- Bitcoin Cash - Satoshi client https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6rb43e/bitcoin_cash_satoshi_client/ 4 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash Weekly News For November 7 2022 By Satoshi's Angels https://twitter.com/SatoshiAngels/status/1589565237757628416 2 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash Weekly News for May 30th 2022 by Satoshi's Angels is Now Available. https://twitter.com/SatoshiAngels/status/1531189337928323077?s=20&t=ITUi33zahHLGKTTQ-Q-d8A 15 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash Satoshi what? I use the real Bitcoin: Bitcoin cash. https://read.cash/@Bitcoincashtrue/bitcoin-cash-satoshi-what-i-use-the-real-bitcoin-bitcoin-cash-0f72b57c 10 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash is great. Satoshi nailed it. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7opbvk/bitcoin_cash_is_great_satoshi_nailed_it/ 25 comments btc
- "Recap - Bitcoin Cash Network Discussion Sept 1, 2021" video by satoshi's angles https://youtu.be/Yk9Y87z4Zk0 7 comments btc
- Bad to Worse for Bitcoin Cash SV: "Satoshi's Vision" Proves Unpopular - Daniel Chiang https://cryptosumer.com/2018/12/19/bad-to-worse-for-bitcoin-cash-sv-satoshis-vision-proves-unpopular/ 4 comments btc
- The Bitcoin Cash Podcast #21: Satoshi Pyramid & Mining Incentives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v66It2H-rUM 3 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash [BCH] is trying to fulfil Satoshi's vision more than Bitcoin [BTC], says former Federal Prosecutor https://ambcrypto.com/bitcoin-cash-bch-is-trying-to-fulfil-satoshis-vision-more-than-bitcoin-btc-says-former-federal-prosecutor/ 9 comments btc
- Core supporter: Satoshi social engineered us into thinking Bitcoin is digital cash, it was always meant to be a store of value. https://twitter.com/nerdgirlnv/status/974472138378768384?s=21 74 comments btc
- Jiang Zhuoer Quotes Jack Ma to Support Bitcoin Cash and Calls it Satoshi’s Bitcoin http://news.8btc.com/jiang-zhuoer-quotes-jack-ma-to-support-bitcoin-cash-and-calls-it-satoshis-bitcoin 20 comments btc
- Fulfilling Satoshi's vision: Craig Wright commends Bitcoin Cash initiative https://calvinayre.com/2017/07/28/bitcoin/fulfilling-satoshis-vision-craig-wright-commends-bitcoin-cash-initiative/ 11 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash is testing Satoshi's theory. Are miners loyal or profit driven? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ujtmv/bitcoin_cash_is_testing_satoshis_theory_are/ 30 comments btc
- Did you know Satoshi Nakamoto defined #Bitcoin as a p2p electronic cash system? https://twitter.com/SallyMayweather/status/1535081396771127296 6 comments btc
- As cripple coin is passing $10,000 Satoshi Dice is about to surpass 50,000 on chain transactions with Bitcoin Cash! https://satoshidice.com/ 273 comments btc
- tweet: @SquareCash It would be great to actually USE bitcoin. $30 fees on legacy bitcoin? Use #BitcoinCash - Satoshi's P2P Electronic CASH system - for $0.01 fees. https://twitter.com/thetimpotter/status/931573771449913345 26 comments btc
- The Bitcoin Cash City Mega MeetUp features in the latest Satoshi's Angels newsletter! https://twitter.com/SatoshiAngels/status/1576821348273655810 8 comments btc
- Meet Guy Fawkes, the Mysterious Bitcoin Cash Developer Behind BattleRoyale.Cash & Satoshi Pyramid https://bitcoincashsite.com/blog/meet-guy-fawkes-the-mysterious-bitcoin-cash-developer-behind-battleroyale-cash-satoshi-pyramid/ 16 comments btc
- People are experiencing the magic of Bitcoin again with more than 15,000 bets having been placed on Satoshi Dice since it relaunched with Bitcoin Cash exclusively. https://satoshidice.com/ 30 comments btc
- We are witnessing a wealth transfer from small-block, Blockstream supporters (Bitcoin Core Coin) to satoshi-vision supporters (Bitcoin Cash). If Bitcoin Cash does take over the market cap, then the money will be more-so in the hands of those who supported satoshi's vision. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6uk8xx/we_are_witnessing_a_wealth_transfer_from/ 106 comments btc
- Will 'Bitcoin Cash' (BCH aka BCC) become the Bitcoin that Satoshi envisioned: A peer to peer cash payment system? Or will it languish and die slowly? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6rqll2/will_bitcoin_cash_bch_aka_bcc_become_the_bitcoin/ 21 comments btc
- Segshitters are desperate, this is why they need to try to rename Bitcoin Cash to lame "Bcash". It shows how pathetic and fearful they are of Satoshi's vision. Boycott all exchanges that use "bcash" https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6rn9fi/segshitters_are_desperate_this_is_why_they_need/ 56 comments btc
- Will O'Brien: 8 years ago today, Satoshi Nakamoto published the #bitcoin whitepaper. "I've been working on a new non-cash electronic settlement layer that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party" https://twitter.com/willobrien/status/793108701213175809 9 comments btc
- Satoshi Nakamoto on 31st October 2008:” I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.” - The beginning of Bitcoin https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/emails/cryptography/1/ 41 comments cryptocurrency
- Nassim calling out the cultists: "The original Satoshi white paper presents a different view of #BTC... It was abt ELECTRONIC CASH... not abt an investment, a store of value, or a religious cult." https://twitter.com/BitcoinConner/status/1395820008006201356 37 comments btc
