Hacker News
- Jazz² Resurrection: Open-source Jazz Jackrabbit 2 reimplementation http://deat.tk/jazz2/ 114 comments
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.5.8.1 fix for critical bug (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/ 15 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection added full screen support (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.5.2 3 comments opensourcegames
- Jazz² Resurrection added full screen support (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.5.2 4 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.7.3 released (open-source engine reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) http://deat.tk/jazz2/ 2 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.6.8 released (open-source engine reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.6.8 2 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.6.7 released (open-source engine reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.6.7 14 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.6.3 released (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.6.3 10 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.6.2 released (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.6.2 3 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.6.1 released (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.6.1 6 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.6.0 released (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.6.0 8 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.5.9 released (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.5.9 3 comments linux_gaming
- Jazz² Resurrection v0.5.4 released (open-source reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2) https://github.com/deathkiller/jazz2/releases/tag/0.5.4 9 comments linux_gaming