Hacker News
- Startup Ideas https://www.gwern.net/Startup-ideas 107 comments
- Step by step guide for building a startup: from idea to exit https://visionxpartners.com/build-startup/ 7 comments
- Show HN: Startup idea valuator http://ideatolaunch.co/ideavaluator/ 5 comments
- Delete your list of startup ideas, they are holding you back http://maxkle.in/delete-your-list-of-startup-ideas-they-are-holding-you-back/#idc-container 2 comments
- Ask HN: Do you hate running out of toothpaste? (My startup idea) http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/439396/Do-you-hate-running-out-of-toothpaste-My-startup-idea 5 comments
- I can help you realize your startup idea http://twoinacrowd.com/dates/i-can-help-you-realize-your-startup-idea 5 comments
- Show HN: Validate your startup idea with 1M people http://eurekasurveys.com 3 comments
- Startup Idea: Solve Personal Analytics http://blog.kirigin.com/personal-analytics 97 comments
- How to Launch Your Startup Idea for Less than $5K http://www.mikekarnj.com/blog/2011/08/01/how-to-launch-your-startup-idea-for-less-than-5k/ 27 comments
- Show HN: Unicorn Valley-Platform for crowdsourcing satirical/dumb startup ideas https://unicornvalley.xyz 4 comments
- Seeking Feedback on My Ridesharing Social Network Startup Idea https://s.surveyplanet.com/0fy5e14n 5 comments
- Startup idea: Turnkey self-publishing service for authors http://jasoncrawford.org/2011/12/startup-idea-turnkey-self-publishing-service-for-authors/ 16 comments
- Roast my startup idea https://forms.gle/KZiYLsnanNaUBhte9 6 comments entrepreneurridealong
- Roast my startup idea https://forms.gle/KZiYLsnanNaUBhte9 30 comments sideproject
- I wasted $40k on a fantastic startup idea https://blog.tjcx.me/p/40k-fantastic-startup-idea 2 comments technology
- I wasted $40k on a fantastic startup idea https://tjcx.me/p/i-wasted-40k-on-a-fantastic-startup-idea 40 comments programming
- Is building a startup with Haskell a good idea? https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/cubxh1/is_building_a_startup_with_haskell_a_good_idea/ 10 comments haskell
- Tell me if Bitcoin is ideal for my charity startup idea https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/693jwg/tell_me_if_bitcoin_is_ideal_for_my_charity/ 10 comments btc
- Friend and I wrote a startup idea generator for fun. Take a look! http://johngeorgesample.xyz/# 5 comments web_design
- I built my startup idea! Looking for feedback. http://www.bringittous.com/ 23 comments startups
- Couple of startup ideas for wantrepreneurs http://blog.charlesmudy.com/2014/10/couple-of-startup-ideas-for-wantrepreneurs/ 4 comments startups
- 10 Tech Startups Ideas for 2015 http://www.getpure.org/en/ 7 comments startups
- Coming up with startup ideas that work http://startitup.co/blog/2013/07/the-beginners-guide-on-how-successful-startups-come-up-with-billion-dollar-ideas/ 4 comments startups
- What are some of the most ridiculous startup ideas that eventually became successful? http://www.quora.com/what-are-some-of-the-most-ridiculous-startup-ideas-that-eventually-became-successful 7 comments startups
- Finally - A Really Good Idea For Everybody - "Startup Hive" http://startuphive.org/index.php/startup_hive_main_page 2 comments reddit.com
- Startup Advice: You can't protect a good idea http://www.wilschroter.com/blog/2006/01/you_cant_protec.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Need your feedback on my startup idea realted to study abroad https://unichat.carrd.co/ 6 comments advancedentrepreneur
- Marketers - here's an idea for a startup you can start tomorrow https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/5xhe5z/marketers_heres_an_idea_for_a_startup_you_can/ 6 comments startups
- Is joining a startup that just laid off 20-30% of its workforce a good idea? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/5wyeym/is_joining_a_startup_that_just_laid_off_2030_of/ 7 comments cscareerquestions
- [startup idea] Economic, Automatic Meal Planning App https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/4hxi72/startup_idea_economic_automatic_meal_planning_app/ 15 comments startups
- World Largest Bike Sharing System - Zagster Startup Business Idea http://www.brainsmesh.com/zagster-startup-world-largest-bike-sharing-programs/ 3 comments business
- Domain name search engine for creating startup name ideas http://www.namestation.com/domain-search 13 comments startups
- How many startups die due to poor execution, instead of idea being wrong? https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/comments/9wigoz/how_many_startups_die_due_to_poor_execution/ 82 comments startups
- How to find problem-solving startup ideas https://ideawip.com 2 comments entrepreneur
- Startup Sea launches to sift through and find the ventures with the best ideas and most potential http://www.startupsea.com 18 comments startups
- I created a smoketest for an idea I had. I'd appreciate your opinions on the idea as a startup. Please read! https://rumly.co 30 comments startups
- How to Get Startup Ideas -- "Ask yourself: who wants this right now? Who wants this so much that they'll use it even when it's a crappy version made by a two-person startup they've never heard of? If you can't answer that, the idea is probably bad" http://www.paulgraham.com/startupideas.html 46 comments business
- [Serious] How does one go about starting a startup. I have an idea for a business and have discussed it with some family members and friends and a lot of them really liked the concept. I don’t know what to do next though. Can someone with a good know how help me. Please and thank you. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/agucw8/serious_how_does_one_go_about_starting_a_startup/ 43 comments india
- Can this ETH Startup idea work? A javascript snippet that content creators/publishers can embed in their site(like ads) that mines ETH on the viewer's browser/machine for as long as they have the tab open. Competitor against traditional advertising model of content. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6aboh7/can_this_eth_startup_idea_work_a_javascript/ 6 comments ethereum
- My recent web startup: A place to find men's watches on sale (TheUrbanWatch.com) . Advice highly appreciated! And, if you like the idea.. would you be more likely to use the site, the twitter page, or other social media pages for finding a watch? http://theurbanwatch.com/ 30 comments startups