Hacker News
- Hologram lecturers thrill students at trailblazing UK university https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/jan/21/hologram-lecturers-thrill-students-at-trailblazing-uk-university 3 comments
- Our Universe Could Emerge as a Hologram https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-our-universe-could-emerge-as-a-hologram-20190221/ 4 comments
- Physicists: Universe Almost Certainly Not a Hologram http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/07/hologram-universe/ 24 comments
- Hologram lecturers thrill students at trailblazing UK university https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/jan/21/hologram-lecturers-thrill-students-at-trailblazing-uk-university?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other 8 comments technology
- Queen's University unveils video chat hologram http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/queens-university-hologram-chat-video-1.4634494?cmp 3 comments technology
- Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram http://www.nature.com/news/simulations-back-up-theory-that-universe-is-a-hologram-1.14328 40 comments nottheonion
- Scientists Find First Observed Evidence That Our Universe May Be a Hologram http://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/scientists-find-first-observed-evidence-that-our-universe-may-be-a-hologram 13 comments science
- Scientists Find First Observed Evidence That Our Universe May Be a Hologram http://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/scientists-find-first-observed-evidence-that-our-universe-may-be-a-hologram 18 comments worldnews
- 'Substantial evidence' the universe is a hologram http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/substantial-evidence-universe-hologram-1603852?utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=rss&utm_content=/rss/yahoous&yptr=yahoo 20 comments worldnews
- The universe is just a big hologram, astrophysicists claim: There is as much evidence for the holographic universe as there is for traditional explanations, according to the researchers. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/universe-hologram-holographic-evidence-3d-astrophysics-university-of-southampton-a7553766.html 22 comments worldnews
- Study finds evidence that the universe is a hologram https://uwaterloo.ca/news/news/study-reveals-evidence-universe-hologram 4 comments science
- When scientists suggest the universe may be a hologram, what do they mean? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/5ih96p/when_scientists_suggest_the_universe_may_be_a/ 19 comments askscience
- Controversial experiment sees no evidence that the universe is a hologram http://news.sciencemag.org/physics/2015/12/controversial-experiment-sees-no-evidence-universe-hologram 8 comments science
- I remembered this article from the journal of science published online and thought you guys might find it interesting. Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram A ten-dimensional theory of gravity makes the same predictions as standard quantum physics in fewer dimensions. http://www.nature.com/news/simulations-back-up-theory-that-universe-is-a-hologram-1.14328 22 comments aliens
- There Is Growing Evidence that Our Universe Is a Giant Hologram. http://motherboard.vice.com/read/there-is-growing-evidence-that-our-universe-is-a-giant-hologram?utm_source=vicefbanz 36 comments science
- Is the universe a hologram? http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150427101633.htm 4 comments space
- Is the universe a hologram? -- ScienceDaily http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150427101633.htm 9 comments science
- Is the universe a hologram? -- ScienceDaily http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/04/150427101633.htm 13 comments technology
- Is the universe a hologram, a black hole, or a monster bubble? Science says maybe. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science/what-universe-real-physics-has-some-mind-bending-answers-180952699/#e4gdbl8js2f7ubym.16 8 comments space
- Freaky Physics Experiment May Prove Our Universe Is A Two-Dimensional Hologram http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/29/space-hologram-experiment-two-dimensions_n_5726262.html 5 comments science
- We are about to find out if our universe is really a hologram. http://news.yahoo.com/universe-really-hologram-203240505.html 3 comments science
- We are about to find out if our universe really is a hologram! https://news.yahoo.com/universe-really-hologram-203240505.html 5 comments science
- The Holographic Universe Theory: Is The Universe All Just A Hologram? http://sparkster.hubpages.com/hub/the-holographic-universe 3 comments space
- A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram http://worldsciencefestival.com/videos/a_thin_sheet_of_reality_the_universe_as_a_hologram 162 comments science
- Is there a connection between the recent Nature article about the universe being a "hologram" and last year's MIT article about the universe being a "simulation"? http://www.technologyreview.com/view/429561/the-measurement-that-would-reveal-the-universe-as-a-computer-simulation/ 3 comments askscience
- Can someone explain the 'Universe is a hologram' theory by Yoshifumi Hyakutake http://rt.com/news/space-evidence-universe-hologram-195/ 4 comments askscience
- Physicists discover 'clearest evidence yet' that the Universe is a hologram. Latest calculations chime with 1997 theory that reality is only perceived as 3D and is actually a 2D projection on the boundary of the universe. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/physicists-discover-clearest-evidence-yet-that-the-universe-is-a-hologram-9000748.html 334 comments worldnews
- Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram http://www.nature.com/news/simulations-back-up-theory-that-universe-is-a-hologram-1.14328 4 comments worldnews
- Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram. A team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our Universe could be just one big projection. http://www.nature.com/news/simulations-back-up-theory-that-universe-is-a-hologram-1.14328 2245 comments science
- What does the claim that our Universe is a hologram mean? http://www.globalone.tv/group/quantumquest/forum/topics/is-the-universe-a-holographic 11 comments askscience
- Black holes suggest our universe is a hologram. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/physics/blog/2011/11/holograms-black-holes-and-the-nature-of-the-universe/ 23 comments science
- Star Trek comes to life: Life-size 3D hologram created by Queen’s University researcher http://www.thestar.com/business/article/1172924--star-trek-comes-to-life-life-size-3d-hologram-created-by-queen-s-university-researcher 3 comments science
- Are we holograms projected from a 2D edge of our universe? http://io9.com/5860931/are-we-just-a-3d-hologram-created-by-2d-information-stored-at-the-edge-of-the-universe 5 comments space
- Evidence that the universe is a hologram suggested by German scientists. http://www.neatorama.com/2010/02/07/scientific-evidence-that-the-entire-universe-is-a-holographic-projection-around-the-earth/ 12 comments science
- How an argument with Hawking suggested the Universe is a hologram http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2011/07/how-an-argument-with-hawking-suggested-the-universe-is-a-hologram.ars 4 comments space
- New Scientist Existence Special: Cosmic mysteries, human questions (Where did we come from? Why is there a universe? Are we alone in the universe? Am I a hologram? Where did my consciousness come from?) http://www.newscientist.com/special/existence?dcmp=nlc-nletter&nsref=existence 12 comments science
- We can breathe a sigh of relief. The universe is probably not a hologram. http://io9.com/5818008/the-universe-probably-isnt-a-giant-hologram-after-all 4 comments science
- Fermilabs will measure the smallest details of spacetime in 2011 to test if the universe is a hologram http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/10/fermilab-holometer-will-measure.html 344 comments science
- The universe is a hologram: "... Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist." http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sai/hologram.html 41 comments science
- The Universe as a Hologram http://twm.co.nz/hologram.html 8 comments science