Hacker News
- APIs and Microservices in IoT: a small case study https://www.lunchbadger.com/iot-apis-and-microservices/ 2 comments
- Eric Normand on the healthy characteristics of well-maintained software, the pros, and cons of microservices in small organizations, why teams need to ensure they know where they're going with the future of their codebase, and more. https://www.maintainable.fm/episodes/eric-normand-grokking-simplicity 2 comments functionalprogramming
- Lambdas microservices vs monolithic app for a small client https://www.deepl.com/translator 3 comments dotnetcore
- How much should a domain be decomposed into small microservices? https://github.com/moleculerjs/moleculer-examples/tree/master/conduit/services 5 comments node
- A complete containerized .NET Core Application microservice that is as small as possible https://www.hanselman.com/blog/ACompleteContainerizedNETCoreApplicationMicroserviceThatIsAsSmallAsPossible.aspx 15 comments dotnet
- A complete containerized .NET Core Application microservice that is as small as possible https://www.hanselman.com/blog/acompletecontainerizednetcoreapplicationmicroservicethatisassmallaspossible.aspx 5 comments programming
- Suprastructure – how come “Microservices” are getting small? http://arnon.me/2015/04/suprastructure/ 13 comments programming