Hacker News
- Show HN: Mini-Woo, luanch Telegram mini app for WooCommerce in seconds https://github.com/mini-woo/mini-woo 12 comments
- Return of the Thin Client: Microsoft's New Mini PC Can't Run Apps https://www.howtogeek.com/microsofts-windows-365-link-debut/ 3 comments
- Apple Confirms It Shut Down iMessage for Android App Beeper Mini https://www.macrumors.com/2023/12/10/apple-confirms-it-shut-down-beeper-mini/ 2 comments
- Line Partners With Sony's Soneium to Launch Blockchain Mini-Apps for 200 Million Users – News Bytes Bitcoin News https://news.bitcoin.com/line-partners-with-sonys-soneium-to-launch-blockchain-mini-apps-for-200-million-users/ 0 comments cryptocurrency
- The Magic of iOS ‘App Clip’ Demos - I played a game without downloading an app. It was seamless and smooth and should be a new path for trials and mini-apps. https://500ish.com/the-magic-of-ios-app-clip-demos-b7032075ae76 47 comments apple
- My team made a free mini-app to build responsive emails with drag-and-drop https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/comments/4vuox7/my_team_made_a_free_miniapp_to_build_responsive/ 12 comments marketing
- Flask app for mini project https://github.com/Aaris-Kazi/DIsease-Prediction-Online 4 comments flask
- What does r/web_design think of my first mini app? http://apps.bruceb.com/apps/rgb/ 5 comments web_design
- Opera Mini approved for the App Store http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2010/04/13/ 5 comments browsers
- Opera Mini Approved for the App Store http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2010/04/13/ 628 comments technology
- Time since Opera Mini was submitted to the iPhone App store http://my.opera.com/community/countup/ 561 comments programming
- Beeper Mini is the iMessage for Android app we’ve been waiting for - Mishaal Rahman https://www.androidauthority.com/beeper-mini-imessage-for-android-3391509/ 483 comments android
- Mini Diary - Simple and secure journal app https://minidiary.app/ 6 comments privacy
- My first Django (open source) app - mini reddit.com http://linkresting.com 15 comments django
- Facebook uses Mac Minis to test their mobile app http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/12/apples-mac-mini-reborn/ 14 comments apple
- Opera Mini now the number one free download in all 22 App Stores http://www.engadget.com/2010/04/14/opera-mini-now-the-number-one-free-download-in-all-22-app-stores/ 8 comments reddit.com
- Opera Mini App approved for the App Store http://www.opera.com/press/releases/2010/04/13/ 186 comments programming
- Paytm Launches its Own Mini App Store For Indian Developers https://techdator.net/paytm-launches-its-own-mini-app-store-for-indian-developers/ 3 comments india
- Opera Mini flagged as "Adult" on iTunes App Store...makes you say what about Safari? http://www.neverknowtech.com/home/2010/5/21/opera-mini-flagged-as-adult-on-app-store.html 18 comments technology
- Opera Mini for iPhone/iPod Touch gets approved to the app store http://my.opera.com/community/blog/opera-mini-iphone 3 comments apple
- Grasshopper is an app for learning JavaScript through mini-games https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/19/17258694/grasshopper-javascript-mini-games 11 comments javascript
- Mini-Opera, Firefox on the iPhone? Apple Allows 3rd Party Browsers at the App Store http://www.macrumors.com/2009/01/13/apple-allows-3rd-party-web-browsers-in-app-store/ 7 comments apple
- I've created a mini social app(looks like Instagram) https://pixagramweb.herokuapp.com/ 2 comments reactjs
- I've created a mini social app that looks like Instagram. https://pixagramweb.herokuapp.com 6 comments webdev
- KDE Connect's Android App Gets a Mini Makeover - OMG! Ubuntu! https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/05/kde-connect-android-redesign-rolling-out 15 comments kde
- Mini apps could reinvent the way you use your iPhone. China led the way https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/13/tech/apple-tencent-mini-programs-intl-hnk/index.html 29 comments apple
- The JHipster Mini-book: how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/jhipster-mini-book?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=external 3 comments angularjs
- Built my first python/Flask mini web app. Looking for feedback on structure! http://robz228.pythonanywhere.com 3 comments webdev
- ELI5: Apple introduces new options worldwide for streaming game services and apps that provide access to mini apps and games https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=f1v8pyay 3 comments iosprogramming
- Apple blocked Beeper Mini’s iMessage Android app, but Beeper will keep pushing https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/12/beeper-minis-imessage-app-for-android-is-broken-possibly-by-apple/ 92 comments business
- Developers Begin Receiving Mac Mini With A12Z Chip to Prepare Apps for Apple Silicon Macs https://www.macrumors.com/2020/06/29/mac-mini-developer-transition-kit-arriving/ 6 comments technology
- Developers Begin Receiving Mac Mini With A12Z Chip to Prepare Apps for Apple Silicon Macs https://www.macrumors.com/2020/06/29/mac-mini-developer-transition-kit-arriving/ 645 comments apple
- To support those working from home, under quarantine, and in social isolation Mini Metro available for free on the App Store this week. https://apps.apple.com/tr/app/mini-metro/id837860959 52 comments apple
- Silveos mini-OS for Windows phone: I guarantee that if you dont love this app, you'll at least agree it's an original and well-implemented concept! http://www.windowsphone.com/s?appid=bd3a02de-e085-e011-986b-78e7d1fa76f8 10 comments windowsphone
- MS should buy Paper by 53 (former Courier team) combine with OneNote in a universal app. With surface pro 3, and a new Lumia Note (the reincarnation of the Surface Mini?), that would actually be mind blowing. http://m.fastcodesign.com/3030909/microsofts-surface-pro-3-the-tablet-that-could-finally-get-you-to-ditch-paper 23 comments windowsphone
- I made a composer package that uses GPT 4o Mini to write documentation for your Laravel app! It's super cheap cost wise, customisable and skips any generated files allowing top-ups after new files are added! Let me know your feedback <3 https://github.com/genericmilk/docudoodle 14 comments laravel
- Apple today introduced a new mini website that's dedicated to the Wallet app on the iPhone, highlighting the benefits and features that are available. https://www.apple.com/wallet/ 122 comments apple
- I'm giving away a HomePod mini to a random commenter to celebrate the launch of my Playlist Cover Maker app, DENIM. With Denim, create cover art like on Apple’s own playlists, so yours look just as amazing. Simply leave a comment to enter the contest. Winner announced in 24hrs at 2PM PST. Good luck! https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/kpu8pe/im_giving_away_a_homepod_mini_to_a_random/ 2933 comments apple
- I just cycled 9.5 kilometres or 5.9 miles around a village in Vietnam together with a DJI Mavic Mini drone using automatic follow mode of Litchi app. This app is still in beta testing phase so needs a lot of improvements. Video is 20x faster. https://youtu.be/XBb-u7D9knw 5 comments bicycling
- Let's hit back Facebook on Net Neutrality where it hurts the most! Restrict the data they collect from you by using Tinfoil for Android and Opera Mini instead of the Facebook App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.danvelazco.fbwrapper&hl=en 62 comments india