- My React App is Slow and I Don't Know Why https://alexsidorenko.com/blog/react-performance-tools/ 9 comments reactjs
- Is React DevTools slow for your app? https://github.com/facebook/react-devtools/issues/1200 13 comments reactjs
- Improving slow mounts in React apps https://aggelosarvanitakis.medium.com/improving-slow-mounts-in-react-apps-cff5117696dc?source=friends_link&sk=f0ec0408c4f0c744c6d4f4748267d174 9 comments reactjs
- How to use React Suspense and Time Slicing to make your slow apps better https://medium.com/@swizec/how-to-use-react-suspense-and-time-slicing-to-visualize-large-datasets-b35dd86d3756?source=linkShare-8e43dcd3c21f-1536688242 25 comments reactjs
- My React app is running pretty slow (On scroll and fetching data from server) https://github.com/AtkinYo/mock-twitter 10 comments reactjs