- Scientists have started to investigate whether psilocybin, the primary substance responsible for the effects of “magic” mushrooms, could be helpful to those who suffer from migraine headache. Their new findings provide evidence that the drug could provide long-lasting benefits to migraine sufferers https://www.psypost.org/2021/05/a-single-dose-of-psilocybin-has-a-lasting-therapeutic-effect-on-migraine-headache-according-to-a-new-placebo-controlled-study-60793 3 comments science
- A single dose of psilocybin has long-lasting antidepressant-like effects in fruit flies https://www.psypost.org/2022/07/a-single-dose-of-psilocybin-has-long-lasting-antidepressant-like-effects-in-fruit-flies-63542 541 comments science
- Jobs in information technology — like computer software, big data, and cybersecurity — are providing American workers with long-lastings financial stability, suggests a new study. https://economics.ubc.ca/news/2018/the-future-of-jobs-is-in-i-t-ubc-economist-studies-rise-of-information-technology/#.w4hs1ppwzty 24 comments science
- The long-term consequences of Trump’s conspiracy theory campaign | Trump’s normalization of conspiracy theories could pose a lasting threat to our democracy. https://www.vox.com/recode/21546119/trump-conspiracy-theories-election-2020-coronavirus-voting-vote-by-mail 11 comments politics
- World Suffering Surge in Extreme Rainfall Due to Climate Change. “One out of 10 record-breaking rainfall events observed globally in the past 30 years can only be explained if the long-term warming is taken into account. For the last year studied, 2010, it is even one event out of four.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-08/world-suffering-surge-in-extreme-rainfall-due-to-climate-change 17 comments science
- The Stone Age may have lasted 20,000 years longer in part of Africa than previously thought, recent archaeological finds revealed. This refutes a long-standing theory that humanity evolved in one unified way towards our modern lifestyles – and instead evolved at different speeds around the world. https://whatsnew2day.com/the-stone-age-may-have-lasted-up-to-20000-years-longer-in-some-areas-than-previously-thought/ 26 comments science
- [Howe] James Develin suffered a serious neck injury last season that had significant, long-term repercussions if he endured another injury on the football field. Retirement had been a consideration for a while. He is walking away healthy to live a good life with family. https://twitter.com/jeffphowe/status/1254826364164870146?s=19 45 comments nfl
- Scientists have come up with an explanation for the 1200-year-long ice up also called the big freeze, the last major cold age on Earth http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/306/20121113/big-freeze-triggered-flood-path-reckon-climate.htm 102 comments science
- At long last: Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket set to debut on July 9 https://www.space.com/esa-ariane-6-rocket-first-launch-july-9 14 comments europe
- Wade Barrett: "I’m enjoying my time as a commentator more than I ever enjoyed my time in the ring, You’re really fortunate to get one career in this industry. I’m aware my in-ring run lasted a long time, had a lot of fun, scratched a lot of the itches I had, and achieved the majority of the... https://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/wade-barrett-says-he-prefers-being-a-wwe-commentator-over-being-a-superstar 31 comments squaredcircle
- Trump Mused About Blanket Jan. 6 Pardons Before Leaving White House: Report | Last week, Trump suggested pardoning people who stormed the Capitol. A new report suggests it’s an idea he’s been kicking around for a long, long time https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-jan-6-rioter-pardons-before-leaving-office-1294077/ 15 comments politics
- Mercedes: New F1 engine power boost won’t last long https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/mercedes-new-engine-power-boost-wont-last-long/6790881/ 111 comments formula1
- Gaming industry has its own crypto battles. Epic Games adopting crypto game releases at the same time Steam bans them from their platform. Lets see how long that short sighted decision lasts. https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/epic-games-explain-decision-to-accept-crypto-game-releases-following-steam-ban-1676791/ 11 comments cryptocurrency
- Largest study of its kind reveals the way relative brain size of mammals changed over the last 150 million years. The findings showed that brain size relative to body size—long considered an indicator of animal intelligence—has not followed a stable scale over evolutionary time. https://www.mpg.de/16785076/disaster-brain-size?c=2249 9 comments science
- Hedge fund made $700 million long GME last week https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lcr40h/hedge_fund_made_700_million_long_gme_last_week/ 10 comments wallstreetbets
- Got greedy last month with FOMO on Palantir. Decided to play long game on GME after I got burned. My portfolio's now well in the green. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/481279354241024004/799363549062758400/Screenshot_20210114-114338.png 22 comments wallstreetbets
