- If You Can’t Have Wealth Taxes, You Don’t Have a Country http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/12/if-you-cant-have-wealth-taxes-you-dont-have-a-country.html 242 comments politics
- 4 European countries still have a wealth tax. Here's how it's working out for them. https://www.businessinsider.com/4-european-countries-wealth-tax-spain-norway-switzerland-belgium-2019-11 50 comments moderatepolitics
- Countries can raise $2 trillion by copying Spain’s wealth tax, study finds https://taxjustice.net/press/countries-can-raise-2-trillion-by-copying-spains-wealth-tax-study-finds/ 44 comments india
- Countries can raise $2 trillion by copying Spain’s wealth tax, study finds https://taxjustice.net/press/countries-can-raise-2-trillion-by-copying-spains-wealth-tax-study-finds/ 905 comments futurology
- Countries can raise $2 trillion by copying Spain’s wealth tax, study finds https://taxjustice.net/press/countries-can-raise-2-trillion-by-copying-spains-wealth-tax-study-finds/ 46 comments worldnews
- A global wealth tax could help poorer countries tackle climate crisis, economists say https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/19/wealth-tax-help-poorer-countries-tackle-climate-crisis-economists 10 comments environment
- A global wealth tax could help poorer countries tackle climate crisis, economists say https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/19/wealth-tax-help-poorer-countries-tackle-climate-crisis-economists 3 comments economy
- Welcome to the United States of ‘Broligarchy, Inc.’ | America’s descent into a broligarchy was an inevitable, steady, and calculated takeover of the country’s wealth, Supreme Court, political parties, and presidency by a cabal of selfish billionaires seeking tax cuts, deregulation, and power. https://progressive.org/magazine/welcome-to-the-united-states-of-broligarchy-inc-ali-20250203/ 12 comments politics
- Argentina introduces 'millionaire's tax' to help pay for coronavirus: 'people with declared assets greater than 200 million pesos will pay a progressive rate of up to 3.5 percent on wealth in Argentina and up to 5.25 percent on wealth outside the country.' https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20201205-argentina-introduces-millionaire-s-tax-to-help-pay-for-coronavirus 29 comments tax
- Argentina introduces 'millionaire's tax' to help pay for coronavirus: 'people with declared assets greater than 200 million pesos will pay a progressive rate of up to 3.5 percent on wealth in Argentina and up to 5.25 percent on wealth outside the country.' https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20201205-argentina-introduces-millionaire-s-tax-to-help-pay-for-coronavirus 11 comments internationalpolitics
- Argentine Economy Minister Martin Guzman has backed the idea of a wealth tax on the country’s rich as the nation to fend off creditors and find money to help cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/argentina-s-economy-minister-backs-wealth-tax-rejects-austerity-1.1423731 40 comments worldnews
- Spain revives wealth tax to tackle debt - Spain’s Socialist govt has approved the re-introduction of a tax on the country’s wealthiest as part of efforts to tackle its budget deficit. The govt had scrapped a previous wealth tax in 2008. http://www.france24.com/en/20110916-spain-socialists-reintroduce-wealth-tax-debt-crisis 21 comments worldnews
- Budget 2020: Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee calls for a wealth tax on the country's ultra-rich to fight inequality https://www.financialexpress.com/budget/budget-2020-nobel-awardee-abhijit-banerjee-wants-this-tax-on-wealthy-to-fight-inequality/1837162/ 8 comments india
- While the 400 richest Americans hold more wealth than EVERY black family in the country, this guy thinks a 2% tax increase on income exceeding $50 million is being treated like a criminal. Bananas... https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/16/cooperman-to-warren-sanders-stop-treating-billionaires-as-criminals.html?__source=sharebar%7Creddit&par=sharebar 7 comments politics
- Britain must champion the wealth creators, say Tories: ... should “salute” wealthy people who create jobs for others rather than looking for new ways to tax them, said Minister Michael Fallon, as he calls for an end to the 'politics of envy in this country' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9530583/pic-and-publish-toires-champion-the-wealth-creators.html 11 comments worldnews
- How perception affects our sense of wealth, and taxes. For people making $250,000 a year, or the top 2 percent income in the country, that means probably surrounding themselves with even richer people. And that's why there was a debate over taxes, says http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/12/24/mm-how-perception-affects-our-sense-of-wealth-and-taxes/ 8 comments reddit.com
- They're Back! …And Rich as They Ever Were | Together with the rest of their compatriots in the top 0.1%, the Forbes 400 capture half of all capital gains income in the country. We need to "tax wealth like work" and end this special tax break that disproportionately benefits those at the top. http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/09/24-6 29 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders - This bill is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class and the working families to the the very Wealthiest people in this country. This is not about Deficit reduction. These guys want to give a trillion dollars worth tax break to the richest people in the country http://www.thelibertyunderground.net/2011/05/bernie-sanders-on-ed-show.html 12 comments reddit.com
- Bernie Sanders - This bill is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class and the working families to the the very Wealthiest people in this country. This is not about Deficit reduction. These guys want to give a trillion dollars worth tax break to the richest people in the country http://www.thelibertyunderground.net/2011/05/bernie-sanders-on-ed-show.html 21 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders: this budget "is the most extremist legislation I've ever seen, it's a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest people in this country. This isn't about deficit reduction. They want to give a trillion dollars of tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this country." http://www.frequency.com/video/bernie-sanders-ryan-budget-is-most-right/5384203 524 comments politics
- "The greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle to the ultra-rich that this country has seen in a century [...] UK will be only the second country in the world to allow money that has passed through tax havens to remain untaxed when it gets here. The other is Switzerland." http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/feb/07/tax-city-heist-of-century?cmp=twt_gu 6 comments worldnews