Hacker News
- SEC Charges Nvidia with Inadequate Disclosures about Impact of Cryptomining https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2022-79-0 144 comments
- Calpers CIO made false disclosure, resigns 2 days later https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2020/08/calpers-chief-investment-officer-ben-meng-made-false-felonious-financial-disclosure-report-more-proof-of-lack-of-compliance-under-marcie-frost.html 2 comments
- What Kamala Harris' latest financial disclosure reveals about her investment portfolio https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/26/what-kamala-harris-financial-disclosure-reveals-about-her-investments.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard 28 comments politics
- [Gonzalez] A bankruptcy judge approved Diamond Sports Group’s disclosure statement. Solicitation is next week; confirmation is in June. Diamond is still trying to secure distribution deals with DirecTV & Comcast. It said it has proposals for linear & digital deals in front of the NHL & NBA. https://x.com/alden_gonzalez/status/1780620391410704684?s=61&t=lhIY40ztlJHFYIEmq9ss1A 3 comments baseball
- AI-powered romantic chatbots are a privacy nightmare They collect massive amounts of data with little disclosure about its use. https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/02/ai-powered-romantic-chatbots-are-a-privacy-nightmare/ 5 comments technology
- AI-powered romantic chatbots are a privacy nightmare | They collect massive amounts of data with little disclosure about its use. https://arstechnica.com/ai/2024/02/ai-powered-romantic-chatbots-are-a-privacy-nightmare/ 40 comments technews
- MH370x Disclosure (Ashton Forbes on X) https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1715882849448943786?s=35 318 comments aliens
- California Governor to Sign Landmark Climate Disclosure Bill | The first-in-the-nation law will compel major companies to publicly disclose their carbon dioxide emissions and could have national repercussions. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/17/climate/california-climate-disclosure-law.html?unlocked_article_code=JTZJaVGAB_tuDJs-YFUYhHZLggaV4z_dqIuYl-NtB2i1Tdy2zaxW9z95Ovnu50OHdE_FvgMbwQ0M48TRXbIkHGO_SEQYycIpVaGoCVaX66HAMH0xu9Bq44WqBOizA0H_1eQT8B3YcVgwX-ATQ52UGOgVQ27qmCtVZxBZpydXipx1xMyUPJJMaGHqY-ocvy9Gvl51dM6OIXzrEHqHCaHJhYGK-oPX81KqoPwSCmj899U4amsmwgO-cD68yjvi4D5TqAMaNi-p84zoE88-IYgbdfmeLdnl2ZpU86avpFbFcQilDIgnwEQaalgk2yhsiSgalvWIRYn4kvgX6gNau1m6NvP1aRUSop3tDmb2 19 comments climate
- Rick Scott GOP plan promises to outlaw race disclosures in any government form, including the 2030 census https://www.businessinsider.com/rick-scott-plan-ban-the-box-race-disclosure-government-forms-2022-2 45 comments politics
- Credit Suisse responds to Suisse secrets disclosures https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/feb/20/credit-suisse-responds-suisse-secrets-disclosures-statement-switzerland 3 comments europe
- White House further postpones disclosure of JFK assassination documents, citing Covid https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/22/politics/white-house-biden-john-f-kennedy-documents-covid/index.html 51 comments politics
- Dallas Fed’s Robert Kaplan Was Active Buyer and Seller of Stocks Last Year - Eleven of the Fed’s 12 regional banks have provided disclosures of their leaders’ 2020 financial profiles in recent days https://www.wsj.com/articles/dallas-feds-robert-kaplan-was-active-buyer-and-seller-of-stocks-last-year-11631044094 23 comments wallstreetbets
- [Sam Lee] New Messi story here. Full disclosure: City’s line is the same as ever: it’s not happening. My info: the next few days are decisive. City are ready to sign Messi if he does leave Barca on a free. @David_Ornstein info: Messi’s already spoken to Guardiola https://twitter.com/SamLee/status/1298377173456355329 17 comments soccer
- Sam Lee: New Messi story here. Full disclosure: City’s line is the same as ever: it’s not happening. My info: the next few days are decisive. City are ready to sign Messi if he does leave Barca on a free. @David_Ornstein info: Messi’s already spoken to Guardiola https://twitter.com/samlee/status/1298377173456355329?s=21 7 comments soccer
- Trump administration blocks public disclosure on coronavirus supplies https://news.yahoo.com/trump-administration-blocks-public-disclosure-201712643.html 35 comments politics
- Buttigieg omitted high-powered bundlers from disclosure https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/17/buttigieg-bundlers-2020-elections-086728 6 comments politics
- Dark Money Groups Drove Support for IRS Rule Eliminating Donor Disclosure - A proposed rule could hinder government efforts to identify the illegal use of foreign money in U.S. elections. https://truthout.org/articles/dark-money-groups-drove-support-for-irs-rule-eliminating-donor-disclosure/ 3 comments politics
