Hacker News
- New evidence suggests that Seattle’s soda tax is working well https://thecounter.org/seattle-washington-soda-tax-working-grocery-shopping-data-portland/ 120 comments
- Mexico’s completely sensible anti-soda tax is working http://qz.com/239478/mexicos-completely-sensible-anti-soda-tax-is-working/ 37 comments worldnews
- Mexico 20% tax on soda is working https://www.yahoo.com/news/mexico-just-showed-world-fight-135705059.html 1277 comments worldnews
- The evidence is in: A soda tax works http://qz.com/452941/the-evidence-is-in-a-soda-tax-works/ 12 comments politics
- After years of inconclusive data, new evidence suggests that Seattle’s soda tax is working—and it’s working really well https://thecounter.org/seattle-washington-soda-tax-working-grocery-shopping-data-portland/ 610 comments upliftingnews
- After years of inconclusive data, new evidence suggests that Seattle’s soda tax is working—and it’s working really well https://thecounter.org/seattle-washington-soda-tax-working-grocery-shopping-data-portland/ 388 comments economics
- After years of inconclusive data, new evidence suggests that Seattle’s soda tax is working—and it’s working really well https://thecounter.org/seattle-washington-soda-tax-working-grocery-shopping-data-portland/ 18 comments environment
- After years of inconclusive data, new evidence suggests that Seattle’s soda tax is working—and it’s working really well https://thecounter.org/seattle-washington-soda-tax-working-grocery-shopping-data-portland/ 6 comments economy
- U.S. Soda Taxes Work, Studies Suggest — But Maybe Not As Well As Hoped https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/02/21/696709717/u-s-soda-taxes-work-studies-suggest-but-maybe-not-as-well-as-hoped 5 comments politics
- Coca-Cola and Pepsi’s deceptive tactic to stop soda taxes worked in Washington state https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/11/7/18069890/washington-initiative-1634-results-soda-grocery-tax 17 comments politics
- Between 2014-2017 in Berkeley, California, sugary drink consumption decreased by 52 percent after a 1-cent tax on every ounce of artificially sweetened drinks sold within city limits was implemented. The soda tax works, say researchers. https://www.inverse.com/article/53465-is-the-soda-tax-working-yes-actually-it-is 46 comments economy
- Between 2014-2017 in Berkeley, California, sugary drink consumption decreased by 52 percent after a 1-cent tax on every ounce of artificially sweetened drinks sold within city limits was implemented. The soda tax works, say researchers. https://www.inverse.com/article/53465-is-the-soda-tax-working-yes-actually-it-is 2407 comments science