- OpenJDK Bug Report Complains Source Code "Has Too Many Swear Words" https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/jdk-8215217 273 comments programming
- New exploit turns Samsung Galaxy phones into remote bugging devices -- As many as 600 million phones vulnerable to remote code execution attack http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/06/new-exploit-turns-samsung-galaxy-phones-into-remote-bugging-devices/ 667 comments technology
- For Your Information: Had S2X not been called off, it would have failed because of a fatal bug in its unreviewed code (and that was only one bug out of many). This should tell a lesson to many. https://cryptohustle.com/no2x-campaign-saves-bitcoin-from-a-potential-catastrophe 19 comments btc
- Any chance Microsoft could fix the long standing bug of forced alt tab? I lose many hours of code production a week because of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFIkPcKgY7s 14 comments windowsinsiders
- CMake commands completion, code style changes, custom JDK and many important bug fixes in the new CLion EAP http://blog.jetbrains.com/clion/2015/03/clion-eap-news-cmake-features-and-bug-fixes/ 20 comments programming