Hacker News
- Show HN: I Created a Thinking Bot https://deep-search-lol.pages.dev 0 comments
- Don't tell StackOverflow I'm a hacker (they think I'm a bot) http://blog.medusis.com/dont-tell-stackoverflow-im-a-hacker-they-thin 46 comments
- Google's AI bot thinks the purpose of life is 'to live forever' – ScienceAlert http://www.sciencealert.com/google-s-ai-bot-thinks-the-purpose-of-life-is-to-live-forever 2 comments
- The chances that a bot is wasting your time is higher than you think. https://maraoz.com/2020/07/18/openai-gpt3/ 6 comments btc
- QA Bots For Games - What Do You Think? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/ay5r2i/qa_bots_for_games_what_do_you_think/ 6 comments gamedev
- Have any of you tried to use the tippr bot in /r/bitcoin ? I think they banned the bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7bg0f5/have_any_of_you_tried_to_use_the_tippr_bot_in/ 12 comments btc
- I'm developing a tool for testing bot protection of websites - do you think it would be useful for you? https://botmenot.com/ 2 comments entrepreneurridealong
- Google engineer thinks artificial intelligence bot has become sentient https://www.businessinsider.com/google-engineer-thinks-artificial-intelligence-bot-has-become-sentient-2022-6?amp= 1297 comments technology
- Tried this for securing post requests against bots, how effective do you think it is? https://place.konetsu.tk/demo 13 comments python
- Divisive, demoralizing bots are winning, so big tech needs to think bigger https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/03/21/opinion/divisive-demoralizing-bots-are-winning-so-big-tech-needs-think-bigger/ 16 comments politics
- Divisive, demoralizing bots are winning, so big tech needs to think bigger https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/03/21/opinion/divisive-demoralizing-bots-are-winning-so-big-tech-needs-think-bigger/ 3 comments technology
- Divisive, demoralizing bots are winning, so big tech needs to think bigger https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/03/21/opinion/divisive-demoralizing-bots-are-winning-so-big-tech-needs-think-bigger/?fbclid=iwar2b5hdeghr9pvam1kdm3lb_fkyy9xnurfgawm8i-i3va56awezwklchkeo 92 comments geopolitics
- My question-answering bot. What do you think, Proggit? http://aesoft.org/qmark/index2.php 5 comments programming
- George Takei thinks Russian bots spread sexual assault accusation http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/george-takei-thinks-russian-bots-spread-sexual-assault-accusation-article-1.3628635 5 comments worldnews
- George Takei thinks Russian bots spread sexual assault accusation http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/george-takei-thinks-russian-bots-spread-sexual-assault-accusation-article-1.3628635 17 comments europe
- Something to think about in the Martian soil while our science bot makes tracks over it http://mars.spherix.com/lifemars/lifemars.htm 18 comments space
- Smarter Than You Think: Poker Bots Invade Online Gambling http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/science/14poker.html?_r=1 5 comments artificial
- Real life fleet of drones (thousands) made me think of Factorio bots (crosspost) https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1j9opld/thousands_of_drones_docking_to_charge_after_a/ 0 comments factorio
- With the current discussions of bots being OP, do you think loaders should be implemented back into the game? https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-128 5 comments factorio
- I just built this Ethereum News Twitter Bot. Please let me know what you think here. https://twitter.com/ethereum_bot 7 comments ethereum
- How I made a food-recognizing bot on JavaScript and what I think about this https://medium.com/@xaputo/how-i-made-a-food-recognizing-bot-for-telegram-and-why-it-doesnt-have-a-future-yet-c97d9c6e249b 31 comments javascript
- I made a bot that does random gradients of colors and post the imagen to Twitter, tell me what do you think :) https://twitter.com/randomjpgbot/status/861568942346842112 3 comments webdev
- Game Thread: Colorado Avalanche (11-20-1) at Chicago Blackhawks (22-9-4), 7:30pm CST - I think the gdt bot is celebrating Christmas early https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/5k0lys/game_thread_colorado_avalanche_11201_at_chicago/ 840 comments hockey
- Hi /r/statistics, I'm trying to make a bot I'm using work better but I think I've hit a roadblock in finding an approach myself, so I thought I'd ask you for help. https://gitlab.com/SirNeon/SubredditAnalysis/tree/master 6 comments statistics
