- Biden vows to 'never politicize' the military, honors Black troops in first Pentagon visit https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/02/10/biden-honors-black-troops-first-pentagon-visit/4467315001/ 102 comments politics
- Defense secretary appoints four to commission on renaming military bases that honor Confederates https://www.stripes.com/news/us/defense-secretary-appoints-four-to-commission-on-renaming-military-bases-that-honor-confederates-1.657911 15 comments politics
- Trump opposes renaming military bases that honor Confederate officers https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-06-10/trump-no-change-at-bases-named-for-confederate-officers 18 comments politics
- Preschoolers honor military service http://www.thenewsenterprise.com/news/local/preschoolers-honor-military-service/article_8bb3ed2d-80ae-57e5-8af6-c872c7279029.html 6 comments nottheonion
- President Trump Has Planned a Big Military Tribute for the Fourth of July. That's Not the Best Way to Honor the Troops https://time.com/5617160/trump-fourth-of-july-military/?xid=time_socialflow_facebook&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=socialflowfb&utm_campaign=time&fbclid=iwar24-qo1irs0wp7tcbmzisedzkgdg8-rcavht5fwermt3yrq9lfl-k5jfxq 13 comments politics
- Supreme Court says Maryland ‘Peace Cross’ honoring military dead does not constitute government endorsement of religion https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2019/06/20/supreme-court-says-maryland-peace-cross-honoring-military-dead-does-not-constitute-government-endorsement-of-religion/ 10 comments politics
- Trump says he would've been 'honored' to serve in military, thinks he's making up for it now https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/447025-trump-says-he-wouldve-been-honored-to-serve-in-military-thinks-hes 3 comments politics
- Student who died trying to stop UNC Charlotte shooter to be buried with military honors https://thehill.com/homenews/news/442098-student-who-died-trying-to-stop-unc-charlotte-shooter-to-be-buried-with 84 comments politics
- US military to honor temporary Taliban cease-fire during Ramadan http://thehill.com/policy/defense/391167-us-military-to-honor-temporary-taliban-ceasefire-during-ramadan 10 comments worldnews
- For years a flag mural at the border has honored deported U.S. military veterans. After Trump visit, agents are looking into taking it down. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/05/16/for-years-a-flag-mural-at-the-border-has-honored-deported-u-s-military-veterans-after-trump-visit-agents-are-looking-into-taking-it-down/?utm_term=.f827ff8c87c2 8 comments politics
- Aberdeen IronBirds to honor military by changing name to Star-Spangled Banners for some games (x-post /r/orioles) http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/blog/bs-sp-ironbirds-name-change-20180305-story.html 6 comments baseball
- People want this Florida victim to be buried with military honors https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/19/us/peter-wang-parkland-shooting-jrotc-burial-trnd/ 6 comments politics
- Skip the big parade, Mr. Trump. Here’s a better way to honor our military. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/skip-the-big-parade-mr-trump-heres-a-better-way-to-honor-our-military/2018/02/10/0a86bbb0-0dde-11e8-95a5-c396801049ef_story.html 14 comments politics
- TIL Shivaji had Afzal Khan buried with full military honors. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/7c91ra/til_shivaji_had_afzal_khan_buried_with_full/ 54 comments india
- Trump fails to honor US flag during military ceremony after weeks of griping about NFL https://www.stripes.com/news/us/trump-fails-to-honor-us-flag-during-military-ceremony-after-weeks-of-griping-about-nfl-1.492297#.wedk2ohxxiu 9 comments politics
- Trump fails to honor U.S. flag during military ceremony after weeks of griping about NFL players kneeling for national anthem http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-fails-honor-u-s-flag-military-ceremony-article-1.3559254 25 comments politics
- After NFL Kneeling Controversy, Trump Talks Through Retreat Bugle That Honors Military http://www.newsweek.com/after-nfl-kneeling-controversy-trump-talks-through-retreat-bugle-honors-683058 546 comments politics
- 10 Honor Guard soldiers awarded Army’s newest skill badge: Military Horseman http://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2017/10/03/these-soldiers-just-received-the-armys-newest-skill-badge/ 51 comments army
- Turkish commissioned officer refuses medal of honor by US military over YPG support https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2017/05/11/turkish-commissioned-officer-refuses-medal-of-honor-by-us-military-over-ypg-support 14 comments worldnews
- Hillary Clinton: Those kicked out of military for being gay should get honorable discharges http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/10/03/hillary-clinton-backs-honorable-discharges-for-those-kicked-out-of-military-for-being-gay/ 323 comments politics
- US military essay contest to honor King Abdullah http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/news/696891 3 comments nottheonion
- President Obama Signs the Honoring America's Veterans Act which prohibits protests at military funerals. http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/08/06/president-obama-signs-honoring-americas-veterans-and-caring-camp-lejeune-families-ac 2424 comments politics
