Hacker News
- New YC startup: Send photos from your phone to your blog, MySpace, etc. http://www.heysan.com/ 13 comments
- Andrew Chen: Do you ever say, "MySpace is sooo ugly?" This blog's for you... http://andrewchen.typepad.com/andrew_chens_blog/2007/11/do-you-ever-say.html 22 comments
- Donald Trump mocked for new ‘communications platform’ that is actually just a blog | On Twitter, users wondered if it is powered by GeoCities, WordPress or MySpace https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-blog-desk-facebook-b1842142.html 52 comments politics
- Riddle me this- what happens to your blog if you die? What happens to your Facebook account? What about Twitter, MySpace, etc. http://lawvibe.com/planning-your-digital-estate-dealing-with-online-data-after-death/ 5 comments reddit.com
- Who says all rappers are dumb? Interesting read from Immortal Technique's Mysplace blog. Yes it is myspace, but it is the blog section. Worth the read IMO. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.listall&friendid=4010185 6 comments reddit.com
- Myspace deleted all profiles, blogs and e-mails 1 week ago today, and supposedly with no warning. http://www.viewdocsonline.com/document/i3ravu 4 comments technology
- YCombinator-funded Kiko launches Kiko Events (publish events to your myspace, blog, etc) http://www.kiko.com/event 4 comments reddit.com
- City of Bozeman, Montana asks job applicants to list their usernames and *passwords* for any social networking site (including FaceBook, YouTube, MySpace) and blogs that they currently participate in. http://www.popehat.com/2009/06/18/if-you-comment-here-on-popehat-kiss-that-sweet-city-job-with-bozeman-goodbye/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Fighting the Main-Stream Media with the Blog of the Day: Canada's Sarnia 9/11 Truth Now (definitely one of the better myspace pages) http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=362330382 17 comments reddit.com