- Wolfowitz tried to cover his tracks over lover's job http://news.independent.co.uk/world/politics/article2494250.ece 2 comments reddit.com
- Lover or cover? The romance at the heart of an alleged Russian influence operation https://abcnews.go.com/politics/lover-cover-romance-heart-alleged-russian-influence-operation/story?id=57437405 14 comments politics
- Hey r/india, I make piano covers of club tracks, Here's Guetta's Lovers on the Sun https://soundcloud.com/sukaran-thakur/lovers-on-the-sun-david-guetta-piano-cover 7 comments india
- Almost Lover cover - my friend thinks her voice is awful. I think she's crazy. Thoughts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wPGwp2cBj8 3 comments reddit.com
- Kerala Woman Poisons Lover After He Refuses to End Relationship; Woman's Mother, Uncle Charged for Helping Her Cover Up Crime https://www.ibtimes.sg/indian-woman-poisons-lover-after-he-refuses-end-relationship-womans-mother-uncle-charged-67545 5 comments india
- Indian Woman Poisons Lover After He Refuses to End Relationship; Woman's Mother, Uncle Charged for Helping Her Cover Up Crime https://www.ibtimes.sg/indian-woman-poisons-lover-after-he-refuses-end-relationship-womans-mother-uncle-charged-67545 6 comments worldnews
- Revolution of Our Times (2021) - trailer for film that covers the recent Hong Kong protests and is about the war between all freedom lovers and dictatorships. [00:03:00] https://youtu.be/WbBU1AZS8HA 4 comments documentaries
- The Book Trend That NEEDS To Stop: "I surmise that publishing houses are making these ugly, horrifying book covers for female classics to appeal to teen girls, maybe even female lovers of genre fiction." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zoe-triska/please-no-more-ugly-class_b_2573702.html 15 comments books
- Grappling German grammar, Eddie Izzard proves humor can travel - If anyone wants to know the German for "weasels covered in gravy", then comic Eddie Izzard, who unlike some of his countrymen is a lover of all things European, is the go-to man. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/29/us-germany-eddieizzard-idusbrea0s19z20140129 24 comments europe