- This map shows the median household income for each county in the United States. http://blog.expertmarket.us/median-household-income-map 5 comments economy
- A state senator is working on a constitutional amendment that would tie legislators' salaries to the median family household income in the state of Alabama. http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/article/20111028/news02/110280328/amendment-would-tie-legislators-salary-median-household-income 264 comments politics
- Members of State and Federal Congresses should make yearly salaries equal to the median income of their district! http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/income/statemedfaminc.html 13 comments politics
- Real Median Personal Income in the United States (MEPAINUSA672N) | FRED https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N 31 comments dataisbeautiful
- As President [of the United States], I will accept a salary of no more than $39,336. This is an amount approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker. http://www.cnbc.com/id/45207402 42 comments politics
- Lifetime Incomes in the United States over Six Decades: " First, from the cohort that entered the labor market in 1967 to the cohort that entered in 1983, median lifetime income of men declined by 10%–19%." https://www.nber.org/papers/w23371 3 comments economy
- The average worker in states with right to work laws makes $5,971 less annually than workers in states without right to work laws. Median household income in states with these laws is $6,568 less than in other states ($49,220 vs. $55,788). http://www.aflcio.org/legislation-and-politics/state-legislative-battles/ongoing-state-legislative-attacks/right-to-work 11 comments politics
- The United States is a low-wage nation: USA leads developed countries in percentage of workers earning less than 2/3 of the median income http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/04/24/1086098/-the-united-states-is-a-low-wage-nation 29 comments politics
- The Most Important Economic Chart: productivity, or output per hour of work, has quadrupled since 1947 in the United States, while we observe remarkable separation in productivity and median real income since 1980 http://houseofdebt.org/2014/03/18/the-most-important-economic-chart.html 7 comments politics
- The median income in the United States had actually declined since 1999, shrinking the middle class while the income of the top 1 percent soared. Such inequality is corrosive. And pointing it out has nothing to do with envy. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/15/opinion/sunday/what-they-dont-want-to-talk-about.html?_r=1&src=tp 235 comments politics
- 10 Mind Blowing Facts Which Show How Members Of Congress And Federal Employees Are Living The High Life At Our Expense -- "Before you read the following facts, keep in mind that median household income in the United States has declined for three years in a row." http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/10-mind-blowing-facts-which-show-how-members-of-congress-and-federal-employees-are-living-the-high-life-at-our-expense 6 comments politics
- Income inequality across Europe:In 2021, the median disposable income was 18 019 PPS per inhabitant in the EU. It varied considerably across the EU Member States and ranged from 32 132 PPS in Luxembourg, to 8 703 PPS in Romania. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/DDN-20230113-1 2 comments europe
- A Dangerous ‘New Normal’ in College Debt. As college tuitions rise and state and local funding for higher education falls — along with median household incomes — students are taking on staggering levels of debt. And many can’t find jobs that pay well enough to quickly pay off the debt. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/09/opinion/blow-a-dangerous-new-normal-in-college-debt.html?hp&_r=3& 75 comments politics