Hacker News
- Life is too short to depend on unstable software https://blog.sidebits.tech/life-is-too-short-to-depend-on-unstable-software/ 171 comments
- The short life of Baby Milo https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/interactive/2023/florida-abortion-law-deborah-dorbert/ 24 comments politics
- The Stoic Seneca's "On the Shortness of Life" https://tripinsurancestore.com/4/on-the-shortness-of-life.pdf 3 comments philosophy
- These Physicists Think Key Ingredients For Life Formed Shortly After The Big Bang https://www.sciencealert.com/theoretical-constraints-masses-early-organic-molecules 5 comments science
- This short story about celebration of life got me hooked to racing https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/6sv1xk/this_short_story_about_celebration_of_life_got_me/ 3 comments formula1
- Tim Cook On Apple’s Strategy: “Life Is Short, It’s Better To Have Friends" http://readwrite.com/2015/09/29/apple-box-tim-cook-boxworks?utm_content=bufferc30fd&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 92 comments apple
- The Short Life and Speedy Death of Russia’s Silicon Valley http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/05/06/the-short-life-and-speedy-death-of-russias-silicon-valley-medvedev-go-russia-skolkovo/ 8 comments russia
- Astrophysicist suggests life may have existed shortly after Big Bang http://phys.org/news/2013-12-astrophysicist-life-shortly-big.html 7 comments science
- Life’s Too Short to Write Shitty Software http://team.adzerk.com/post/21024440104/lifes-too-short-to-write-shitty-software 18 comments programming
- Life's Too Short, Write Fast Code http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com/2009/03/steve-souders-lifes-too-short-write.html 16 comments programming
- Life Is Far Too Short To Drink Cheap Beer http://www.pfadvice.com/2007/09/14/life-is-far-too-short-to-drink-cheap-beer-9-ways-to-maximize-your-beer-value/ 186 comments reddit.com
- Bacteria 'do not cut short life' http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6935037.stm 2 comments science
- Iraqi national who'd lived whole life in US dies shortly after being deported to Iraq https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/08/politics/deported-iraqi-national-dies/index.html 13 comments worldnews
- Microsoft Surface Go First Impressions: Great Screen, Short Battery Life [Tom's] https://www.tomshardware.com/news/microsoft-surface-go-first-impressions,37553.html 40 comments hardware
- Life's Instructions - short, but quite good read http://www.amazingposts.com/2007/07/lifes-instructions.html 3 comments productivity
- The Karachi Walla -- beautiful blog with pictures and short stories about life in Pakistan http://thekarachiwalla.com/ 4 comments pakistan
- Brilliant short SF story explores the question: If free will does not exist, could life be bearable? http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v436/n7047/full/436150a.html 31 comments philosophy
- Are These Cupcakes Racist? - The short, sad life of Duncan Hines' "Amazing Glazes" frosting ad campaign http://motherjones.com/riff/2010/12/duncan-hines-amazing-glazes-cupcakes 52 comments business
- Do Short People Have a Bad Quality of Life? http://www.body-philosophy.net/short_people_have_bad_quality_of_life 11 comments reddit.com
- Potential Beginning of Life Simulated in Lab. Scientists at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) have substantiated their theory that life could have begun deep in the Earth's crust. In their experiments, structures that were inanimate developed survival strategies within a short time. https://www.uni-due.de/cenide/news_one_en.php/1394 10 comments science
- Fulfilling my Ryan Gosling Big Short fantasy by throwing my life savings into DoorDash puts https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/kocj8m/fulfilling_my_ryan_gosling_big_short_fantasy_by/ 356 comments wallstreetbets
- Remembering the short life of Scorch, failed hockey mascot https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/remembering-the-short-life-of-scorch--failed-hockey-mascot-214347943.html 53 comments hockey
- Can't recommend this book highly enough - A Life Too Short: the Tragedy of Robert Enke Review http://www.newstatesman.com/books/2011/10/robert-enke-reng-football 3 comments soccer
- OVERVIEW - short documentary about the "overview effect", a life-changing cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts during spaceflight. http://vimeo.com/55073825 7 comments space