- Satoshi 2008: “I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.”.... ain’t talking about custodial Lightning Network Wallets 🤷♂️ https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/emails/cryptography/threads/1/ 24 comments btc
- This is brilliant, physical cash notes based on an actual ERC-20 token: KONG. Seeing how it is very easy to build SLP tokens on BCH and seeing the recent developments with the BCH off-line cards, such an idea would be phenomenal on a Bitcoin Cash token or just Bitcoin Cash Satoshis. Someone make it! https://kong.cash 3 comments btc
- Here is why we are allowed to call Bitcoin Cash whatever the fuck we want, including "real Bitcoin ™". And we don't like something we get to change it. Some people have asked me for a TL;DR on the MIT License that Satoshi used so I have written a shorter version. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ads9cj/here_is_why_we_are_allowed_to_call_bitcoin_cash/ 58 comments btc
- "The reason why millions of dollars were spent to attack & defend Bitcoin Cash BCH is because it’s something truly worth fighting over. It’s sound money. It’s permissionless. It’s what Satoshi Nakamoto wrote about in 2008. It’s Bitcoin, a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." https://medium.com/@jonaldfyookball/bitcoin-cash-is-finally-free-of-faketoshi-great-days-lie-ahead-bb0c833e4c5d 50 comments btc
- These attacks by shitcoins on Bitcoin Cash are not random, they’re coordinated and they’re part of the larger attack on Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin; diluting it and the market and everything we do. Here’s another stress test which just “happens” to take place few days before our scheduled one. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/97wrvn/nano_beta_hit_200_tps_today_a_larger_stress_test/?st=JKXV3J6W&sh=d58d3c5a 60 comments btc
- "CG/nChain announce Miner’s Choice initiative for BCH miners to lower minimums for fees and tx values. More choices for miners creates more options for users, and will spark faster adoption of Bitcoin Cash. Remove the current min. dust limit of 546 Satoshi. Accept some free tx's in ea block." https://coingeek.com/coingeek-nchain-announce-miners-choice-initiative-bitcoin-cash-transaction-fees-values/ 27 comments btc
- The peer-to-peer electronic cash system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto continues to live on as Bitcoin Cash (BCH). https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/1000777199132160001 19 comments btc
- G. Andresen: "Sorry, I’m not doing public interviews any more (risks outweigh benefits, sadly)." For those that dont know, Gavin was declared lead developer of Bitcoin by Satoshi himself back in 2010. Due to those trying to kill P2P Cash, they have succeeded in silencing his voice! https://twitter.com/gavinandresen/status/998936673219239936 101 comments btc
- Bitcoin Cash grass-root movement continues in Japan prior to hosting @Satoshis_Vision . Updated merchant list now includes 32 shops. @beijingbitcoins https://twitter.com/kenshishido/status/972337717244698624 19 comments btc
- Satoshi Nakamoto explains the P2P design of his Electronic Cash System known as Bitcoin, since 2017 reignited under the banner of Bitcoin Cash, in post-mortem https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7nwbvm/satoshi_nakamoto_explains_the_p2p_design_of_his/ 12 comments btc
- Satoshi on the block reward running out in the year 2140: "When that runs out, the system can support transaction fees if needed." Core in 2017: "We're popping champagne to celebrate fees exceeding the block reward. Pay no attention to that fake imposter Bitcoin Cash." http://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/emails/cryptography/16/ 43 comments btc
- "Tokens in the SegWit chain are referred to as SegWit1X (BTC) and SegWit Gold (SWG) and are no longer Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the only true Bitcoin as intended by the original Satoshi white paper. Bitcoin BCH is the only public block chain that offers safe and cheap microtransactions." https://coingeek.com 13 comments btc
- Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Diamond are scam attempts to undermind Bitcoin Cash through saturation of forks. But it isn't working. Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin (per satoshi's vision) with a real community. The other forks are merely Segwit knock-offs with fake support, pushed by censorship. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/submission/2725/undermind 97 comments btc
- How can some people simultaneously say that bitcoin is "digital gold" that shouldn't be spent, while also claiming that bitcoin is still true to Satoshi's vision of "A peer-to-peer electronic cash system" https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/76vucn/how_can_some_people_simultaneously_say_that/ 75 comments btc
- Bitcoin Original: Reinstate Satoshi's original 32MB max blocksize. If actual blocks grow 54% per year (and price grows 1.54^2 = 2.37x per year - Metcalfe's Law), then in 8 years we'd have 32MB blocks, 100 txns/sec, 1 BTC = 1 million USD - 100% on-chain P2P cash, without SegWit/Lightning or Unlimited https://keepingstock.net/decentralizing-the-block-size-limit-1fe8f86730c#.2n22si2gt 104 comments btc