Hacker News
- I'm Leaving Reddit for Good and This Is Why https://karl-voit.at/2024/05/23/leaving-reddit/ 11 comments
- I'm giving away an iPhone 11 Pro to a commenter at random to celebrate Apollo for Reddit's new iOS 13 update and as a thank you to the community! Just leave a comment on this post and the winner will be selected randomly and announced tomorrow at 8 PM GMT. Details inside, and good luck! https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/d7ejpn/im_giving_away_an_iphone_11_pro_to_a_commenter_at/ 85772 comments apple
- I'm giving away an iPhone 12 Pro/Max/Mini to a commenter at random to celebrate Apollo for Reddit's iOS 14 update, plus the new iPhones, plus some cheer amongst COVID. Simply leave a comment and you're entered! Good luck, winner announced in 24 hours at 11 PM GMT. https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/juv6tu/im_giving_away_an_iphone_12_promaxmini_to_a/ 88553 comments apple