- Short life tragedy-filled: "Throughout his young life, Rob had experienced more anguish than nearly anyone will experience in a lifetime" http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2008/03/short_life_tragedyfilled.html 8 comments reddit.com
- Damian Lillard on Paul George taking back his 'bad shot' comment: "We shook hands. As a man I don’t hold on to issues that tightly when it’s not that deep. Life is short" https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/m0tp8n/damian_lillard_on_paul_george_taking_back_his_bad/ 661 comments nba
- A Real Life Example Of A Short Sale Fail To Deliver, Courtesy, Martin Shkreli https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/jcykv6/a_real_life_example_of_a_short_sale_fail_to/ 7 comments wallstreetbets
- Inside 'Islamic State': Man makes 5 short videos highlighting events of his everyday life under ISIS rule in Raqqa, Syria http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35728424 3 comments worldnews
- Life is too short to not code in a programming language based on the one liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger https://lhartikk.github.io/arnoldc/ 142 comments programming
- If your new rMBP has really short battery life, check this out. Mine went from 3 hours to 7+ hours. https://discussions.apple.com/message/18840896#18840896 30 comments apple
- Everything You Need to Know About Ganymede | Jupiter's Moon (2024) - A short documentary about Ganymede, the largest moon in our solar system, exploring the possibility of a subsurface ocean that could harbor life. (CC) [00:04:52] https://youtu.be/tjYMZ9t8vdQ 2 comments documentaries
- "Bouncing Back: The Eric Highsmith Story" (2022) - Awarding winning documentary short. A college track star suffers a horrific, near fatal truck accident in rural Georgia back in 1985. His journey to recovery is one of the great stories of redemption in all of sports... and life! [00:28:44] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXytXc5XgYE 3 comments documentaries
- Ultimately you need to replace your WinServ2003 machines, but if you've still not found a permanent solution these tips might help you extend its life in the short term… https://www.maxfocus.com/max-iq/security-windows-server-2003-its-the-final-countdown/ 7 comments sysadmin
- A study found when nearly 6,000 participants took a short 8-week course in happiness, based on the latest scientific evidence which explores what matters for a happy and meaningful life, it strongly boosted their wellbeing and compassion, while also reducing levels of depression and anxiety. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167268121002079?dgcid=coauthor 118 comments science
- Michael Burry, Real-Life Market Genius From The Big Short, Thinks Another Financial Crisis Is Looming http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2015/12/big-short-genius-says-another-crisis-is-coming.html 9 comments btc
- New York Giants’ Chad Jones Cleared to Play by Personal Doctor: "Jones was involved in a horrific car crash that nearly cost him his life in June of 2010, shortly after being drafted by the Giants in round three (76th overall) of the NFL Draft." http://www.giants101.com/2012/02/15/new-york-giants-chad-jones-cleared-to-play-signs-two-year-extension/ 23 comments nfl
- The longest four seconds of Sarah Palin's life ... this new Katie Couric clip is absolutely mindblowing. Watch Sarah Palin short circuit. http://www.236.com/feed/2008/09/25/the_longest_4_seconds_of_sarah_9127.php 34 comments politics
- Paulo Costa on Vettori: “I don’t respect him. I want to end his life. He’s an asshole, a fool. He had this win over me & thinks he’s the man, but he’s an asshole, a child. We see he’s a goof, he can’t even wear shorts the right way. But I’ll fight him again. I mean, at least I plan to.” https://www.mmafighting.com/2022/2/1/22912888/paulo-costa-if-not-marvin-vettori-not-interested-fighting-ufc 427 comments mma
- New research reveals that phenotypic plasticity is an age-specific and sex-specific phenomenon: juveniles in early life and males shortly prior to reproduction appear to be most plastic [model system: cichlids] http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/696264 3 comments science
- Shorter men live longer, study shows - "Short height and long life have a direct connection in Japanese men, according to new research. Shorter men are also more likely to have lower blood insulin levels and less cancer." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/05/140509110756.htm 34 comments science