- How many people have you told about crypto? And how many of those people ended up buying crypto or being part of the crypto ecosystem in another way? Are no-coiners still skeptical of you? None 6 comments btc
- Climate change could render many of Earth’s ecosystems unrecognizable https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/08/30/climate-change-could-render-many-earths-ecosystems-unrecognizable/?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_term=.a9ce2e02ef38 20 comments worldnews
- Climate change could render many of Earth’s ecosystems unrecognizable https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/08/30/climate-change-could-render-many-earths-ecosystems-unrecognizable/?utm_term=.9a5f604aaa42 10 comments politics
- Climate change could render many of Earth’s ecosystems unrecognizable https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/08/30/climate-change-could-render-many-earths-ecosystems-unrecognizable/?utm_term=.0ffb5b0d4908 23 comments politics
- Austin Hill on Twitter: "[...] the code review that is seriously underfunded by so many companies in the ecosystem complaining about core" https://twitter.com/austinhill/status/714174281282793472 4 comments btc
- The Supreme Court just shriveled federal protection for wetlands, leaving many of these valuable ecosystems at risk https://theconversation.com/the-supreme-court-just-shriveled-federal-protection-for-wetlands-leaving-many-of-these-valuable-ecosystems-at-risk-205896 114 comments law
- So many changes and updates are going on in Vue ecosystem lately. What is considered default or best-practice for scaffolding? https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/introduction.html 26 comments vuejs
- So many amazing things happening in the BCH ecosystem listed in this twitter thread. https://twitter.com/koushbch/status/1259004048637865984?s=21 3 comments btc
- "in many ways, the Democratic technology ecosystem has embraced the free market — whereas the Republican one sort of runs on socialism, with the R.N.C. being the overlord". - why Republicans are screwed for the next next decade. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/17/magazine/can-the-republicans-be-saved-from-obsolescence.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 3 comments politics
- Scientists Call for Including Oxygen Loss in Bodies of Water as New Planetary Boundary | Oxygen concentrations in the waters of our planet are rapidly decreasing, threatening ecosystems, as well as the livelihoods of many. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-024-02448-y 3 comments science
- Remove your coins from Binance! *** This is not a drill. *** I think there's a large and growing danger that there is massive misrepresentation of assets in the Binance ecosystem, and because so many big money players already believe this, one little spark can start a conflagration. https://twitter.com/coryklippsten/status/1605753144276709376 155 comments bitcoin
- Reduced Price and Free Tickets to Web3 Summit (featuring EF and many ecosystem builders) https://medium.com/web3foundation/endowing-an-open-inclusive-community-at-web3-summit-3013456f4f84 4 comments ethereum
- Tim Swanson:"What Bitcoin Core says: "there are many important stakeholders in the ecosystem" What Core does: hosts 2nd private event for only miners" https://twitter.com/ofnumbers/status/760125284595085312 27 comments btc
- LINQ has been quite a successful, but also controversial addition to the.NET ecosystem. Many people are looking for a comparable solution in the Java world. http://java.dzone.com/articles/linq-and-java 16 comments programming
- LINQ has been quite a successful, but also controversial addition to the.NET ecosystem. Many people are looking for a comparable solution in the Java world. http://java.dzone.com/articles/linq-and-java 19 comments java
- Hi! I'm doing research on acid rain in the world. And their harm to ecosystems. I need to look at as many different cases as possible for the study to be objective. Please, write in the comments the locations that are most affected or affected by acid rain. Thank you https://www.epa.gov/acidrain/what-acid-rain 3 comments climate
- Almost everybody in BCH ecosystem has switched over to CashAddr. Examples of services that use CashAddr by default are @CoinText @coinbase @BitPay @YoursOrg @BitcoinCashFund @BitcoinCom @kawaii_crypto @RocketrNet @tipprbot and so many others. What are some that haven't switched? https://twitter.com/OnWindowly/status/979954601783799810 57 comments btc
- Haskell's library ecosystem sucks. (alt title: why does Hackage have so many mediocre libraries and why do so many libraries do the same thing and why is documentation so rare?.) https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/search?terms=email 108 comments haskell
- Extinction of large animals affects ecosystems as many as 12,000 years later because nutrients are no longer spread by their poops https://theconversation.com/megafauna-extinction-affects-ecosystems-12-000-years-later-16977 40 comments science
- Jonathan Bruce tells Java developers and architects that Type 4 JDBC drivers are the source of many problems in in the modern Java ecosystem and 'Type 5' JDBC drivers are the solution. http://www.developer.com/features/article.php/3878206/jdbc-type-5-drivers-needed-to-overcome-type-4-limitations.htm 5 comments java
- Ubuntu on ARM - The Ubuntu project is excited to be working with the ARM ecosystem to port Ubuntu for ARM-based devices. This work fits with our goals of making Ubuntu available as an open platform to as many people as possible http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/arm 8 comments technology
- Research reveals the importance of pollinator diversity, highlighting the role of rare bees in wild ecosystems. Many bee species, including rare species, are important for function of entire plant–pollinator networks. https://agnr.umd.edu/news/beyond-honeybee-how-many-bee-species-does-meadow-need 3 comments science
- ‘EF Supported Teams: Research and Development Update, 2019 Pt. 2’: Get the latest updates from many key projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. https://blog.ethereum.org/2019/12/03/ef-supported-teams-research-and-development-update-2019-pt-2/ 4 comments ethereum
