Hacker News
- Many Americans are getting more money from unemployment than from their job https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/many-americans-are-getting-more-money-from-unemployment-than-they-were-from-their-jobs/ 101 comments
- Many Americans Are Getting More Money From Unemployment Than They Were From Their Jobs - https://touzafair.com/many-americans-are-getting-more-money-from-unemployment-than-they-were-from-their-jobs/ 2 comments economics
- How many Americans are unemployed? It’s likely a lot more than 10 million https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/19/how-many-americans-unemployed/ 48 comments politics
- Many Americans Are Getting More Money From Unemployment Than They Were From Their Jobs https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/many-americans-are-getting-more-money-from-unemployment-than-they-were-from-their-jobs/ 116 comments politics
- Many Americans Are Getting More Money From Unemployment Than They Were From Their Jobs https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/many-americans-are-getting-more-money-from-unemployment-than-they-were-from-their-jobs/ 15 comments economy
- Unemployment Rate Is Lowest in Years—and Many Americans Are Just Hanging On https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-22/fed-poll-shows-many-americans-missing-solid-job-market-s-bounty? 81 comments politics
- ‘We’re hurting’ — Americans are losing $600 of weekly unemployment but many still can’t find work https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/25/the-600-unemployment-boost-is-gone-so-are-the-jobs.html 91 comments politics
- We’re hurting’ — Americans are losing $600 of weekly unemployment but many still can’t find work https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/25/the-600-unemployment-boost-is-gone-so-are-the-jobs.html 46 comments worldnews
- Explainer: No one really knows how many Americans need unemployment benefits https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy-unemployment-explainer/explainer-no-one-really-knows-how-many-americans-need-unemployment-benefits-iduskbn23b2x8 6 comments politics
- University of Chicago economist Erik Hurst finds that many young American men are voluntarily unemployed... and HAPPY about it. https://bfi.uchicago.edu/news/scholar-profile/faculty-spotlight-erik-hurst 6 comments economy
- "Over the coming months, as many as 1.5 million jobless Americans will exhaust their unemployment insurance benefits, ending what for some has been a last bulwark against foreclosures and destitution." http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/02/us/02unemploy.html?ref=us 8 comments politics
- "The unemployed need not apply. That is the message being broadcast by many of the nation's employers, making it even more difficult for 14 million jobless Americans to get back to work." http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/26/business/help-wanted-ads-exclude-the-long-term-jobless.html 6 comments politics
- Why have so many American men given up on work? (For every prime-age (25-54) American man who's unemployed and looking for a job, there are FOUR prime-age American men who are unemployed but NOT looking for a job!) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/labor-force-why-have-so-many-american-men-left/ 108 comments economy
- Why have so many American men given up on work? (For every prime-age (25-54) American man who's unemployed and looking for a job, there are FOUR prime-age American men who are unemployed but NOT looking for a job!) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/labor-force-why-have-so-many-american-men-left/ 26 comments economy
- Ending unemployment benefits for many millions of out of work Americans while there are no jobs to be had is not just mean, it's colossally stupid. It's a hell of a kick in the head for an already battered and beaten economy, and it will trigger desperation, crimes, suicides etc... http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/the_tv_segment_that_every_member_of_congress_should_be_forced_to_watch.html 3 comments politics
- 1.2 Million Workers could lose Unemployment Benefits next month. And then you have the 41 million Americans on food stamps and many are only a few hundred dollars away from being out in the street. http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2010/10/report-12-million-workers-could-lose.html 5 comments reddit.com
- The Income Chart That Explains American Politics: These figures may help to explain why so many Americans refuse to believe that the economy is recovering, and why President Obama’s approval ratings are stuck at near-record lows despite falling unemployment and accelerating G.D.P. growth http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/chart-explains-american-politics 26 comments politics
- How many more months must Americans endure near-double-digit unemployment, little or no new-job creation, economic stagnation, a topsy-turvy stock market, and sagging consumer confidence before Washington politicians concede the "summer of recovery" is mostly a mirage? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/obamanomics-is-why-there-is-no-recovery-471733-100652469.html 4 comments politics