- [Minnesota Twins] Age is just a number. https://twitter.com/twins/status/1410689182419333120?s=21 16 comments baseball
- Bankruptcy numbers up for people over 55 years of age since 1991 (and down for people < 45 yrs) https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/94yrob/bankruptcy_numbers_up_for_people_over_55_years_of/ 23 comments personalfinance
- When assessing young drivers performance, should we view them by the number of seasons they have, or their age? https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/8nwgo1/when_assessing_young_drivers_performance_should/ 14 comments formula1
- Number of women per 100 men in the age group 25-29 in 2008 https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/9683_10151595575226565_1532489549_n.jpg 147 comments europe
- Advanced numbers show Donaldson is worth investment, even at age 34 https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/mlb-free-agency-numbers-say-josh-donaldson-will-be-worthy-investment-even-at-34/ 23 comments baseball
- Age is just a number: Calcio’s 12 greatest veteran goalscorers https://gentlemanultra.com/2019/02/28/age-is-just-a-number-calcios-greatest-veteran-goalscorers/ 5 comments soccer
- Russillo: If you think Blake's contract won't age well, let me tell you a scarier number: Westbrook will be paid $41M 3 years from now. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/7uur95/russillo_if_you_think_blakes_contract_wont_age/ 145 comments nba
- Bolts by the Numbers: A look at player age and success (Includes all 30 teams) http://lightning.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=741857 3 comments hockey
- 2018 World Cup squads by average age and average number of caps https://pbs.twimg.com/media/de3h5dyw0au9wcp.jpg:large 33 comments soccer
- Grange on Andrew Wiggins: Age is just a number (next NBA Star?) http://www.sportsnet.ca/basketball/2013/02/17/grange_andrew_wiggins_in_hamilton_nba/ 4 comments nba
- DeAndre Ayton is currently averaging 15.9 ppg on 61.7 TS% at 20 years old. No one under the age of 21 has ever averaged those numbers. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/9v6uq5/deandre_ayton_is_currently_averaging_159_ppg_on/ 17 comments nba
- Apparently thinking this is still the dark ages, Louisiana legislators vote to ban the number "666" from state http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?parm1=1&docid=cqmidday-000002651854 2 comments reddit.com
- At age 42, in his 23rd year of MLB service, Rickey Henderson swiped 25 bags, collected 81 walks, and had an OBP of .366 in 123 games. The stolen bases number would have tied for 10th place in 2019. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/fipblp/at_age_42_in_his_23rd_year_of_mlb_service_rickey/ 49 comments baseball
- Chart | Profiling Europe’s jihadists: numbers, age, % of females & converts, etc. http://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/original-size/images/2016/04/blogs/graphic-detail/20160409_woc890.png 28 comments europe
- Child labor rises sharply in Gaza: In the past five years, the number of working children between the ages of 10 and 17 has doubled. http://news.trust.org/item/20160330100256-unxo7/ 157 comments worldnews
- Flash Memory Game Calculates Brain's Age (Click Numbers in Order From Smallest To Largest) http://flashfabrica.com/f_learning/brain/brain.html 366 comments science
- NASA Engineer finally answers the age old querstion, "What Happens When You Go Number 2 in Space?" http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22250/51019-happens-go-number-2-space-/ 3 comments science
- 'China’s youth unemployment problem is getting worse. The latest numbers showed that the jobless rate for people aged between 16 and 24 is over 20 per cent (out of 150 million people) – far higher than the national average of 5.2 per cent.' https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3221381/china-must-protect-its-private-economy-solve-its-youth-unemployment-crisis?module=opinion&pgtype=homepage 5 comments internationalpolitics
- [The Answer] Is Age Just a Number? Chris and Seerat discuss how the best teams in the league are getting a lot of help from older veterans https://www.theringer.com/2021/11/19/22792137/is-age-just-a-number 16 comments nba
- Coronavirus infection rates among young people aged 20-29 in the UK have increased to more than 41 per 100,000, as chief medical officer Chris Whitty said numbers of cases have been “going up much more rapidly” over the past few days. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/coronavirus-infection-rate-uk-young-people-covid-today-latest-b421088.html 22 comments worldnews
- A new study by the CDC analyzes severe outcomes for American COVID-19 patients of different age groups. A significant number of patients aged 20-44 had severe outcomes (hospitalization/ICU admission) https://www.statnews.com/2020/03/18/coronavirus-new-age-analysis-of-risk-confirms-young-adults-not-invincible/ 10 comments science
- The proportion of people aged over 65 on antidepressants has more than doubled in two decades Even As Number of Depressed Unchanged.The findings are based on the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies, conducted at two time points — between 1991 and 1993, and between 2008 and 2011. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-10/uoea-nod100319.php 6 comments science
- Pakistan pledges end to underage, forced marriages by 2030; According to the UNICEF report, the number of underage marriages recorded in Pakistan is in excess of 1.91 million. About 21 percent of women in Pakistan are married before they attain the age of 18 while 3% are married before they turn 15 https://tribune.com.pk/story/2057413/1-pakistan-pledges-end-underage-forced-marriages-2030/ 43 comments worldnews
