Hacker News
- How to Get Good at Making Money http://www.inc.com/magazine/20110301/making-money-small-business-advice-from-jason-fried.html 37 comments
- How to Get Good at Making Money http://www.inc.com/magazine/20110301/making-money-small-business-advice-from-jason-fried_Printer_Friendly.html 45 comments
- Defunding the Police Is Good Climate Policy. Budgets are about to get tight. States and cities should direct money to programs that truly make communities more secure. https://newrepublic.com/article/157984/defunding-police-good-climate-policy 7 comments politics
- Ricciardo - "We [Vettel] get on really well, for teammates" "We often have breakfast together, and I would say that's unusual for teammates." "It's a good feeling to be making Sebastian work for his money" http://paddocktalk.com/news/html/story-250987.html 15 comments formula1
- John Terry calls on the FA to fast-track former England players into coaching and management: This generation of footballers have earned very good money throughout their time, and we need to make it easier for them to get into coaching roles. https://twitter.com/mirrorfootball/status/828246518884876289 61 comments soccer
- [UNDISPUTED] "There's a good chance the Oakland Raiders and Antonio Brown are not going to make it 3 years. ... Money does not change people; money makes you more of what you already are. AB's a bigger jerk than what he was in Pittsburgh, and it's only going to get worse." — @ShannonSharpe https://twitter.com/undisputed/status/1163473650567139329 1177 comments nfl
- Dude with $500k+ in lifetime earnings has been homeless for 14 years, gambles away all of his money at pai gow and makes money scamming people at airports (gets good at post 220) http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/michael-borovetz-i-believe-he-tried-scam-me-mccarran-airport-6-22-14-closing-shortly-1454252/ 48 comments poker
- [Bodner] Hanlan on Fultz: I said, 'You're going to make me really famous, and you're going to make me a lot of money when I fix your shot and can sell your program. The good news is, I can't go down because it can't get worse'. So I said give me a chance. https://twitter.com/derekbodnernba/status/1010181907869552640 66 comments nba
- [Jimmy Kimmel Live] 2019-05-03 Tom Brady confirms that he takes discounted contracts because his "wife makes a lot of money" and he wants to surround himself with better players with the salary cap, "And for a competitive advantage standpoint, I like to get a lot of good players around me" https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/tom-brady-explains-why-he-takes-discount-contracts-with-patriots-my-wife-makes-a-lot-of-money/ 697 comments nfl