- The video game "Subnautica" depicts an alien planet with many exotic underwater ecosystems. One of these is a "lava zone" where molten lava stays in liquid form under the sea. Is this possible? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/7vgwdg/the_video_game_subnautica_depicts_an_alien_planet/ 695 comments askscience
- ⚡️ 33 Major Bullish Developments in Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem Last Week⚡️ Although a lot of us have been focusing on the depressing prince moves in BTC & BCH over the last few days, there has actually been many major developments in the BCH ecosystem. (BCH Paywall) https://www.yours.org/content/33-major-bullish-developments-in-the-bitcoin-cash-ecosystem-last-week-66a2484775c4 57 comments btc
- PLOS Science Wednesday: Hi reddit, we’re Caspar and Eelke, and our research shows a more than 75% decline in the biomass of flying insects over 27 years, indicating severe disturbances in many ecosystems – Ask us Anything! http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0185809&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=ama&utm_campaign=reddit-ama-134 36 comments science
- Brazil mine spill predicted to extinguish already endangered species within local ecosystems, many haven't been yet studied or even discovered http://www.latimes.com/world/brazil/la-fg-brazil-spill-20151220-story.html 15 comments worldnews
- Banks of solar panels would be able to replace every electricity-producing dam in the US using just 13% of the space. Many environmentalists have come to see dams as “blood clots in our watersheds” owing to the “tremendous harm” they have done to ecosystems. https://www.carbonbrief.org/solar-power-could-replace-all-us-hydro-dams-using-just-13-of-the-space 3 comments science
- With only about half of Earth's terrestrial surface remaining as natural vegetation, a team of researchers has proposed an international goal to halt its continued loss. "Many countries have already converted the vast majority of their natural ecosystems, so ecosystem restoration might be needed." https://phys.org/news/2019-12-limiting-loss-nature.html 57 comments worldnews
- Ethereum biweekly: Ecosystem and projects’ updates, opinion and research articles: Istanbul activated. Aragon Court is live on mainnet. Brave passes 10M monthly active users. EF-Supported Teams report. Vitalik wrote on quadratic voting. And many more! https://medium.com/paradigm-fund/ethereum-biweekly-ecosystem-and-projects-updates-opinion-and-research-articles-d18a32a09400 3 comments ethereum
- Banks of solar panels would be able to replace every electricity-producing dam in the US using just 13% of the space. Many environmentalists have come to see dams as “blood clots in our watersheds” owing to the “tremendous harm” they have done to ecosystems. https://www.carbonbrief.org/solar-power-could-replace-all-us-hydro-dams-using-just-13-of-the-space 1824 comments science
- 'Extinction crisis' threatening global food supply, UN report warns | "Many key components of biodiversity for food and agriculture at genetic, species and ecosystem levels are in decline," the report said https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/22/health/food-biodiversity-report-intl/index.html 55 comments worldnews
- The Case for Letting Malibu Burn. Many of California’s native ecosystems evolved to burn. Modern fire suppression creates fuels that lead to catastrophic fires. So why do people insist on rebuilding in the firebelt? https://longreads.com/2018/12/04/the-case-for-letting-malibu-burn/ 62 comments climate
- BREAKING: Major leak from oil pipeline in Ecuador's Amazon happening in real time. Saw many of these in @Chevron 's oil fields; they were rarely remediated. The oil and gas industry treats our ecosystem like a trash bin. Thanks @AFrontlines for exposing. https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1487555683390218240?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet 21 comments climate
- BREAKING: Major leak from oil pipeline in Ecuador's Amazon happening in real time. Saw many of these in @Chevron 's oil fields; they were rarely remediated. The oil and gas industry treats our ecosystem like a trash bin. Thanks @AFrontlines for exposing. https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1487555683390218240?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet 70 comments environment
- So many good things happening with LUNA and still so much promise for the Terra ecosystem to their DeFi network that includes strong primitives for synthetic assets, exchange, leveraged farming/trading, and asset management all framed with their own, backed, stable coin. https://cointelegraph.com/news/project-dawn-initiative-and-upcoming-mainnet-upgrade-back-luna-s-new-ath/amp 8 comments cryptocurrency
- Extinction risk could decrease by more than 50% if at least 30% of land were to be conserved across the tropics. Avoiding extinctions results in healthy ecosystems that provide many services critical to people, including maintaining key carbon stores that mitigate against climate change http://www.leeds.ac.uk/news/article/4551/global_species_loss_could_be_halved 5 comments science
- Mangroves, hardy shore-bound plants vital to many coastlines, are under threat from lowered sea levels and extreme human development in these areas. Mangroves are necessary coastline protectors and are being extinguished by human disruption, which is extremely dangerous for ecosystems with them in. https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/mangroves-hardy-shore-bound-plants-vital-to-many-coastlines-are-under-threat/2019/11/15/7f786f9e-063f-11ea-b17d-8b867891d39d_story.html 3 comments science
- ⚡️ 32 Major Bullish Developments in Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem Last Week⚡️ Although a lot of us have been focusing on the exciting price moves in BCH over the last few days, there has actually been many major developments in the BCH ecosystem and these are much more important! (BCH Paywall) https://www.yours.org/content/32-major-bullish-developments-in-the-bitcoin-cash-ecosystem-last-week-74e2ffbc5d2e 14 comments btc
- Hardware start-ups gaining traction, say experts. Due to lack of funds, proper ecosystem there hasn’t been many hardware start-ups launched in India, say experts http://www.livemint.com/companies/rzutlqk86ufozm9puoy7nm/hardware-startups-gaining-traction-say-experts.html 14 comments india