- Google's artificial intelligence bot thinks the purpose of life is 'to live forever' http://www.businessinsider.com.au/google-tests-new-artificial-intelligence-chatbot-2015-6 372 comments technology
- I wrote a twitter bot that tweets out new NAVADMINs posted by NPC. I just updated it to include ALNAVs. Let me know what you think. https://twitter.com/navymessages 4 comments navy
- Hey web_design, is it possible to write a bot which would defeat this type of captcha? (I don't want to write the bot, just thinking of using the captcha). http://www.webdesignbeach.com/beachbar/ajax-fancy-captcha-jquery-plugin 9 comments web_design
- I think Wall Street may have just handed over the keys to 4Chan. Bots that trade based on the news articles, blogs, and tweets they read. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/23/business/23trading.html?_r=1&hpw 9 comments reddit.com
- Column: These Apple researchers just showed that AI bots can't think, and possibly never will — Apple’s AI researchers gave these AI systems a simple arithmetic problem that schoolkids can solve. The bots flunked. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-11-01/column-these-apple-researchers-just-proved-that-ai-bots-cant-think-and-possibly-never-will 629 comments technology
- John Roberts Thinks Judges Like Him Are Too Important to Be Replaced by AI: In his year-end report, the chief justice avoided the many elephants in the room—including Supreme Court corruption—to reassure judges that they’re superior to bots. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/john-roberts-doesnt-think-ai-can-replace-him/ 58 comments politics
- Vitalik Buterin shares Screenshot of Crypto Scam Account claiming to be him having a verified Blue Checkmark, thinks about Solutions to even Bots now having Blue Checkmarks on Twitter: "Seems like a complete failure" https://nitter.ca/VitalikButerin/status/1576275977352536065#m 181 comments cryptocurrency
- [ImmaculateWatch] I think an immaculate inning is one of the coolest feats a pitcher can achieve but I'm never aware of one occurring until after its happened. So, I made a twitter bot that tweets whenever a pitcher is close to achieving one. https://twitter.com/ImmaculateWatch 10 comments baseball
- This clever experiment shows shows why ideas spread in social networks, and why it's easy to sway people's opinions with bots. The researchers found that larger groups of people all tend to think alike. Co-authored at UC Berkeley, UPenn, City University London. https://newsroom.haas.berkeley.edu/research/the-power-of-groupthink-study-shows-how-easy-it-is-to-influence-social-networks/ 16 comments science
- I think Peter McCormack (What Bitcoin Did podcast) is finally red-pilling... also the same time I think he is being attacked by bot-armies. Read the entire chain of Tweets. https://twitter.com/WhatBitcoinDid/status/997921823567294465 38 comments btc
- Someone should make a bot that asks “did you reinstall windows?” When someone asks about problems with a new motherboard and cpu... what do you guys think? https://www.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/7hasma/someone_should_make_a_bot_that_asks_did_you/ 31 comments intel
- NAMBLA Becomes Donald Trump’s Birther Moment: Did Donald Trump donate to money to the North American Man-Boy Love Association? A bot certainly wants you to think so. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/08/nambla-becomes-donald-trump-s-birther-moment.html 21 comments technology
- The DoNotPay bot has beaten 160,000 traffic tickets — “I think the people getting parking tickets are the most vulnerable in society,” said the creator. “These people aren’t looking to break the law. I think they’re being exploited as a revenue source by the local government.” http://venturebeat.com/2016/06/27/donotpay-traffic-lawyer-bot/ 321 comments technology
- Remember, it is known there are bots and paid comments here on /r/Bitcoin and reddit and online in general. Think for yourself and don't borrow opinions you read online. (Post removed from North Korea and I was banned for posting it) https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4huhwa/remember_it_is_known_there_are_bots_and_paid/ 10 comments btc
- Hey guys, I'm working on an intelligent bot that runs on your browser. I'd love to hear what you think about it so far. http://jongomez.github.io/samurai/ 8 comments artificial
- Dear "Public Advocate of the United States"; I am from Iowa. You are from Virginia. Your hate-bot just called and told me how I should think and act about the Iowa Supreme Court ruling regarding gay marriage. Some Iowa advice for you. Mind your own business and don't spam my voice mail. KTHXBYE http://www.publicadvocateusa.org/involved/ 13 comments politics