 2 comments
- Finding a technical co-founder: You're doing it wrong. http://www.tangosource.com/blog/Finding-a-technical-co-founder-Youre-doing-it-wrong/ 20 comments
- Finding a Technical Co-Founder http://www.metamorphblog.com/2011/04/finding-a-technical-co-founder-for-your-startup.html 10 comments
- Please stop asking how to find a technical co-founder. http://www.humbledmba.com/please-please-please-stop-asking-how-to-find 103 comments
- I'm a non-technical founder looking for technical co-founder https://sites.google.com/view/upfloc/home 4 comments
- Help this guy understand how to find a technical co-founders on Jig.com https://www.jig.com/need/a-technical-co-founder 3 comments
- How to evaluate a non-technical co-founder http://blog.hirelite.com/how-to-evaluate-a-non-technical-co-founder 48 comments
- Stop Looking for a Technical Co-Founder, Learn to Code Yourself http://ror.kateray.net/post/1312957018/the-internet-teaches-you-ruby-on-rails 82 comments
- A Simple Filter to Weed Out Non-technical Co-founders http://blog.waxman.me/a-simple-filter-for-weeding-out-non-technical 30 comments
- Five killer domains I own … looking for technical co-founders. http://calacanis.com/2010/10/15/five-killer-domains-i-own-looking-for-technical-co-founders/ 53 comments
- How a Technical Co-Founder Spends His Time: Minute-By-minute Data for a Year http://jdlm.info/articles/2016/07/04/cto-time-minute-by-minute.html?r=1 2 comments
- How to Become a Technical Co-Founder in 9-12 weeks http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/226842 10 comments business
- No, I won't be your technical co-founder http://martingryner.com/no-i-wont-be-your-technical-co-founder/ 28 comments startups
- Looking for technical co-founder https://www.loom.com/share/c5baf979dc84467797712dfce02bc6b7 2 comments ruby
- Looking for technical co-founder https://www.loom.com/share/c5baf979dc84467797712dfce02bc6b7 19 comments entrepreneurridealong
- Why you won't find a technical Co-Founder https://www.breakneck.dev/blog/no-tech-cofounder 35 comments programming
- What do you do when you can´t find a technical co-founder? https://altar.io/building-a-startup-without-a-technical-co-founder/ 7 comments advancedentrepreneur
- Etherplan Welcomes Technical Co-founder! http://etherplan.com/ 18 comments ethereum
- Finding a Technical Co-Founder http://nikcub.appspot.com/finding-a-technical-co-founder 4 comments startups
- You Need a Technical Co-Founder, Not Just a Programmer https://01.media/you-need-a-technical-co-founder-not-just-a-programmer 32 comments programming
- How We Searched For & Found Our Technical Co-Founder http://utalksportsradio.com/technical-co-founder/ 5 comments startups
- Things to know before joining a startup as a technical co-founder? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6qj0c1/things_to_know_before_joining_a_startup_as_a/ 4 comments startups
- Triplebyte Co-Founder Ammon Bartram doing an AMA about technical interviews & hiring tomorrow at 11am PST https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5y4uxs/triplebyte_cofounder_ammon_bartram_doing_an_ama/ 18 comments cscareerquestions
- Just Wrote This Piece on Recruiting Technical Co-Founders. What do you guys think? http://andysparks.co/post/28923167943/recruiting-technical-co-founders 4 comments startups
- Where are the best places to look for a technical co-founder with experience in blockchain technology? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/77ijh3/where_are_the_best_places_to_look_for_a_technical/ 8 comments startups
- How much equity % should I ask for joining as a technical co-founder? http://foundrs.com/ 22 comments startups
- Looking for a second technical co-founder for our dating app http://qtcrush.com 10 comments startups
- Can you teach people how to find a technical co-founder? http://findthetechguy.com/guide/ 3 comments startups
- Advice on finding a non-technical co-founder http://founderdating.com/ 29 comments startups
- Zero to programmer. My journey from the biz dev guy to a technical co-founder http://zerotohacker.tumblr.com 27 comments startups
- Should a Non-Technical Co-Founder Learn a Language? http://erik.randomdrivel.com/articles/26/should-a-non-technical-co-founder-learn-a-language/?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4dd489b6eed99b03%2C1 5 comments startups
- We are a product in the Rideshare space looking for technical co-founder. (San Francisco Bay Area) https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4m1sy6/we_are_a_product_in_the_rideshare_space_looking/ 3 comments startups
- 4th time founder starting a new business + what I've done in the past and what I've learned the most during the ten years as a technical co-founder http://pions.io 3 comments entrepreneurridealong
- Here's what I bring to the table as a non-technical guy, how do I find a technical co-founder? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/9tnyxe/heres_what_i_bring_to_the_table_as_a_nontechnical/ 90 comments startups
- No-code Bubble raises $100M to make technical co-founders obsolete – TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/27/no-code-bubble-series-a/ 4 comments technews
- Dear Non-Technical Co-Founders: Learn to Code http://www.voodooanthology.com/2012/04/dear-non-technical-co-founders-learn-to.html 21 comments startups
- In this situation, would it be wise to look for developers (in exchange for salary) or a technical co-founder (in exchange for equity)? http://www.wanderlust.ly 11 comments startups
- The answer to the eternal question: "Where do I find a technical co-founder?" - great post by Devin Hunt http://www.hailpixel.com/articles/technical-cofounders 12 comments startups