- Al-Qa'ida-linked militants in Somalia vowed to keep most international aid workers away despite a worsening famine, as the UN warned Friday that 800,000 children could die in the region from starvation. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/somali-islamists-vow-to-maintain-aid-ban-2318913.html 3 comments worldnews
- IDA Pro 8.3 released. https://hex-rays.com/products/ida/news/8_3/ 19 comments reverseengineering
- New York City uses 1907 law to deny all Hurricane Ida property claims https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/infrastructure/3606541-new-york-city-uses-1907-law-to-deny-all-hurricane-ida-property-claims/ 12 comments politics
- Hex-Rays announce IDA Teams (beta) for collaborate RE https://hex-rays.com/ida-teams/ 18 comments reverseengineering
- IDA Pro 7.7 released https://hex-rays.com/products/ida/news/7_7/ 13 comments reverseengineering
- Hurricane Ida's impact personal for Saints DT Malcolm Roach: 'We're going to shake back from it' https://www.nola.com/sports/saints/article_34870ff6-1009-11ec-8dbf-8bd91984bb66.html 2 comments nfl
- Biden approves New Jersey disaster declaration after flooding brought by Ida https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-approves-new-jersey-disaster-declaration-after-flooding-brought-by-ida-2021-09-06/ 29 comments politics
- State of emergency in New York amid ‘historic’ flooding caused by remnants of Hurricane Ida https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/02/new-york-flooding-state-of-emergency-ny-city-flash-flood-nyc-hurricane-ida-remnants 4 comments worldnews
- [Beaverton] Drunken Habs GM sends 2am offer sheets to Hurricane Ida, “Oh Carolina” by Shaggy and Tottenham’s Harry Kane https://thebeaverton.com/2021/08/drunken-habs-gm-sends-2am-offer-sheets-to-hurricane-ida-oh-carolina-by-shaggy-and-tottenhams-harry-kane/ 31 comments hockey
- As Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana, the nurses inside the NICU at Ochsner Health Hospital in New Orleans volunteered to stay through the night with the babies who desperately needed them. NBC News' Tom Llamas reports. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/nurses-cared-for-nicu-babies-during-hurricane-ida-119824453560 62 comments upliftingnews
- Hurricane Ida forces Mississippi River to reverse flow https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/29/weather/mississippi-river-hurricane-ida/index.html 48 comments nottheonion
- All of Louisiana’s levee systems performed ‘extremely well’ during Ida, governor says https://www.koat.com/article/all-of-louisiana-s-levee-systems-performed-extremely-well-hurricane-ida-gov-edwards/37432576 45 comments politics
- Residents warned as Louisiana braces for Hurricane Ida https://apnews.com/article/health-environment-and-nature-louisiana-coronavirus-pandemic-hurricanes-8870fde4261f7a3171205d9b018ee7c4 94 comments moderatepolitics
- Announcing version 7.6 for IDA Freeware! Includes cloud based decompiler. https://www.hex-rays.com/blog/announcing-version-7-6-for-ida-freeware/ 42 comments reverseengineering
- IDA Pro 7.6 released https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/news/7_6/ 42 comments reverseengineering
- IDA spend €1m on video campaign to tell US and Japan 'we're in Europe, not UK' https://www.independent.ie/business/watch-ida-spend-1m-on-video-campaign-to-tell-us-and-japan-were-in-europe-not-uk-38238613.html 14 comments europe
- America needs a monument to Ida B. Wells https://theoutline.com/post/4456/ida-b-wells-memorial-michelle-duster-interview 10 comments politics
- Asteroid 243 Ida was discovered in September 1884 by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa. On 28 August 1993, Ida was visited by the unmanned Galileo spacecraft and was found to have a then unknown moon(now named Dactyl). Dactyl is the tiny body to the right of Ida in the above image https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/243_ida#/media/file%3A243_ida_crop.jpg 3 comments space
- The ISS crew have begun preparations for August 18's US EVA-36, which will install IDA-2, delivered by CRS-9 Dragon. https://twitter.com/nasaspaceflight/status/757940495377129472 16 comments spacex
- The Woman Who Took on the Tycoon: John D. Rockefeller Sr. epitomized Gilded Age capitalism. Ida Tarbell was one of the few willing to hold him accountable. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-woman-who-took-on-the-tycoon-651396/?no-ist 4 comments history
