Hacker News
- Just had a random interaction with a new founder explaining his startup to me https://twitter.com/mitchellh/status/1757826736677662966 3 comments
- EU’s New VAT Rules Could Create a Mess for Startups http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/25/eus-new-vatmoss-rules-could-create-a-vatmess-for-startups/ 128 comments
- New startup Venteo – Say hello :] http://venteo.co/ 2 comments
- Mastercard’s Crypto Accelerator Program Unveils 7 New Startups https://crypto.news/mastercards-crypto-accelerator-program-unveils-7-new-startups/ 17 comments cryptocurrency
- London becomes home to a record 18,549 new tech startups https://www.uktech.news/tech-hubs/the-south-east-of-england/london/london-startups-ech-incorporations-2021-20220428 5 comments technews
- Welcome to our new startup Hearted and our new app https://hearted-website.vercel.app/ 3 comments startups
- New Startup introducing the Metaverse to business with Virtualized Events gains momentum. https://www.fastcompany.com/90692692/gather-inclusive-metaverse-vr 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Facebook Acquires New York Startup CTRL-labs For $1 Billion https://www.ibtimes.com/facebook-acquires-new-york-startup-ctrl-labs-1-billion-2831819 22 comments business
- Company/Return address help for new startup https://www.reddit.com/r/ecommerce/comments/cqewhx/companyreturn_address_help_for_new_startup/ 7 comments ecommerce
- Startup VS high-tier (B4) company for new grad https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/74hh57/startup_vs_hightier_b4_company_for_new_grad/ 21 comments cscareerquestions
- Looking to incorporate new startup. Should I do NY state LLC or Delaware C Corp? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/6pkd81/looking_to_incorporate_new_startup_should_i_do_ny/ 10 comments startups
- Got a new job at a startup. They lied about working hours and their cashflow https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/4zm69d/got_a_new_job_at_a_startup_they_lied_about/ 57 comments cscareerquestions
- What do you want to know about a new startup? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4yb8u9/what_do_you_want_to_know_about_a_new_startup/ 11 comments startups
- Google has a new division called 'Area 120' where employees can build their own startups http://uk.businessinsider.com/google-is-building-an-in-house-startup-incubator-2016-4? 4 comments technology
- Startup - we're about to launch our new social network for stock tips https://www.tipdoff.com?r=seabass1 21 comments growmybusiness
- Make Us Proud - New UI and UX startup in London UK http://www.make-us-proud.com 21 comments startups
- New startup. Pretty good feedback so far. What do you guys think? http://canopy.co/ 8 comments web_design
- A new startup for directly supporting TV shows, thoughts? http://reupp.com 30 comments startups
- Want your cool new startup to *appear* reliable and super legit? http://thestartuplegitimizer.com/ 43 comments webdev
- Is your video interactive? ... new startup, looking for feedback http://www.themadvideo.com 6 comments startups
- Newspapers are the New Startups http://blog.parsely.com/post/33843943455/newspapers-are-the-new-startups 3 comments startups
- My new startup aimed at Instagram users. What do you guys think? http://instatrip.it 42 comments startups
- Why Reddit's Founder was "Terrified" to Launch New Startup, Hipmunk http://www.readwriteweb.com/start/2010/08/why-reddits-founder-was-terrified-launch-new-startup-hipmunk.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+readwriteweb+%28readwriteweb%29&utm_content=twitter 4 comments reddit.com
- We're a small startup that just launched a new course teaching C++ Standard Library. Can we get your thoughts? https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/9tlxi1/were_a_small_startup_that_just_launched_a_new/ 3 comments cpp
- The UK government is giving AI startups access to serious computation power at a new 'Machine Intelligence Garage' http://www.businessinsider.com/uk-government-gives-ai-startups-access-to-computation-power-2017-12 3 comments artificial
- New twist on old programming language gives startups unfair advantage https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-twist-old-programming-language-gives-startups-unfair-jordan-dimov 4 comments elixir
- My new startup is trending today on Product Hunt! I wanted to share it here too. AMA! http://www.decoydigits.com 96 comments startups
- Launched my new startup on monday: A new way to find high-quality content on the web http://briarpat.ch/hot 25 comments startups
- Show /r/startups: My new startup. Music Videos, MTV style. Head to head with VEVO? http://www.attictv.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=initialtraffic 32 comments startups
- New (Y Combinator?) startup: "... a new kind of ad server. There is no click fraud." http://madhens.zeegry.com/index 26 comments reddit.com
- A new San Francisco-based startup is aiming to kill off patent infringement lawsuits brought forth by patent trolls http://bgr.com/2013/04/08/patent-trolls-google-startup-423553/ 323 comments technology
- Maui 2.1 is now out! Faster startup times, more features, and more stability. Available for Linux on desktops and phone devices, and Android. Find out what's new in this release [Link in the comments] https://mauikit.org/blog/maui-2-1-0-release/ 21 comments kde
- Facebook on Monday announced the acquisition of CTRL-labs, a New York startup that specializes in allowing humans to control computers using their brains. The size of the deal was approximately $1 billion, a source familiar with the matter told CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/23/facebook-announces-acquisition-of-brain-computing-start-up-ctrl-labs.html 7 comments worldnews
- New build posts but no display, motherboard fails to detect CPU for a split second on startup https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/8vyq2n/new_build_posts_but_no_display_motherboard_fails/ 6 comments techsupport
- Pinterest wins Best New Startup of 2011 Crunchie, now driving more referrals than Reddit http://venturebeat.com/2012/02/01/pinterest-best-new-startup-2011-crunchie-referral-traffic-reddit/ 4 comments startups
- New York Governor vetoes bill that would have made electric scooters legal - Scooter startups, public safety, and food delivery make for a complicated mix. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/12/new-york-governor-vetoes-bill-that-would-have-made-electric-scooters-legal/ 6 comments technology
- Eric Ries new book, The Lean Startup, debuts at #2 on New York Times best seller list. Be prepared for a world of hurt as mainstream idiots jump on the lean startup bandwagon :( http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/2011/09/best-birthday-ever.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=feed%3A+startup%2Flessons%2Flearned+%28lessons+learned%29 20 comments startups
- Hey reddit, I just joined this new startup (hipmunk) started by my friend, and reddit co-founder, spez. Would love your feedback. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20015780-36.html?part%3Drss%26tag%3Dfeed%26subj%3Dthesocial 10 comments reddit.com
- New scala native GC - Fast startup and low latency: pick two (slides, pdf) https://github.com/densh/talks/raw/ebb8f1f4b54bdc6d1a55b962d9d5306ec2cc97d4/2017-06-01-fast-startup-and-low-latency.pdf 24 comments scala
- Phantom Space: A new rocket startup says it can launch at half the cost of SpaceX https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/phantom-space-a-new-rocket-startup-says-it-can-launch-rockets-at-half-the-cost-of-spacex 290 comments space