- [Auman] Bucs defense making the near-impossible possible: Since 1940 and entering today's games, teams with 100+ rushing yards, 395+ pass yards, 4+ pass TDs were 51-1-1 all-time. Bucs lost with those stats today in 34-29 loss to Falcons. https://twitter.com/gregauman/status/1051583840035241984 16 comments nfl
- BBC Sport - Sebastian Vettel: Ferrari will try to 'make the impossible possible' http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/formula1/33679557 68 comments formula1
- Warp Drives: Making the 'Impossible' Possible http://news.discovery.com/space/warp-drives-making-the-impossible-possible.html 3 comments space
- This is a moment where we can make the impossible possible https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/this-is-a-moment-where-we-can-make-the-impossible-possible/2020/06/14/80ce7204-ace7-11ea-9063-e69bd6520940_story.html 12 comments politics
- Sevilla gives up on the possibility of Morata joining them this transfer window. The terms imposed by #chelsea make it impossible https://twitter.com/guillembalague/status/1083304165479247872 11 comments soccer
- Mark Hughes on twitter: "Ferrari will be fitted with hardware that would make it impossible to use the ers in the way some rivals are concerned might have been possible." https://twitter.com/sportmphmark/status/999561274487865344?s=19 145 comments formula1
- Kepler, Making the Impossible Possible, and Life Beyond Earth http://read.hipporeads.com/kepler-making-the-impossible-possible-and-life-beyond-earth/ 5 comments science
- Scary facts about climate change that will change the way you live your life - and help make the impossible possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bv=pznsPkJy2x8&feature=player_embedded 7 comments science
- "US could be under rightwing dictator by 2030, Canadian professor warns" --- Why respect a system that makes dictatorship possible over one that makes it impossible (anarchic political systems) https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/03/us-rightwing-dictatorship-2030-trump-canada 62 comments goldandblack
- Bologna director Walter Sabatini: "Zlatan Ibrahimovic to Bologna is a real possibility. Trust me, it's not impossible. He's considering our offer because he wants to help Sinisa Mihajlovic. We're trying to make it possible, it'd be fantastic. Let's see...". https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1190723977796358144?s=19 10 comments soccer
- Machine learning algorithm makes impossible screening of advanced materials possible http://phys.org/news/2014-09-machine-algorithm-impossible-screening-advanced.html 4 comments artificial
- Could someone possibly tell me what's wrong with my bike and how to fix it? I'm new to this and very confused. It also makes a grinding noise when I try to ride it and is impossible to pedal https://twitter.com/tommyriot_/status/883019025093210112 11 comments bicycling
- Scientists confirm 'impossible' EM drive now possible making a manned mission to the moons of Saturn possible. Another amazing announcement all within a week. https://hacked.com/scientists-confirm-impossible-em-drive-propulsion/ 13 comments aliens
- Only a third of entrants typically finished the race, the long stage sections were impossible to secure entirely, making it possible for crashes to linger for several hours before being noticed. 27 people had died during the five years... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/carrera_panamericana#cancellation 3 comments reddit.com
- A German Team Is Now Trying to Make the ‘Impossible’ EmDrive Engine - German physicists launched the SpaceDrive project to explore possible sources of error in EmDrive experiments. Their first experiment identified a possible source of false positives in past successful EmDrive tests. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/d3kpyx/emdrive-spacedrive-germany-nasa-interstellar-spacecraft 34 comments technology
- IYO SKY (@Iyo_SkyWWE) on X: No matter where you are born, no matter how small you are, you can make your dreams come true if you put in the effort no matter who you are. Believe in myself. Make the impossible possible. Tomorrow night….. This is my road to #Wrestlemania #WWERAW https://x.com/iyo_skywwe/status/1896371223879368858?s=46&t=W6NPBJptIQzvL9lh6thCeQ 82 comments squaredcircle
- Uh-oh, Sen. Dan Patrick’s (R-Tx) Has Another Idea to Improve Women’s Health - Seems he can’t sleep til rural women are as disadvantaged as humanly possible, shackled by unplanned pregnancies they can’t afford. Not surprisingly, his bill makes it near impossible to get abortion-inducing drugs. http://www.texasobserver.org/uh-oh-dan-patricks-got-another-idea-to-improve-womens-health/ 51 comments politics
- Coronavirus could derail the 2020 Democratic National Convention — Rachel Maddow and an MSNBC panel discuss the possibility that safeguards against the spread of the coronavirus could make a massive gathering of Democratic delegates and activists impossible. https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/coronavirus-could-derail-the-2020-democratic-national-convention-80449605596 21 comments politics
- Split Key system from nchain can store an exchange's private key in many locations through a splitting system that makes it near impossible possible for theft. https://coingeek.com/nchains-security-inventions-prevent-mtgox-2-0/ 17 comments btc
- Researchers have found that it is possible to make an electric circuit with a magnetic insulator. This was first deemed impossible. The circuit is realized using spin waves: wave-like perturbations in the magnetic properties of a material. http://www.sciencenewsline.com/articles/2015091415500035.html 24 comments science
- [DiMarzio] Since last Christmas, Lukaku has been sending public and private messages to Inter, ready to leave a third of his salary in London, ready to do everything he can to make the impossible possible...The formula that the Belgian is trying to argue in favour of a two-year loan deal. https://sempreinter.com/2022/06/06/gianluca-di-marzio-romelu-lukaku-doing-absolutely-everything-to-make-inter-return-happen-trying-to-convince-chelsea-of-2-year-loan/amp/ 368 comments soccer
- [Marks] The CBA has language that would make a holdout next to impossible. Jimmy Butler could have forfeited his 2019 free agency if he played hardball with the Timberwolves. Plus, $129K per game is pretty high number that he possibly could have been docked with a suspension. https://twitter.com/bobbymarks42/status/1050097283881144320?s=19 88 comments nba
- Carlos Queiroz (Iran): "We keep the hopes to fight for a chance to be in the next round. It's an impossible mission, but our attitude is to try to make the impossible possible. If we need to defend 89 minutes, what's wrong with that? We will always play with one thing in mind: try to win the game." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGIAurbKIbY 80 comments soccer