- "Honoring America's Veterans Act" Signed By Obama, Restricting Westboro Military Funeral Protests http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/06/honoring-americas-veterans-act-obama_n_1748454.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices&ir=gay%20voices 8 comments politics
- Honoring America's Veterans Act Signed By Obama, Restricting Westboro Military Funeral Protests http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/06/honoring-americas-veterans-act-obama_n_1748454.html 6 comments politics
- Glenn Beck gets his history wrong about the Purple Heart yet again and decides he'll start giving out military honors. http://www.examiner.com/x-5738-political-buzz-examiner~y2010m5d26-video-glenn-beck-degrades-the-purple-heart-medal-plans-to-replace-with-badge-of-merit 11 comments politics
- No this is not from The Onion : Mr. Cheney served with duty, honor, and unwavering leadership, gaining him the respect of the American people during trying military times. http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident/vpbio.html 47 comments reddit.com
- Lifeless corpse almost buried with military honors—then they realized it was a living GS-15 https://www.duffelblog.com/p/lifeless-corpse-almost-buried-with-military-honors-then-they-realized-it-was-a-living-gs-15 6 comments army
- Tammy Duckworth on Her Fight to Shield Veterans From Deportation. The Democratic senator from Illinois is pushing for legislation that would end the government’s practice of deporting people who have served honorably in the United States military. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/07/us/politics/veterans-deported-duckworth.html 44 comments politics
- Ex-Defense Secretary: ‘Time Has Come’ To Strip Military Bases Of Confederate Names | Robert Gates suggested some Army installations be renamed for Black Medal of Honor recipients. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5ee62902c5b6e73b39d99b7f 252 comments politics
- Matryed (due to Pak ceasefire violation) Havaldar P Mathiazhagan buried with full military honors in TN hometown. http://ddnews.gov.in/national/body-army-havaldar-p-mathiazhagan-buried-full-military-honours-tamilnadu 5 comments india
- Trump laughs and jokes during solemn "Retreat" ceremony honoring flag while on military base https://shareblue.com/trump-laughs-and-jokes-during-solemn-retreat-ceremony-honoring-flag-while-on-military-base/ 110 comments politics
- Israel is on its way to economic suicide - One day, during one military operation or another, the markets will stop believing that we can honor our enormous debt. http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/the-highway-to-economic-hell-1.294832 9 comments worldnews
- Over license plates; America a country without honor, the military discriminates against minorities, and soldiers in Iraq are dying in vain and raping women, a state senator said Tuesday. http://www.beatricedailysun.com/articles/2007/05/22/ap-state-ne/d8p9pdl80.txt 3 comments reddit.com
- LaVena Johnson, high school honor student, who enlisted in the Army to pay for college: Military authorities claimed she committed suicide in her tent in Iraq, but autopsies revealed she had been brutally attacked and raped http://www.alternet.org/world/129646 108 comments reddit.com
- Soldiers talk much of honor. I do not understand how military service can possibly be thought honorable. If the Wehrmacht were landing in North Carolina, yes, but I do not believe that it is. Where is the honor in bombing from the air lightly armed peasants who can’t fight back? http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed162.html 17 comments politics
- "Honor? A soldier is just a nationally certified hit-man, perfectly amoral. When he joins the military he agrees to kill anyone he is told to kill" http://lewrockwell.com/reed/reed212.html 24 comments politics
- How the GOP honors our troops: Joe Walsh slammed his opponent Tammy Duckworth's military service. "Female, wounded veteran ... ehhh." Duckworth was a Black Hawk helicopter pilot in Iraq in 2004, lost her legs, part of the use of her right arm... awarded the Purple Heart.. http://www.americablog.com/2012/03/how-gop-honors-our-troops-female.html 382 comments politics
- It won't be released until October, but the US military has already banned sales of EA's Medal of Honor on all of their bases, because the game lets you be a Taliban insurgent killing American troops. http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_15987273 3 comments reddit.com
- The Pentagon has just launched a multi-year national public relations campaign to justify, glorify, and honor Washington's catastrophic, aggressive, and losing war against Vietnam -- America's most controversial and unpopular military conflict. Lying on a truly massive scale. http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/9723-reversing-the-vietnam-war-verdict 15 comments politics
- Trump tweeted a fake image of himself awarding the Medal of Honor to military dog involved in raid that killed al-Baghdadi. Image is alteration of photo of Trump awarding Medal of Honor to James McCloughan, retired army medic, honored for saving 10 lives during Vietnam War, New York Times reported. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/30/trump-latest-news-tweet-dog-isis 60 comments worldnews