- Meet the Former Bike Executive Who Could Crush Scott Walker's White House Dreams http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/mary-burke-scott-walker-wisconsin 57 comments politics
- Scott Walker opens up about White House ambitions http://www.politico.com/story/2013/03/walker-opens-up-about-white-house-ambitions-88938.html 8 comments politics
- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker advising White House on how to drastically weaken collective bargaining for federal union members http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/scott-walker-advises-white-house-gutting-federal-unions-article-1.2961839?cid=bitly 205 comments politics
- Scott Walker's withdrawal from White House race shows money isn't everything http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/sep/22/scott-walkers-withdrawal-from-white-house-race-shows-money-isnt-everything 8 comments politics
- As Scott Walker mulls White House bid, a spotlight on his jobs agency http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/15/us-usa-politics-walker-iduskbn0lj0r320150215 12 comments politics
- As Scott Walker mulls White House bid, questions linger over college exit http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/as-scott-walker-mulls-white-house-bid-questions-linger-over-college-exit/2015/02/11/8e17ea44-b13e-11e4-886b-c22184f27c35_story.html 8 comments politics
- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Preps For 2016 White House Run By Proving Government Can’t Do Anything Right http://wonkette.com/519235/wisconsin-gov-scott-walker-preps-for-2016-white-house-run-by-proving-government-cant-do-anything-right#lc8xfiy87rmufy31.16 5 comments politics
- As the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker could be forgiven for knowing very little about foreign policy. But now the Tea Party Republican has White House ambitions. http://m.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/02/scott-walkers-naive-foreign-policy-beliefs/385104/ 3 comments politics
- Scott Walker limps toward 2016: "Instead of realigning Wisconsin behind a new vision for conservative reform — and perhaps vaulting himself into the White House in the process — Walker is struggling to assemble a bare majority that will keep him in the job he has." http://www.politico.com/story/2014/10/scott-walker-2016-election-wisconsin-burke-governor-112275.html?ml=tb 6 comments politics
- A super PAC backing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's run for the White House announced a $9.25 million ad buy Wednesday for three early voting states, expanding on a $7 million television ad campaign that starts in Iowa next week http://bigstory.ap.org/article/37bd8a54075e4b6a8093ea457569f483/super-pac-backing-scott-walker-announces-9-million-ad-buy 6 comments politics