Hacker News
- GPT-3 can generate a React app from natural language description https://twitter.com/sharifshameem/status/1284421499915403264 28 comments
- Do people want a React-UI or React-CLI? https://github.com/joshwcomeau/guppy 32 comments reactjs
- My team released a free desktop app, ProtoNative! Easily structure new React Native mobile apps! Demo below, no download necessary! https://protonative.com/ 4 comments reactjs
- Introducing: React ProseMirror! https://github.com/nytimes/react-prosemirror 3 comments javascript
- [The Athletic] NFL win total projections for all 32 teams: Experts react to our model https://theathletic.com/3545851/2022/08/30/nfl-win-totals-projections-reactions/ 108 comments nfl
- [SPOILER] Main-Event Loser reacts to stoppage https://twitter.com/JairRozenstruik/status/1533276653174116352 235 comments mma
- React JS onClick event handler for multiple links / buttons https://codesandbox.io/s/amazing-lumiere-6vq3x?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js 5 comments reactjs
- How to server side rendering with react in golang? https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/nzsp3m/how_to_server_side_rendering_with_react_in_golang/ 17 comments golang
- React Headings Released! https://github.com/alexnault/react-headings 4 comments reactjs
- Getting started with Microsoft Fluent UI React https://sumitkharche.hashnode.dev/getting-started-with-microsoft-fluent-ui-react-ckfavwvb803qt2zs19k53c58w 7 comments reactjs
- “That is absolutely a lie!” - Roger Ver reacts to fake news https://youtu.be/hOyzKFvSs5M 10 comments btc
- ‘We won’t slow down’ on climate: EU reacts to COP26 postponement https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/we-wont-slow-down-on-climate-eu-reacts-to-cop26-postponement/ 3 comments europe
- Expo AuthSession browser Auth passing data to WebViews in React Native? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60668200/react-nativeexpo-authsession-browser-based-authentication-passing-cookies-sess 5 comments reactnative
- React Native meets SwiftUI https://medium.com/@kureevalexey/react-native-meets-swiftui-d1606a8e1681?source=friends_link&sk=2826d16c95287c15d6f3d062dd9874db 5 comments reactnative
- Trump reacts to damning testimony by claiming he barely knows Sondland: 'He seems like a nice guy' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-sondland-testimony-impeachment-hearing-ukraine-latest-a9211201.html 5 comments politics
- Colliding galaxies with React, Redux, three.js and some high-school physics https://thehappykoala.github.io/Harmony-of-the-Spheres/ 19 comments reactjs
- The 5 Best Libs for Accessible React Applications https://rafaelquintanilha.com/the-5-best-libs-for-accessible-react-applications/ 3 comments reactjs
- Intro to SVG for React Developers https://able.bio/dbmzzo/intro-to-svg-for-react-developers--56cmmcy 18 comments reactjs
- use-subscription v1- a React hook that safely manages subscriptions in concurrent mode. By Brian Vaughn https://www.npmjs.com/package/use-subscription/ 3 comments reactjs
- Border Patrol Chief Who Reacted with Outrage Over ‘Disturbing’ Online Group Was a Member of the Group https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/border-patrol-chief-who-reacted-with-outrage-over-disturbing-online-group-was-a-member-of-the-group/ 761 comments politics
- US Reacts Cautiously to Iran Delivering Oil to China Despite Sanctions https://www.voanews.com/middle-east/voa-news-iran/us-reacts-cautiously-iran-delivering-oil-china-despite-sanctions 18 comments politics
- Redux ruins your React app performance? You are doing something wrong https://medium.com/@pvlasov/82e28ec96cf5 74 comments reactjs
- React + WebGL <3 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjl4MptzyGFv92PNq8i8dg 3 comments javascript
- Saudis Shocked by Official Flip-Flop on Khashoggi: Government abruptly reverses days of denials it was involved. Locals react with mix of anger, disappointment, disbelief https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-10-20/official-flip-flop-on-khashoggi-murder-shocks-loyal-saudis?srnd=premium 392 comments worldnews
- Long-term React & Redux SPA - Lessons learned https://notes.devlabs.bg/long-term-react-redux-spa-lessons-learned-14daca3a26ba 15 comments reactjs
- Proton Native - A React environment for cross platform native desktop apps https://github.com/kusti8/proton-native 19 comments javascript
- Russia reacts to The Death of Stalin ban http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-42803681 7 comments europe
- Apache Foundation bans projects from using React's “BSD+Patent” Code https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/legal-303?focusedcommentid=16088663&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-16088663 25 comments webdev
- Reacting to User Input in a JavaFX Application with Event Handlers http://www.java-forums.org/blogs/javafx/1599-reacting-user-input-javafx-application-event-handlers.html 3 comments java
- China Finally Reacts to Donald Trump's Use of Taiwan as a Negotiating Tool http://fortune.com/2016/12/12/one-china-donald-trump-taiwan-negotiating/ 3 comments politics
- React — Our First 50,000 Stars https://facebook.github.io/react/blog/2016/09/28/our-first-50000-stars.html 3 comments webdev
- Angular JS vs React by Example http://www.discoversdk.com/blog/angular-js-vs-react-by-example 11 comments reactjs
- SwipeALot - Cross-Platform Swiping Component For React Native https://github.com/nickjanssen/react-native-swipe-a-lot 3 comments reactnative
- React Dazzle - Dashboard library for React JS https://github.com/Raathigesh/Dazzle 5 comments reactjs
- React Compose: Simpler Stateless Components http://reactcompose.com/ 3 comments reactjs
- Why React is Better http://dchambers.github.io/blog/why-react-is-better/ 12 comments javascript
- Argument map: React is killing Angular http://en.arguman.org/react-is-killing-angular 26 comments reactjs
- Cross-platform React stories — 1 hack: 2 apps, 1 website in React https://medium.com/any-stack-any-language-anywhere/cross-platform-react-stories-b2261f412f54?source=your-stories 10 comments webdev
- How we chose our frontend stack - webpack, react, mocha/chai, flux http://engineering.kapost.com/2015/06/tooling-choices-for-a-railsreact-application/ 5 comments javascript
- How Freepers react if you show them the Tax Estimator comparing the candidates' plan. (See 2nd comment, by Brucey's Mom) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2092128/posts#comment 7 comments politics