- Is Ethereum The New Bitcoin? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/is-ethereum-the-new-bitcoin_us_58dba315e4b07f61a2bb8a18 18 comments ethereum
- Why Ethereum Is The New Bitcoin??? http://themarketmogul.com/ethereum-new-bitcoin/ 38 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin and Ethereum prices jump to new records https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/08/business/bitcoin-ethereum-price-new-record/index.html 144 comments technology
- Buckle Up: Bitcoin Skyrockets Above $66K as Ethereum Taps New ATH at $4,800 https://cryptopotato.com/bitcoin-skyrockets-above-66k-as-ethereum-tapped-new-ath-at-4800-market-watch/ 22 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin Sets New Support as Ethereum Looks to Reclaim $4,000 Price Target https://blockchain.news/analysis/bitcoin-sets-new-support-as-ethereum-looks-to-reclaim-4000-price-target 16 comments cryptocurrency
- MATIC outperforms Bitcoin and Ethereum, Polygon targets $3 and new all-time highs https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/matic-outperforms-bitcoin-and-ethereum-polygon-targets-3-and-new-all-time-highs-202110271652 86 comments cryptocurrency
- Goldman Sachs Believes Ethereum Beats Bitcoin, New Leaked Report Reveals https://bitcoinist.com/goldman-sachs-believes-ethereum-beats-bitcoin/ 313 comments cryptocurrency
- Ethereum transactions taking longer than bitcoin transactions? (New to Crypto) https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/7hipyr/ethereum_transactions_taking_longer_than_bitcoin/ 7 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin just hit an all-time high, but new rival Ethereum is rapidly outpacing it http://www.sciencealert.com/bitcoin-just-hit-an-all-time-high-but-cryptocurrency-rival-ethereum-is-rapidly-outpacing-it 6 comments btc
- 3 reasons why Bitcoin won’t be the new Internet (some might apply to Ethereum) http://sidazhang.com/3-reasons-why-bitcoin-wont-be-the-new-internet/ 3 comments ethereum
- New crypto wallet for Whatsapp will not only support Bitcoin but also Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ethereum https://beincrypto.com/cryptocurrency-services-reportedly-coming-to-whatsapp-next-month/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=whatsapp&utm_content=sne 9 comments btc
- New P2P Bitcoin,Ethereum,Ripple,Litecoin MarketPlace Will Launch Soon. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6upv1w/new_p2p_bitcoinethereumripplelitecoin_marketplace/ 6 comments btc
- Looks like there’s a new player- a media and news site that’s just for Ethereum and not Bitcoin http://ethereum.net/ 5 comments ethereum
- Jaxx Announces New Security Features For Ethereum and Bitcoin Wallet - The Merkle http://themerkle.com/news/jaxx-announces-new-security-features-for-ethereum-and-bitcoin-wallet/ 4 comments ethereum
- Crypto Strategist Predicts New All-Time Highs for Ethereum and Cosmos, Says Bitcoin Warming Up for Big Move https://dailyhodl.com/2021/09/02/crypto-strategist-predicts-new-all-time-highs-for-ethereum-and-cosmos-says-bitcoin-warming-up-for-big-move/ 18 comments cryptocurrency
- Wall Street embraces bitcoin and ethereum with the launch of new crypto indexes https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/bitcoin-ethereum-sp-dow-jones-wall-street-crypto-indices-launch-2021-5-1030390020 27 comments cryptocurrency
- Why is Coinbase's new mobile app built on top of Ethereum instead of Bitcoin? The answer will shock you https://blog.tokenbrowser.com/introducing-token-2f2ceeab6d4c#879b 20 comments btc
- Ethereum hits new all-time high, bitcoin inches toward record as cryptocurrencies rally https://thenewscatchy.com/ethereum-surpasses-all-time-record-bitcoin-slams-into-record-as-cryptocurrencies-surge/ 4 comments cryptocurrency
- Ethereum hits new all-time high, bitcoin inches toward record as cryptocurrencies rally https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/08/cryptocurrency-market-latest-ethereum-and-bitcoin-prices-climb.html 10 comments cryptocurrency
- Today's Must-Reads For Entrepreneurs: Is Ethereum The New Bitcoin? http://www.forbes.com/sites/lorenfeldman/2016/03/29/todays-must-reads-for-entrepreneurs-is-ethereum-the-new-bitcoin/#6d4a2024adcf 31 comments btc
- R3, the company leading the 25-bank blockchain consortium, now positions Ethereum alongside Bitcoin in new paper (Awesome) http://r3cev.com/blog/2015/11/18/tim-swanson-paper-watermarked-tokens 43 comments ethereum
- Latest New Zealand crypto online casinos: Latest NZ sites (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripples, USDT, BNB) https://cryptonewsbtc.org/2023/03/23/latest-new-zealand-crypto-online-casinos-latest-nz-sites-bitcoin-ethereum-ripples-usdt-bnb/ 2 comments cryptocurrency
