Hacker News
- How I learned to code with my voice https://whitep4nth3r.com/blog/how-i-learned-to-code-with-my-voice/ 0 comments
- Austrian man learns to code and has a nice life https://www.nocsdegree.com/22-year-old-self-taught-web-developer-earns-15k-a-month-in-rural-austria/ 2 comments
- Should kids learn to code? http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/dec/03/should-kids-learn-code 51 comments
- iRobot's New Education Robot Makes Learning to Code a Little More Affordable https://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/home-robots/irobot-new-education-robot-root 52 comments
- Learn how to code to get a dream job http://blog.jobbox.io/learn-code-get-dream-job/ 2 comments
- Great Learn-To-Code Resource https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/c2huba/great_learntocode_resource/ 71 comments learnprogramming
- Learnings from Solving Advent of Code 2020 in Haskell https://notes.abhinavsarkar.net/2020/aoc-learnings 14 comments haskell
- DO NOT Try and Learn Coding Languages On Study.com https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/i7rz9o/do_not_try_and_learn_coding_languages_on_studycom/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- Novel way to Learn How to Program - Visual Programming and Textual Code at the Same Time https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/g362c1/novel_way_to_learn_how_to_program_visual/ 6 comments learnprogramming
- Learn You Some Code Humble Book Bundle https://humblebundle.com/books/learn-you-some-code-books/ 4 comments programming
- If you were to learn math and coding simultaneously from beginning math, what language(s) would you use? https://www.reddit.com/r/compsci/comments/8v70vn/if_you_were_to_learn_math_and_coding/ 75 comments compsci
- Learn to Read Code https://kylesletten.com/2017/06/26/learn-to-read-code.html 3 comments programming
- macbook air or pc to learn how to code? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/5y8rvt/macbook_air_or_pc_to_learn_how_to_code/ 33 comments learnprogramming
- Where to learn to write better code? https://www.reddit.com/r/compsci/comments/5jk0pk/where_to_learn_to_write_better_code/ 47 comments compsci
- Please Don't Learn To Code From Stock Photos [FUNNY] http://codepen.io/chriscoyier/post/code-in-stock-photos 61 comments webdev
- Learn To Code, It’s Harder Than You Think http://mikehadlow.blogspot.dk/2015/12/learn-to-code-its-harder-than-you-think.html 9 comments programming
- Jeff Atwood: Learning to code is overrated http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/jeff-atwood-learning-code-overrated-article-1.2374772 334 comments programming
- On learning from code examples http://lkb.cc/blog/2013/06/01/on-learning-from-code-examples/ 4 comments webdev
- Don't learn how to code, learn how to make things http://www.jakelevine.me/blog/2013/03/dont-learn-how-to-code-learn-how-to-make-things/ 52 comments programming
- Please Don't Learn to Code http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/05/please-dont-learn-to-code.html 11 comments webdev
- Want to learn coding, where can I learn Python for free and single paid courses where its worth it, want to be self taught. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NiKfT_0A_uVBxPlw6sJ77iOGMBsZnmoYW5uz2r3aMU/edit 8 comments coding
- 30 seconds of code: Learn JavaScript in 30 seconds, one function at a time https://30secondsofcode.org 26 comments javascript
- I want to learn coding to build apps and games, is it enough to only study swift ? https://www.reddit.com/r/swift/comments/6xcr4w/i_want_to_learn_coding_to_build_apps_and_games_is/ 11 comments swift
- Computer app for learning to code for games? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/6uppel/computer_app_for_learning_to_code_for_games/ 3 comments learnprogramming
- Tommy the Turtle - app that helps young children to learn the foundation of coding https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tommy-the-turtle-learn-to-code/id1227214268?mt=8 4 comments apple
- What are some good Rust projects and/or crates for a beginner to learn from the source code? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/4mnwab/what_are_some_good_rust_projects_andor_crates_for/ 3 comments rust
- Lessons Learned from Embedded Code Reviews (Including Some Surprises) http://www.embeddedrelated.com/showarticle/807.php 3 comments cpp
- I'm an amateur programmer who's been learning Rust over the past 5-6 weeks. Feel free to criticize my code. https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/a4fl75/im_an_amateur_programmer_whos_been_learning_rust/ 24 comments rust
- What are your favorite blogs/resources (à la Coding Horror) for learning more about what's out there? http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/ 7 comments learnprogramming
- Code exercises: Is finishing partly written code effective for learning or am I wasting my time? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/68k5tw/code_exercises_is_finishing_partly_written_code/ 10 comments learnprogramming
- After 2 years of learning programing, I knew how to write code, but didn't know how to make an application. So now, I'm writing the guide that I wish I had at that time. Here's part 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/gyqxed/after_2_years_of_learning_programing_i_knew_how/ 177 comments learnprogramming
- Learn to code in 24 hours at CodeDay! A beginner friendly hackathon! http://codeday.org 57 comments learnprogramming
- The Humble Learning Game Coding and Development Bundle just launched on Wednesday, May 13 and will be live through Wednesday, June 3. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/learning-game-coding-and-development?partner=mfasula 5 comments gamedev
- [HTML and CSS] Learning to code on FreeCodeCamp? This is the first part of my detailed project tutorial - Tribute Page https://codefeenicks.wordpress.com/2016/12/13/building-freecodecamps-tribute-page/ 4 comments coding
- Want to learn how to code? Codeacademy is a great free way to gain some coding knowledge! http://www.codecademy.com/learn 6 comments technology
- Learned how to code last year while waiting on a new work visa. I ended up building an app to help my family’s business, and just got my first 5 sign-ups! Looking for feedback/advice on next steps https://app.arcade.software/share/9luBkNvf4nmOyEBQO65g/ 38 comments entrepreneurridealong
- GoLand 2021.1 EAP starts with: paste JSON as Go code, Rename Refactoring for modules, and Machine Learning based Code Completion. Join the EAP and help us shape the future! https://blog.jetbrains.com/go/2021/01/29/goland-2021-1-eap-begins/ 4 comments golang
- My First flask app, it is a dashboard for COVID-19, i started learning python and flask 2 months ago and it gave a good experience in python, HTML,css and js. Able to do some charts using chart js. Overall I enjoyed developing it. Code available in GitHub http://www.buildnlearn.in 29 comments flask
- Star Citizen developers "looked into deep learning-based de-noising and up-sampling" -- is that code for investigating implementing DLSS? https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/17585-Star-Citizen-Monthly-Report-April-2020 22 comments nvidia
- Everyone can code: Apple’s attempt to make coding commonplace (developer, Jordan Smith, reviews *Swift Playgrounds*: ‘The result is a guided, focused learning environment that really works.’) http://jordansmith.io/everyone-can-code/ 16 comments apple