Hacker News
- IBM’s ‘Watson’ will compete on Jeopardy in February http://www.kurzweilai.net/ibm%E2%80%99s-watson-will-compete-on-jeopardy-in-february 2 comments
- IBM Unveils Watson Supercomputer for Jeopardy Challenge http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/01/ibm-watson-jeopardy/ 4 comments
- IBM Introduces Watson Assistant - An Assistant For Enterprises https://smartspeakerbuzz.com/ibm-introduces-watson-assistant-an-assistant-for-enterprises/ 4 comments technology
- My personality, according to IBM Watson. http://www.prooffreader.com/2016/03/my-personality-according-to-ibm-watson.html 3 comments artificial
- IBM's Watson to guide cancer therapies at 14 centers http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/05/05/us-ibm-cancer-iduskbn0nq1yq20150505 8 comments artificial
- IBM Watson API http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/services-catalog.html 22 comments programming
- Ross: Attorney built on top of IBM's Watson http://www.poweredbyross.com/ 29 comments technology
- IBM’s Supercomputer Watson Is Now a Chef With His Own Food Truck http://newsfeed.time.com/2014/03/05/ibms-supercomputer-watson-is-now-a-chef-with-his-own-food-truck/ 4 comments nottheonion
- IBM Watson AI studies Wimbledon players' emotions to compose highlight packages https://www.firstpost.com/tech/news-analysis/ibm-watson-will-study-players-emotions-at-wimbledon-to-compose-highlight-packages-4605571.html 4 comments artificial
- Introducing IBM Watson Services for Core ML https://developer.apple.com/ibm/?fb_share=1 6 comments swift
- Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search? http://www.wired.com/opinion/2013/10/google-in-jeopardy-what-if-watson-beat-the-search-giant/ 25 comments science
- IBM's Watson joins doctors in fighting lung cancer with cloud-based medical app http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/8/3968262/ibms-watson-joins-fight-against-cancer 17 comments technology
- Skychain’s Blockchain-powered AI plans to overtake IBM’s Watson https://thenextweb.com/artificial-intelligence/2017/12/15/blockchain-powered-medical-ai-skychain-will-beat-ibms-watsons-health/ 7 comments artificial
- IBM Tests Watson Technology to Keep Eye on Traders https://www.wsj.com/articles/ibm-tests-watson-technology-to-keep-eye-on-traders-1493055558 10 comments technology
- IBM’s Watson partners with Toronto Raptors to create the best team yet http://mobilesyrup.com/2016/06/23/ibms-watson-partners-with-toronto-raptors-to-create-the-best-team-yet/ 12 comments nba
- At the forefront of Computational Creativity, IBM's Watson is creating "flavorful, novel, and perhaps healthy culinary recipes by drawing on big data techniques." http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/2580000/2574794/p439-pinel.pdf?ip= 5 comments science
- I Tasted BBQ Sauce Made By IBM's Watson, And Loved It http://www.fastcodesign.com/3027687/i-tasted-bbq-sauce-made-by-ibms-watson-and-loved-it 14 comments technology
- IBM wants to put the power of Watson in your smartphone http://www.engadget.com/2014/02/26/ibm-wants-to-put-the-power-of-watson-in-your-smartphone/ 56 comments technology
- IBM Opens Jeopardy-Winning Watson to Everybody http://www.internetevolution.com/author.asp?section_id=758&doc_id=269754&f_src=internetevolution_gnews 6 comments technology
- IBM’s Watson Gets Wall Street Job After ‘Jeopardy’ Win http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-05/ibm-s-watson-computer-gets-wall-street-job-one-year-after-jeopardy-win.html 3 comments business
- IBM's Watson Supercomputer on Jeopard starting on Monday http://www.jeopardy.com/minisites/watson/ 4 comments reddit.com
- IBM Watson offers tech support that never sleeps https://www.engadget.com/2017/04/07/ibm-watson-tech-support-round-the-clock/?sr_source=twitter 19 comments technology
- IBM Watson to make debut in kids' toys - "kids to directly engage in intelligent conversation with their toys" http://www.sciencealert.com/ibm-s-jeopardy-destroying-watson-makes-its-debut-in-a-kid-s-toy 5 comments technology
- IBM Watson Jeopardy AI matches with Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter will air February 14-16 http://nextbigfuture.com/2011/01/ibm-watson-jeopardy-ai-matches-will-air.html 46 comments science
- IBM’s Watson supercomputer recommended ‘unsafe and incorrect’ cancer treatments, internal documents show https://www.statnews.com/2018/07/25/ibm-watson-recommended-unsafe-incorrect-treatments/ 12 comments technology
