Hacker News
- Mind the Mass Gap https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/mind-the-mass-gap/ 2 comments
- SSE: mind the gap https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/sse-mind-the-gap/ 34 comments
- Mind the Gap http://www.paulgraham.com/gap.html 5 comments
- Mind the Gaps https://asthasr.github.io/posts/mind-the-gaps/ 2 comments education , practices
- SSE: mind the gap! https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/sse-mind-the-gap/ 2 comments assembly
- Mind the gap: Southern European economies have diverged https://www.politico.eu/article/mind-the-gap-southern-european-economies-have-diverged-spain-italy-portugal-greece/ 32 comments economics
- Mind the gap: Southern European economies have diverged https://www.politico.eu/article/mind-the-gap-southern-european-economies-have-diverged-spain-italy-portugal-greece/ 17 comments europe
- Women don’t mind a gender pay gap if they benefit from it, a new study shows https://www.marketwatch.com/story/women-dont-mind-a-gender-pay-gap-if-they-benefit-from-it-a-new-study-shows-11623341604 216 comments science
- Would a gap in career be a huge factor in recruiters mind if I wanna come back to IT field? https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/7bttz9/would_a_gap_in_career_be_a_huge_factor_in/ 3 comments india
- [x-post /r/MontrealCycling] Montreal’s bike path network: Mind the gaps http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/cyclists-say-montreals-bike-path-often-leads-nowhere 4 comments bicycling
- Mind the Gap: The Go-2 Project http://underlap.blogspot.com/2015/04/go2.html 9 comments golang
- New Yorker reports twin prime gap down 246. Is this right? That blows my mind. What are the implications for future research? http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/video-yitang-zhang-discovery 22 comments math
- British Censors Mind the Thigh Gap http://reason.com/blog/2015/01/06/uk-censors-mind-the-thigh-gap 12 comments europe
- Don't mind the gap, we're Indian http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/stoi/deep-focus/dont-mind-the-gap-were-indian/articleshow/43046689.cms 5 comments india
- MIND THE GAP: RF MICRO DEVICES STOCK (RFMD) ANALYSIS http://reddysetgo.com/investing/rf-micro-devices-stock-rfmd-analysis/ 4 comments stocks
- Mind the Gap Tube announcement returns after wife's plea http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-21719848 16 comments worldnews
- Why Brown Snakes Don't Mind the Gaps http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/07/why-brown-snakes-dont-mind-the.html 6 comments science
- Mind the gap http://nicholasbishop.net/wordpress/?p=494 3 comments programming
- DO mind the gap. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m00drz9hjv1qcs7lbo1_500.jpg 86 comments soccer
- Mind the Gap http://www.maa.org/columns/launchings/launchings_02_09.html 20 comments math
- Django on Jython: Minding the Gap http://zyasoft.com/pythoneering/2008/01/django-on-jython-minding-gap.html 2 comments programming
- Mind the Gap http://paulgraham.com/gap.html 64 comments reddit.com
- As India gets vaccinated, women are falling behind. We must mind this gap https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/as-india-gets-vaccinated-women-are-falling-behind-we-must-mind-this-gap-covid-7368044/ 6 comments india
- Women don’t mind a gender pay gap if they benefit from it, a new study shows [June 10, 2021] https://www.marketwatch.com/story/women-dont-mind-a-gender-pay-gap-if-they-benefit-from-it-a-new-study-shows-11623341604 29 comments science
- No half measures and mind the gap: UK nod for AstraZeneca vaccine raises more questions https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-vaccine-ap/no-half-measures-and-mind-the-gap-uk-nod-for-astrazeneca-vaccine-raises-more-questions-iduskbn2941wr?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter 6 comments worldnews
- Recently published: “Mind the Gap: a handbook of clinical signs on black and brown skin”. Some good news in 2020. https://www.sgul.ac.uk/news/mind-the-gap-a-handbook-of-clinical-signs-on-black-and-brown-skin 6 comments worldnews
- Voice of London's iconic 'Mind the Gap' warning has died http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2016-04/15/phil-sayer-mind-the-gap-london-dies 6 comments worldnews
- Mind The Gap: The Great Disparity in Minor League Salaries http://piratesbreakdown.com/2016/03/minor-league-baseball-salaries-mind-the-gap/ 34 comments baseball
- Mind the Fracking Data Gap, Study Says | The UT-Austin re-analysis found that there is 95 percent certainty that childhood leukemia rates are higher in Flower Mound, and that there is only a 1 in 20 chance that the possible elevated cancer rate there is a random occurrence. http://www.climatecentral.org/news/study-highlights-lack-of-fracking-research-data-17251 68 comments science
- Federal Regulators Finally "Mind the Gap": Corporations will no doubt flood the public comment period with predictions of doom and gloom should the SEC's ratio disclosure go into effect. http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/18982-federal-regulators-finally-mind-the-gap 6 comments politics
- Rachel Maddow: Picking a president? Mind the income gap. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/39107968#39107968 6 comments politics
- Latest Paul Graham Essay - MInd The Gap http://paulgraham.com/gap.html?a 3 comments reddit.com
- 24 hour wind+ powered mind. The mining facility’s contract is for an uninterrupted supply of 70MW around the clock. ~1/2 of Neoen’s 412MW wind farm Goyder South is “dedicated” to the BHP contract. They add the 200MW two hour (400MWh) nearby’ Blyth battery to fill in the gaps. https://reneweconomy.com.au/how-a-wind-farm-and-a-big-battery-will-deliver-24-7-power-to-one-of-worlds-biggest-mines/ 14 comments futurology
- Analyzing the entirety of Zarathustra's Prologue will create a void and spark a desire to look into oneself to individuate, but you must fill your knowledge gaps and encounter what surfaces in your mind to understand it fully and act on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-WTbQWiKp8 7 comments philosophy
- Why you don't know your own mind: the consciousness you think you have isn't the consciousness you actually have, because there's always a gap between reality and what humans intuit - ascertaining which parts are accurate should be the top priority for philosophers of mind https://iai.tv/articles/why-you-dont-know-your-own-mind-auid-1297 264 comments philosophy
- Mind the power gap. The question is not about Chinese intentions. India must track surge in China’s economic, military capacities http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/india-china-standoff-mind-the-power-gap-4777926/ 4 comments india
- Take a virtual journey to the Soviet reality by following us in the best museums. This is Museum of Soviet Lifestyle in Kazan. Please, mind the gap in times. http://rbth.ru/multimedia/video/2013/09/19/back_in_ussr_soviet_lifestyle_museum_in_kazan_29971.html 4 comments russia
- Mind the Income Gap. Manhattan has the highest wealth disparity in the country. How does that make you feel? http://nymag.com/guides/money/2006/23488/index.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Mind the gap: Why the decline of Harappan civilisation sent India's sewage system down the drain - How did a country home to the world's oldest sophisticated toilets became the ground for Bezwada Wilson's battle against manual scavenging? http://scroll.in/article/813120/mind-the-gap-why-the-decline-of-harappan-civilisation-sent-indias-sewage-system-down-the-drain 5 comments india
- On Sunday, in a match between Brann and Lillestrøm, Lillestrøm fans held up a banner showing the well known 'Mind the Gap' sign from London's Underground, a reference to the Brann fan who lost his leg in a train accident a month prior. https://www.tv2.no/sport/10128947/ 15 comments soccer