- 35-year-old Jarrod Dyson shows age is just a number with this diving, game-saving catch for the Diamondbacks https://www.mlb.com/dbacks/video/dyson-makes-a-dazzling-grab?t=t109-default-vtp 21 comments baseball
- A study of electronic scooter riders (n=103) admitted to 3 Level I trauma centers in southern California showed that 98% of seriously injured riders weren’t wearing helmets, and a significant number were intoxicated. Most of these riders were men between age 20 and 40. https://www.inverse.com/article/58904-driving-scooters-drunk-or-high-without-a-helmet-is-dangerous-duh 28 comments science
- All-American Despair: For the past two decades, a suicide epidemic fueled by guns, poverty and isolation has swept across the West, with middle-aged men dying in record numbers https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/suicide-rate-america-white-men-841576/ 6 comments indepthstories
- How many of you think self-defence and bodybuilding should be made a mandatory subject in schools for boys from the age of 13/14 ? Like performing minimum push ups, pull ups by an end of week and a specific number by the end of an year to pass on to the next class say 35 in one go. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/8ntb9a/how_many_of_you_think_selfdefence_and/ 34 comments india
- Boys' and girls' brains are different as early as 1 month of age - UW Madison team recruited 149 expectant mothers who brought in their infants – 77 girls and 72 boys – for brain scanning one month after giving birth and found that sex differences in a number of brain areas are already apparent https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00429-017-1600-2 63 comments science
- In 2001 Playoff Run, Allen Iverson had a stretch where he shot, 25%, 29%, 37%, 19%, 31%, 18%. He is one of the greatest of all time, but in this day and age, how many players could put up his numbers if they were allowed to take as many shots as he did https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/6nh8wj/in_2001_playoff_run_allen_iverson_had_a_stretch/ 139 comments nba
- Birth rates in China rose to their highest level since 2000 last year, despite a fall in the number of women of childbearing age... http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-38714949 3 comments worldnews
- "For the last four decades, wealth and income have been sharply concentrated upward, returning to pre-Great Depression levels, marking a New or Second Gilded Age that is traceable to a number of regressive and plutocratic policies that have nothing to do with any shift right in the populace." http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/02/26/beyond-campaign-finance/ 9 comments politics
- Millennials not ready to leave the nest: A record number of women age 18 to 34 living at home with parents. Millennial men living at home near 75 year record high. http://www.doctorhousingbubble.com/millennials-living-at-home-record-number-young-women-living-at-home-real-estate-prices/ 32 comments economy
- The Netflix Effect: New study reveals that viewers between the ages of 18 and 31, the number of viewers who aren’t subscribing to cable at all is now greater than the number of viewers opting to cancel their cable. http://bgr.com/2015/10/08/cable-tv-vs-netflix-cord-cutting/ 1883 comments technology
- Young males between the ages of 10 and 24 have committed suicide in growing numbers as a direct result of austerity measures brought in across Europe following the 2009 recession. http://www.port.ac.uk/uopnews/2015/10/06/male-suicide-on-rise-as-result-of-austerity/ 106 comments europe
- The number of people aged 100 and above has hit 60,000 in Japan this year, as the country faces spiralling social and health expenses to look after its legions of retirees. The population of centenarians is expected to reach 61,568 next week, of which 87% will be women, the welfare ministry said http://www.france24.com/en/20150911-japan-centenarian-population-hits-record-60000 24 comments worldnews
- Crazy Calculations Behind $652,000 File-Sharing Damages - Earlier this week a torrent site user was hit with a damages claim of $652,000 for uploading one movie."They may as well just think of a number, double it, multiply it by the day of the week and then add it all to their dog’s age." http://torrentfreak.com/crazy-calculations-behind-652000-file-sharing-damages-131222/ 1563 comments technology
- The number of Americans receiving federal disability payments has nearly doubled since the 1990s welfare reform. In one Alabama county, one fourth of working age adults are on disability. 'This American Life' explores why. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/490/trends-with-benefits 16 comments politics
- President Obama's Affordable Care Act, when fully implemented, will most likely reduce the number of uninsured in every state, age group and income level - a stark contrast to a GOP presidential nominee and Mitt Romney's plan, according to a new report by The Commonwealth Fund http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/02/new-report-compares-obama-romney-health-care-plans/ 3 comments politics
- CNN distort polling numbers. From ~1k interviewees, those under 50 years old are statistically insignificant. This helps boost the % of the 'mainstream' republican candidates. CNN did the same thing by ignoring the under 35 age bracket when asking "Should marijuana be legalized?" a while back. http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jy7js/paul_6_nationwide_tied_for_7th_oh_wait_are_we_not/c2g7mfd 33 comments politics
- President Obama's campaign has put the name, address, age, and PHONE NUMBER of everyone who has ever donated money to his campaign online. There is no safeguard against identity thieves or telemarketers harvesting phone numbers - not even a registration wall. https://call.barackobama.com/campaigns/nc166 157 comments reddit.com