Hacker News
- (Deliberate) practice makes perfect: how to become an expert in anything https://medium.com/swlh/deliberate-practice-makes-perfect-how-to-become-an-expert-in-anything-ec30e0c1314e 2 comments
- How to Become an Expert at Anything http://www.theemotionmachine.com/how-to-become-an-expert-at-anything 4 comments productivity
- We live in beautiful times where you can learn Machine Learning with Python and become an expert, for free. Here are many resources in a complete guide for everyone even with no tech background at all. Save it for your Holiday break! (ping me if it misses anything great) https://github.com/louisfb01/start-machine-learning 4 comments python
- We live in beautiful times where you can learn Machine Learning and become an expert, for free. Here are many resources in a complete guide for everyone even with no tech background at all. Save it for your Holiday break! (ping me if it misses anything great) https://github.com/louisfb01/start-machine-learning 3 comments deeplearning
- We live in beautiful times where you can learn Machine Learning and become an expert, for free. Here are many resources in a complete guide for everyone even with no tech background at all. Save it for your Holiday break! (ping me if it misses anything great) https://github.com/louisfb01/start-machine-learning 20 comments learnmachinelearning