- PayPal’s New Crypto Checkout Service Triggers Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash Rallies https://dailyhodl.com/2021/03/31/paypals-new-crypto-checkout-service-triggers-bitcoin-ethereum-litecoin-and-bitcoin-cash-rallies/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- ‘Massive Shock’—New Bank Crisis And $300 Billion Fed Pump Has Primed Bitcoin After Huge Crypto And Ethereum Price Rally https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2023/03/25/massive-shock-new-bank-crisis-and-300-billion-fed-pump-has-primed-bitcoin-after-huge-crypto-and-ethereum-price-rally/?sh=67d8167d279d 9 comments cryptocurrency
- 'Shark Tank' star Kevin O'Leary slams ethereum's speed, touts a trillion-dollar opportunity in bitcoin, and calls for US regulation in a new interview https://finance.yahoo.com/news/shark-tank-star-kevin-oleary-134825121.html 13 comments cryptocurrency
- ‘Remarkable’ on-chain metrics could spell Bitcoin, Ethereum bull market return — New report https://cointelegraph.com/news/remarkable-on-chain-metrics-could-spell-bitcoin-ethereum-bull-market-return-new-report 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin, Ethereum: 3 Factors Could Mean New Highs In Early September https://www.investing.com/analysis/bitcoin-ethereum-3-factors-could-mean-new-highs-in-early-september-200600358 11 comments cryptocurrency
- El Salvador Engineers Dig New 95MW Geothermal Well to Mine Bitcoin - Ethereum World News https://en.ethereumworldnews.com/el-salvador-engineers-dig-new-95mw-geothermal-well-to-mine-bitcoin/ 9 comments cryptocurrency
- New Republic article casts Bitcoin as a flawed first draft, Ethereum as the potential corrective http://www.newrepublic.com/article/121089/how-small-bitcoin-miners-lose-crypto-currency-boom-bust-cycle 32 comments ethereum
- Bitcoin Cash's new roadmap gives it the potential to overthrow Bitcoin Core, Ethereum, and Litecoin. So how do you respond to the criticism? https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7h33vu/bitcoin_cashs_new_roadmap_gives_it_the_potential/ 24 comments btc
- Black Friday Sale! Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto Market Drop with Stocks Amid Reports of New Covid Strain https://decrypt.co/86944/bitcoin-ethereum-drop-stocks-amid-reports-new-covid-strain 12 comments cryptocurrency
- "Ethereum’s improvements to the traditional blockchain approach of Bitcoin were extremely compelling for our PoC." - New IBM IoT paper http://public.dhe.ibm.com/common/ssi/ecm/gb/en/gbe03662usen/GBE03662USEN.PDF 2 comments ethereum
- Wow. New Garzik Bitcoin fork set up to steal Satoshi’s “inactive” coins and give them to other projects like Ethereum. - Russ Harben on Twitter https://twitter.com/RussHarben/status/940934821643034625 38 comments btc
- Bitcoin Price Surge: Bitcoin Confirms Massive New Upgrade As Competition From Ethereum, Cardano, Binance’s BNB And Dogecoin Heats Up https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2021/06/14/bitcoin-price-surge-bitcoin-confirms-massive-new-upgrade-amid-competition-from-ethereum-cardano-and-binances-bnb/ 5 comments cryptocurrency
- Ethereum reached over $3400 this year, quadrupling it’s value, and causing the dilemma if it is the new Bitcoin. If you are into programming, this is how to access the Ethereum blockchain, buy and sell Ethereum and manage your wallet using Python, one of the most popular languages in the world. https://laconicml.com/python-for-blockchain-ethereum/ 16 comments cryptocurrency
- A new version of NebliDex, which is an open sourced atomic swaps decentralized exchange, now allows traders to create atomic swaps between Ethereum and Bitcoin based cryptocurrencies (such as Litecoin) without proxy tokens or custodial accounts. https://neblidex.xyz 4 comments ethereum
- Kindelia is a new layer 1 I'm developing since I've left the Ethereum Foundation. I want it to be the Bitcoin of the p2p computers. It has very solid foundations and I think its paper deserves a read! https://github.com/Kindelia/Kindelia/blob/master/WHITEPAPER.md 22 comments cryptocurrency
- Bipartisan Senators have introduced a new bill to classify Bitcoin and Ethereum as "Digital Commodities", under CFTC's jurisdiction and away from the SEC. Here is a look at the Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act https://www.agriculture.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/crypto_bill_section_by_section2.pdf 10 comments cryptocurrency
- This exact minute Bitcoin turns 11 years old. Happy Birthday! 🎉 What a great time to publish my article about Mitra, a new tx version for Bitcoin Cash: Why Mises would love Mitra; Bitcoin Cash‘s hidden superpower that even Ethereum 2.0 doesn‘t have https://twitter.com/TobiasRuck/status/1213161929767825409 59 comments btc
- Eric Adams, New Yorks’s crypto-loving chief executive, announced he’s going to convert the whole of his first paycheck later today to two cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/01/eric-adams-is-turning-his-first-paycheck-into-cyptocurrency.html 6 comments cryptocurrency