Hacker News
- If You Have Unlimited Vacation, Will You Take It? http://op-talk.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/30/if-you-have-unlimited-vacation-will-you-take-it/ 2 comments
- Can I get fired for taking vacation if the company have unlimited vacation policy? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/9urmo7/can_i_get_fired_for_taking_vacation_if_the/ 14 comments cscareerquestions
- People who work at tech companies with unlimited vacation policies may actually end up taking less vacation, or even no vacation at all. There may be social pressure not to take vacation, and organizations where employees have to get the manager’s approval may find approval is difficult to get. https://www.laserfiche.com/simplicity/time-implement-unlimited-vacation-policy/ 10 comments technology
- For those of you with unlimited vacation, when did you start taking time off and how much time off do you generally take in a year? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/4xkpr3/for_those_of_you_with_unlimited_vacation_when_did/ 23 comments cscareerquestions
- Goldman Sachs bosses can take unlimited vacation, leaked memo says. The "flexible vacation" scheme, which took effect on May 1, lifts a cap on the number of holidays for senior staff at the bank, allowing them "to take time off when needed without a fixed vacation day entitlement." https://www.businessinsider.com/goldman-sachs-gives-unlimited-vacation-to-top-bosses-2022-5 50 comments economy