- DOJ Motion to Stay Disclosure Order Pending Appeal https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6531379/stay.pdf 14 comments moderatepolitics
- Why UFO Disclosure needs to happen ASAP (and how you can help force it) https://medium.com/@theoryqed/why-ufo-disclosure-needs-to-happen-asap-and-how-you-can-help-force-it-1e4860b6213d 3 comments aliens
- Please join me in petitioning the US Congress to give public hearings on the recent disclosure of UFOs as reality https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-people-demand-public-hearings-disclosing-our-governments-knowledge-ufo-issue 77 comments aliens
- UFO Disclosure – How the World is Being Prepared https://anomalien.com/ufo-disclosure-how-the-world-is-being-prepared/ 45 comments aliens
- Disclosure: Rape victims among those to be asked to hand phones to police. Victims of crimes, including those alleging rape, are to be asked to hand their phones over to police - or risk prosecutions not going ahead. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-48086244 513 comments worldnews
- ARCA Space on Facebook: "The era of clean, safe and affordable electric, rockets has begun. Stay tuned for April 29th, 2019 disclosure." https://www.facebook.com/arcaspace/videos/637350270043435/ 4 comments space
- Does anyone else find a widespread multi-year disclosure campaign to be plausible and/or have you ever witnessed possible evidence of such a phenomena? https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/9u0wk4/does_anyone_else_find_a_widespread_multiyear/ 9 comments aliens
- Goldman Sachs - Made a mistake filling out a disclosure https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/78s0uv/goldman_sachs_made_a_mistake_filling_out_a/ 4 comments cscareerquestions
- OpenBSD developer responds to the accusation that they didn't honor the embargo of KRACK attack disclosure https://lobste.rs/s/dwzplh/krack_attacks_breaking_wpa2#c_pbhnfz 41 comments linux
- Trump's lawyer says Comey made 'unauthorized disclosures' to press https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/08/trump-lawyer-james-comey-unauthorized-disclosures-press 11 comments politics
- Trump's Disclosure Endangered Spy Placed Inside ISIS by Israel, officials say http://abcnews.go.com/blotter/trumps-disclosure-endangered-spy-inside-isis-israel-officials/story?id=47449304&cid=clicksource_4380645_2_three_posts_vert_hed 31 comments politics
- Is Disclosure Dead? - Paranoia Magazine http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/2017/01/is-disclosure-dead/ 9 comments aliens
- Financial Disclosure Outlines Trump's Claimed Assets, Income http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/financial-disclosure-outlines-trump-s-claimed-assets-income-n576206 3 comments politics
- US discloses Saudi holdings of Treasuries for first time; Disclosure follows Saudi threat to sell $750b of Treasuries and other assets http://gulfnews.com/business/sectors/government/us-discloses-saudi-holdings-of-treasuries-for-first-time-1.1829113 3 comments economy
- Senator Warren Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Employers From Requiring Credit Report Disclosure http://www.warren.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=917 77 comments politics
- US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims | World news http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/28/drone-civilian-casualties-senate-bill-feinstein-clapper 68 comments worldnews
- Phil Schneider - his initial disclosure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-It3ZyAc34 6 comments aliens
- More Israel disclosures in Snowden’s trove of 'significant stories' – Greenwald http://rt.com/news/snowden-leaks-nsa-greenwald-264/ 91 comments worldnews
- Obama built his political identity on revulsion at the excesses of the Bush years. Yet, from warrantless wiretapping and torture to dodgy intelligence in Iraq, he knew of those excesses because of unauthorized disclosures to the press. Without leaks, Barack Obama might never have been elected http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2013/06/was-cheney-right-about-obama.html 8 comments politics
- Not one Republican in the Senate showed the courage to break ranks and speak up for the disclosure of top-dollar donors to political campaigns http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/17/opinion/the-power-of-anonymity.html 991 comments politics
- Krugman on what a difference a generation makes in wealth creation, its taxation and its disclosure in a presidential campaign. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/09/opinion/krugman-mitts-gray-areas.html?_r=4&ref=opinion 5 comments politics
- Apache httpOnly Cookie Disclosure http://fd.the-wildcat.de/apache_e36a9cf46c.php 3 comments netsec
- Disclosure, by Michael Crichton - sexual harassment in reverse | BookGazette http://bookgazette.com/2010/disclosure-by-michael-crichton-sexual-harassment-in-reverse/ 6 comments books