- How a Liberal Michigan Town Is Putting Mental Illness at the Center of Police Reform https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/07/30/police-reform-mental-health-illness-ann-arbor-race-501344 32 comments politics
- Fauci says that Trump's call to 'liberate' Virginia and Michigan during the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic was 'like a punch to the chest' https://www.businessinsider.com/fauci-trump-coronavirus-pandemic-liberate-states-health-regulations-2021-3 15 comments politics
- Fauci: Trump's call to 'liberate' Virginia, Michigan 'hit me like a punch to the chest' https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/545318-fauci-trumps-call-to-liberate-virginia-michigan-hit-me-like-a-punch-to-the 245 comments politics
- Biden blames Trump's 'liberate Michigan' tweet for plot to kidnap Michigan governor https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/16/politics/joe-biden-trump-whitmer-kidnapping-plot/index.html 20 comments politics
- Did Trump’s "Liberate Michigan" Tweet Inspire Militia Plot Against Gov. Whitmer? https://truthout.org/articles/did-trumps-liberate-michigan-tweet-inspire-militia-plot-against-gov-whitmer/ 50 comments politics
- ‘Liberate Michigan’: Months of angry rhetoric precede Whitmer kidnap plot https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/liberate-michigan-months-angry-rhetoric-precede-whitmer-kidnap-plot 15 comments politics
- Months After Trump Declared 'Liberate Michigan,' 13 Right-Wingers Charged With Plot to Kidnap Governor, Storm State Capitol. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been the target of right-wing ire this year over her stay-at-home orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/10/08/months-after-trump-declared-liberate-michigan-13-right-wingers-charged-plot-kidnap 3 comments politics
- Months After Trump Declared 'Liberate Michigan,' 13 Right-Wingers Charged With Plot to Kidnap Governor, Storm State Capitol https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/10/08/months-after-trump-declared-liberate-michigan-13-right-wingers-charged-plot-kidnap?cd-origin=rss 7 comments politics
- Michigan GOP Candidate Blames Daughter’s Anti-Endorsement on Her Liberal College https://www.thedailybeast.com/michigan-gop-candidate-robert-regan-blames-daughter-stephanies-anti-endorsement-on-her-liberal-college 49 comments politics
- Michael Moore says he knows the armed protesters at the Liberate Michigan protests and they’re frauds https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-michael-moore-michigan-protesters-gun-20200523-wqsag4c4wva2haimxpq7lp44b4-story.html 467 comments politics
- Michigan Lawmaker Dayna Polehanki Speaks Out About the Armed "Reopen" Protesters: “When you have anger being stoked at the highest levels in Washington — the president is tweeting ‘LIBERATE MICHIGAN’ — I'm not surprised this is happening.” https://www.teenvogue.com/story/michigan-lawmaker-dayna-polehanki-armed-reopen-protesters 51 comments politics
- Trump is looking for a civil war. His followers are only too happy to oblige: The people who saw Trump's tweets about 'liberating' Minnesota, Michigan, Virginia and went out to protest are the same people who voted against their own self-interests in 2016—and they're going to have a rude awakening http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-coronavirus-lockdown-protest-liberate-michigan-virginia-minnesota-second-amendment-a9475026.html 3 comments politics
- Trump is looking for a civil war. His followers are only too happy to oblige: The people who saw Trump's tweets about 'liberating' Minnesota, Michigan, Virginia and went out to protest are the same people who voted against their own self-interests in 2016—and they're going to have a rude awakening https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-coronavirus-lockdown-protest-liberate-michigan-virginia-minnesota-second-amendment-a9475026.h 12 comments politics
- Trump’s ‘Liberate Michigan!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. | Federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government. http://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/04/17/liberate-michigan-trump-constitution/#click=https://t.co/lvfwquvs3c 7027 comments politics
- Trump’s ‘LIBERATE MICHIGAN!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. | Federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/04/17/liberate-michigan-trump-constitution/ 78 comments politics
- Trump’s ‘LIBERATE MICHIGAN!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/04/17/liberate-michigan-trump-constitution/ 133 comments politics
- Trump calls to 'liberate' Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia the day after saying only the governors had the power to lift coronavirus restrictions https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tweets-to-liberate-michigan-minnesota-as-protesters-violate-orders-2020-4 9 comments politics
- Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets about Michigan and Virginia represent the views of a small minority https://www.vox.com/2020/4/17/21225134/trump-liberate-tweets-minnesota-virginia-michigan-coronavirus-fox-news 10 comments politics
- ‘LIBERATE MICHIGAN!’ Trump tweets to armed protesters. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-04-17/liberate-michigan-trump-tweets-2nd-amendment-coronavirus-pandemic 9 comments politics
- Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets about Michigan and Virginia represent the views of a small minority https://www.vox.com/2020/4/17/21225134/trump-liberate-tweets-minnesota-virginia-michigan-coronavirus-fox-news 3 comments politics
- 'LIBERATE MICHIGAN!' Trump tweets to armed protesters. What was he thinking? https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-04-17/liberate-michigan-trump-tweets-2nd-amendment-coronavirus-pandemic 240 comments politics
- Trump calls for... something... with dangerous 'LIBERATE MICHIGAN!' tweet https://www.metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2020/04/17/trump-calls-for-something-with-dangerous-liberate-michigan-tweet 35 comments politics
- Trump calls to 'liberate' Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia the day after saying only the governors had the power to lift coronavirus restrictions https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tweets-to-liberate-michigan-minnesota-as-protesters-violate-orders-2020-4 336 comments politics
- Trump tweets 'liberate' Michigan, two other states with Dem governors https://amp.detroitnews.com/amp/5152037002 128 comments politics
- "Banning Black Liberation: Michigan prisoners are barred from reading Frantz Fanon" (contains list of banned books; very interesting selections such as Sun Tzu and Dungeons and Dragons handbooks) https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/aug/04/michigan-doc-fanon/ 31 comments books
- Michigan Republicans Are Trying To Change Election Law To Stop Liberal Ballot Initiatives http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/03/24/3762667/michigan-republicans-fracking-ban-legal-marijuana/ 33 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders’s political coalition – a mix of young, liberal, and independent voters – reasserted itself last night, boosting the Vermont senator to an unexpected win in Michigan, contradicting polls that had predicted a double-digit loss. http://www.vox.com/2016/3/9/11185114/michigan-democratic-primary-exit-polls 25 comments politics
- Supreme Court’s Michigan affirmative-action case: Liberals deserve to lose Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2013/10/supreme_court_s_michigan_affirmative_action_case_liberals_deserve_to_lose.html 6 comments law
- Michigan Republican State Senator Orders Censorship of Liberal Blog http://www.michiganliberal.com/showdiary.do;jsessionid=9291f47e9d58d94f0a8ffde0db48bbd5?diaryid=9623 9 comments reddit.com