Hacker News
- Show HN: WebGPU Puzzles - Learn GPU Programming in Your Browser https://www.answer.ai/posts/2024-09-12-gpupuzzles.html 2 comments
- Show HN: Q8, an In-Browser VM for Learning and Visualizing Bytecode Programming https://anchovieshat.github.io/Q8/index.html 28 comments
- Learn to Program in your Browser http://appjet.com/learn-to-program/lessons/intro 20 comments programming
- A BASIC-like programming language and browser-based development environment for learning and teaching. https://easylang.online/ide/ 19 comments programming
- A teaching and learning in-browser programming language with interactive tutorials https://kabas.online/beginner.html 3 comments learnprogramming
- I'm working on a browser-based 32-bit, 64k CPU emulator with a simplified ASM language to help people learn assembly programming. Let me know how I can improve it! https://bc32.jacksonfurr.dev 4 comments programming
- Elm: a new language for Functional-Reactive web programming. Learn the basics with in-browser interactive examples. http://elm-lang.org/ 46 comments programming