- MD Anderson Benches IBM Watson In Setback For Artificial Intelligence In Medicine -- Issues in system integrations https://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2017/02/19/md-anderson-benches-ibm-watson-in-setback-for-artificial-intelligence-in-medicine/#1e82e8a83774 4 comments technology
- IBM’s Watson is now powering an all-electric self-driving vehicle by Local Motors http://electrek.co/2016/06/16/ibm-watson-all-electric-self-driving-vehicle-local-motors/ 4 comments technology
- IBM's Watson's psychological analysis based on a person's writing samples - Question regarding current state of data analysis relating to this in comments https://watson-pi-demo.mybluemix.net/ 24 comments programming
- IBM's "Watson" supercomputer will play Jeopardy against returning champions Ken Jennings and Justin Bernbach http://online.wsj.com/article/sb10001424052748703439504576116163439390834.html?mod=wsj_hpp_righttopcarousel_2#articletabs%3Darticle 8 comments technology
- The first ever human vs. computer Jeopardy challenge begins in February. An IBM AI named Watson will compete against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. http://www-03.ibm.com/innovation/us/watson/ 4 comments technology
- What Ever Happened to IBM’s Watson? IBM’s artificial intelligence was supposed to transform industries and generate riches for the company. Neither has panned out. Now, IBM has settled on a humbler vision for Watson. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/16/technology/what-happened-ibm-watson.html 18 comments technology
- iOS Apps can now make use of the powerful IBM Watson Artifical Intelligence - on device learning and more intelligent apps coming soon to your iPhone. https://developer.apple.com/ibm/ 112 comments apple
- IBM Watson has identified therapies for 323 cancer patients that went overlooked by a molecular tumor board. Researchers said next-generation genomic sequencing is "evolving too rapidly to rely solely on human curation" when it comes to targeting treatments. http://www.hcanews.com/news/how-watson-can-help-pinpoint-therapies-for-cancer-patients 442 comments science
- New earpiece translates foreign languages as you have a conversation - "powered by IBM’s supercomputer, Watson, and takes between three and five seconds to complete a translation and play it to you." http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/real-time-translation-one2one-foreign-languages-english-french-chinese-italian-japanese-a7797976.html 10 comments technology
- IBM’s Watson proves useful at fighting cancer—except in Texas. Despite early success, MD Anderson ignored IT, broke protocols, spent millions. https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/02/ibms-watson-proves-useful-at-fighting-cancer-except-in-texas/ 1055 comments technology
- Japanese white-collar workers are already being replaced by artificial intelligence - "Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance, is reportedly replacing 34 human insurance claim workers with “IBM Watson Explorer,” starting by January 2017." http://qz.com/875491/japanese-white-collar-workers-are-already-being-replaced-by-artificial-intelligence/ 401 comments technology
- IBM's Watson was tested on 1,000 cancer diagnoses made by human experts. In 30 percent of the cases, Watson found a treatment option the human doctors missed. Some treatments were based on research papers that the doctors had not read. More than 160,000 cancer research papers are published a year. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/17/technology/ibm-is-counting-on-its-bet-on-watson-and-paying-big-money-for-it.html?_r=2 3 comments technology
- IBM plans acquisition of Merge Healthcare, Inc. as part of plan to use artificial intelligence in medicine; Merge's technology will be used to train IBM's Watson software to identify ailments such as cancer and heart disease http://www.wsj.com/articles/ibm-crafts-a-role-for-artificial-intelligence-in-medicine-1439265840 7 comments artificial
- IBM Watson crunches the numbers on LOTR characters. Tells us who is self-conscious, who is neurotic, and whether book Aragorn or movie Aragorn is more alpha. http://vinmisra.github.io/2014/12/19/gollum-is-a-pretty-vulnerable-guy/ 4 comments books
- IBM explains: how to build your own Watson Jr, in your basement, using off-the-shelf parts and software https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/insidesystemstorage/entry/ibm_watson_how_to_build_your_own_watson_jr_in_your_basement7?lang=en 24 comments technology