- Universe's Most Massive Known Star Captured With Unprecedented Clarity - CNET https://www.cnet.com/science/space/universes-most-massive-known-star-captured-with-unprecedented-clarity/ 15 comments space
- Most massive star in the universe? https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2019/06/17/is-this-the-most-massive-star-in-the-universe/amp/ 3 comments space
- The most magnetic massive star known in the universe - a star dubbed NGC 1624-2. The star's magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than the Sun's, and 10 times than that detected around any other high-mass star http://www.sci-news.com/astronomy/article00582.html 36 comments science
- Image of the Day: One of the Most Massive Stars in the Universe http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2010/04/image-of-the-day-one-of-the-most-massive-stars-in-the-universe.html 16 comments space
- Astronomers find the most distant supernova yet: JWST revealed a massive star that ended its life in an explosion when the universe was 1.8 billion years old https://www.astronomy.com/science/astronomers-find-the-most-distant-supernova-yet/ 8 comments space
- Astronomers discover 39 ancient, massive galaxies hiding in invisible light. The discovery of so many star-forming galaxies this old may call into question our understanding of galaxy formation in the early universe. https://newatlas.com/ancient-invisible-massive-galaxies/60975/ 22 comments science
- Universe Sandbox - Spawn massive stars, launch asteroids, and manipulate gravity with just a few clicks http://universesandbox.com/about/ 142 comments space
- A Red Dwarf Star Has a Jupiter-Like Planet. So Massive it Shouldn't Exist, and Yet, There It Is - Universe Today https://www.universetoday.com/143588/a-red-dwarf-star-has-a-jupiter-like-planet-so-massive-it-shouldnt-exist-and-yet-there-it-is/ 5 comments space
- Ridiculously huge stars (10,000 times as massive as the Sun) likely kick-started the formation of some of the universe's most mysterious and ancient objects — globular clusters. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2018/06/supermassive-stars-could-explain-globular-clusters-strange-chemical-compositions 4 comments space
- When Galaxies Eat Galaxies. Using gravitational “lenses” in space, University of Utah astronomers discovered that the centers of the biggest galaxies are growing denser – evidence of repeated collisions and mergers by massive galaxies with 100 billion stars http://unews.utah.edu/news_releases/when-galaxies-eat-galaxies/ 4 comments science
- Astronomers discover most massive neutron star ever recorded | The body is twice the mass of our sun and just 15 miles in diameter, making it the densest object in the universe except for black holes https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/neutron-stars-astronomers-universe-pulsars-study-a9107411.html 148 comments worldnews
- Water has been detected in the most massive galaxy in the early universe, according to new observations from ALMA. The research comprises the most detailed study of molecular gas content of a galaxy in the early universe to date & the most distant detection of H20 in a regular star-forming galaxy. https://phys.org/news/2021-11-alma-scientists-galaxy.html 8 comments space
- Hubble spots the farthest star ever seen. Located some 28 billion light-years away (thanks to the expanding universe), this 12.9-billion-year-old star, named Earendel, is between 50 and 500 times as massive as the Sun — and millions of times as bright. https://astronomy.com/news/2022/03/hubble-spots-the-farthest-star-ever-seen 27 comments science
- Researchers have detected cosmic pipelines supplying the cold gases necessary for the formation of massive galaxies and the creation of stars. It is the first direct observational evidence of the phenomenon in the early universe. https://now.uiowa.edu/2021/02/researchers-detect-cold-gas-pipelines-feeding-early-massive-galaxies 82 comments space
- Researchers have detected cosmic pipelines supplying the cold gases necessary for the formation of massive galaxies and the creation of stars. It is the first direct observational evidence of the phenomenon in the early universe. https://now.uiowa.edu/2021/02/researchers-detect-cold-gas-pipelines-feeding-early-massive-galaxies 7 comments science
- Our Universe is 26.7 Billion Years Old, Astrophysicist Claims (new research challenges the dominant model and resolves the 'early galaxy' problem without needing primordial black hole seeds, massive population III stars, etc.) https://www.sci.news/astronomy/universe-age-12085.html 90 comments science
- Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope detected a pulse of high-energy radiation that had been racing toward Earth for nearly half the present age of the universe. Lasting about a second, it turned out to be one for the record books – the shortest gamma-ray burst caused by the death of a massive star ever seen. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2021/nasa-s-fermi-spots-a-supernova-s-fizzled-gamma-ray-burst 4 comments science
- The most extreme stars in the universe: The largest (UY Scuti; 1,700 times wider than the Sun). The most massive (RMC 136a1; 315 times solar masses). The smallest (EBLM J0555-57Ab; the size of Saturn). The hottest (WR 102; around 380,000°F on surface). The fastest (S5-HVS1; 0.6% the speed of light). https://astronomy.com/magazine/news/2020/09/the-most-extreme-stars-in-the-universe 10 comments space
- Gamma-ray bursts are the universe's brightest explosions (producing as much energy in seconds as the Sun produces in its lifetime). And a new study shows that being in a binary star system is required to keep a massive star spinning fast enough to produce such powerful explosions. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2020/01/binary-stars-may-be-an-explanation-for-powerful-gamma-ray-bursts 3 comments science
- Merging stars may create the universe's most powerful magnets. New research suggests colliding stars can form massive and magnetic stars (blue stragglers) that evolve into magnetars — which are neutron stars with absurdly strong magnetic fields that reach 5 quadrillion times the strength of Earth's. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/10/merging-stars-may-create-the-universes-most-powerful-magnets 418 comments space
- Merging stars may create the universe's most powerful magnets. New research suggests colliding stars can form massive and magnetic stars (blue stragglers) that evolve into magnetars — which are neutron stars with absurdly strong magnetic fields that reach 5 quadrillion times the strength of Earth's. http://www.astronomy.com/news/2019/10/merging-stars-may-create-the-universes-most-powerful-magnets 462 comments science
- There’s a New Definition for the Term “Planet”...In a paper recently published by Kevin Schlaufman (Johns Hopkins University) he sets the upper boundary of a planet between 4 and 10 times the mass of the Jupiter. Any more massive an object is not a planet at all, but a brown dwarf — a "failed star.” http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/new-definition-planet/ 86 comments space
- Most metal-poor star hints at universe's first supernovae: The most iron-poor stars in the Milky Way provide important observational clues to the astrophysical objects that enriched the primordial gas with heavy elements. Theoretical study reveal that massive stars were present among the first stars http://www.ipmu.jp/node/1997 3 comments science