- 1 The Woman Who Took on the Tycoon. John D. Rockefeller Sr. epitomized Gilded Age capitalism. Ida Tarbell was one of the few willing to hold him accountable. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-woman-who-took-on-the-tycoon-651396/?no-ist 2 comments history
- 243 Ida and its moon Dactyl. Dactyl is the first satellite of an asteroid to be discovered. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/archive/7/7e/20130811114609%21243_ida.jpg 31 comments space
- Want to know why companies invest in Ireland? The IDA has a nice (large) infographic for you. http://www.idaireland.com/_internal/cimg!0/4gnkjvvw89mdzkshczvkeso9k4id3qs 3 comments europe
- Polish nationalists launch petition against Oscar-nominated film Ida http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jan/22/ida-oscars-2015-film-polish-nationalists-petition 4 comments europe
- Hex-Rays IDA Pro Plugin Contest 2014 results released https://www.hex-rays.com/contests/2014/index.shtml 30 comments netsec
- PSA: Student? Teenager? Low-ish income? Get up to $9k of free money with an IDA. http://www.freetaxusa.com/display_faq.jsp?ida-withdrawal-home-purchase&faq_id=1316 682 comments personalfinance
- Syrian rebels consider joining forces with regime troops to fight al-Qa’ida http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syrian-rebels-consider-joining-forces-with-regime-troops-to-fight-alqaida-8981081.html 21 comments worldnews
- Does Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side? http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/columnists/robert-fisk/syria-does-obama-know-hes-fighting-on-alqaidas-side-29531534.html 144 comments worldnews
- Does Obama know he’s fighting on al-Qa’ida’s side? http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/does-obama-know-hes-fighting-on-alqaidas-side-8786680.html 6 comments politics
- Al-Qa'ida claims credit for Iraq slaughter http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/al-qaida-claims-credit-for-iraq-slaughter/story-e6frg6so-1226695829124 5 comments worldnews
- US drone strike killed key al-Qa'ida leader Saeed al-Shihri in Yemen http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/confirmed-us-drone-strike-killed-key-alqaida-leader-saeed-alshihri-in-yemen-8713944.html 254 comments worldnews
- Al-Qa’ida in Iraq declares takeover of leading Syrian rebel group http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/alqaida-in-iraq-declares-takeover-of-leading-syrian-rebel-group-29189183.html 5 comments worldnews
- Syria captures al-Qa'ida chief's brother durng meeting with rebels in Deraa http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syrian-regime-captures-alqaida-chiefs-brother-on-aid-mission-8439147.html 2 comments worldnews
- Al-Qa'ida threat to stage nuke hellstorm - AL-QA'IDA has threatened to unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if its leader Osama bin Laden is captured or killed, according to Wikileaks docs. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-depth/wikileaks/threat-to-stage-nuke-hellstorm/story-fn775xjq-1226044716503 5 comments worldnews
- Taliban Commander: "There are no al-Qa'ida fighters in Afghanistan any more. I have fought in the south and in the east as well as here. In seven years of operations I have not seen a single al-Qa'ida fighter. Not one." http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/exclusive-afghanistan--behind-enemy-lines-2133667.html 604 comments worldnews
- 'America used to be our enemy No 1. But now it's al-Qa'ida,' say former insurgents http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/america-used-to-be-our-enemy-no-1-but-now-its-alqaida-say-former-insurgents-2092547.html 133 comments worldnews
- Hurricane Ida kills 40 in El Salvador - CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/11/08/hurricane-ida.html 3 comments worldnews
- Lawrence Wilkerson drops torture bombshell: "... its principal priority for intelligence was not aimed at pre-empting another terrorist attack on the U.S. but discovering a smoking gun linking Iraq and al-Qa'ida." http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/5/14/731345/-lawrence-wilkerson-drops-an-iraq-torture-bombshell 11 comments politics
- chief US interrogator in Iraq, Major Mathew Alexander: the No 1 reason they had decided to pick up arms and join al-Qa'ida was torture and abuse at Guantanamo Bay." http://www.independent.ie/opinion/analysis/winning-islamic-hearts-obamas-next-obstacle-1702062.html 14 comments worldnews
- Insulting message to Obama shows al-Qa'ida is panicking, experts say http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24680438-2703,00.html 14 comments politics