- Opinion | At long last, the Supreme Court is going live on air https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/05/01/long-last-supreme-court-is-going-live-air/ 52 comments law
- Barclays scraps 'Big Brother' staff tracking system - Barclays has scrapped a system that tracked the time employees spent at their desks and sent warnings to those spending too long on breaks. The bank introduced the computer monitoring system last week, but faced a staff backlash. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-51570401 139 comments worldnews
- Volition is fixing Saints Row 2 on Steam at long last https://www.destructoid.com/volition-is-fixing-saints-row-2-on-steam-at-long-last-569543.phtml 50 comments linux_gaming
- Saudi Diplomat: "The blood conflict had lasted too long, us Saudis and all Gulf States plus Egypt and Jordan realize that the age of going to war with Israel is over.” https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/saudi-official-says-deal-of-century-leads-to-full-palestinian-statehood-593306 199 comments worldnews
- Ghostwriter: Trump's worries over business losses "never lasted long" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-ghostwriter-charles-leerhsen-business-worries-did-not-last-long-red-and-blue/ 4 comments politics
- Shutdown could last a long time, says Trump https://www.cnbc.com/video/2019/01/02/shutdown-could-last-long-time-says-trump.html 32 comments politics
- New review shows iPhone XS and XS Max doesn't last as long as iPhone X while browsing the web, but lasting longer while playing video https://tweakers.net/reviews/6567/5/apple-iphone-xs-en-xs-max-briljante-smartphones-kleine-upgrades-accu.html 6 comments apple
- How Long Can Trump's Long Con Last? https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-04-23/trump-likes-gaming-the-forbes-400-it-s-a-con 14 comments politics
- If the elite ever cared about the have-nots, that didn’t last long https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/feb/26/have-nots-denigration-brexit-trump 7 comments politics
- At long last, Twitter has begun banning (some, not all) Nazis https://www.vox.com/2017/12/18/16790864/twitter-bans-nazis-hate-groups 3 comments technology
- New tech job where I'm the last line of support. VIP outlook keeps crashing. determined its a archive issue. SCANPST has been ran, what if this doesn't fix the issue? Long read. I'm very discouraged. https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6veqjp/new_tech_job_where_im_the_last_line_of_support/ 16 comments sysadmin
- What is the most long lasting, durable, heat-resistant digital storage medium/product? https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/6uh4op/what_is_the_most_long_lasting_durable/ 27 comments hardware
- Arsene Wenger on future Ballon d'Or candidates: "There's certainly Neymar, maybe Griezmann and Mbappe. Kylian is 18, he will last a long time. It's a little early to say he will win it but he is part of the potential Ballon d'Or. There's also Ousmane Dembele, who I think is an exceptional talent." https://twitter.com/ultrasuristic_/status/872493840908787712 34 comments soccer
- [JLC] 2017 NFL Draft rumors: Mitch Trubisky won't last long, DeShone Kizer could plunge http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2017-nfl-draft-rumors-mitch-trubisky-wont-last-long-deshone-kizer-could-plunge/ 51 comments nfl
- David Jerry: Bitcoin needs to be resilient enough to survive contentious HFs WITHOUT the supervision of BS core devs. If it is to last in the long run https://twitter.com/digitsu/status/817284208276049921 80 comments btc
- "Now that Cruz is concentrating more of his neo-McCarthyism on Republicans, his fellow conservatives have suddenly awakened to the notion that 'Trusted' Ted, as his campaign logo would have it, is actually Tricky Ted. And they are — at long last — calling him what he is." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/tricky-ted-cruz-turns-on-his-fellow-republicans/2016/02/23/13bba8fa-da76-11e5-925f-1d10062cc82d_story.html 18 comments politics
- Interview with Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev: "Sanctions may last for a long time." http://www.delo.si/svet/evropa/dmitry-medvedev-every-lie-is-afraid-of-true-facts.html 21 comments europe
- Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/09/us-iran-nuclear-congress-iduskbn0m516x20150309?feedtype=rss&feedname=topnews 30 comments politics
- Consumer-grade SSDs actually last a hell of a long time http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/06/consumer-grade-ssds-actually-last-a-hell-of-a-long-time/ 50 comments hardware
- The Drunkard's Progress. I dunno about you guys, but Step 5 seems to be lasting really long for me... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/the_drunkard%27s_progress_-_color.jpg 5 comments reddit.com
- After roaming Mars for more than 24 times as long as it was supposed to, Spirit seems to be on its last breath. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/01/100105-mars-rover-six-video.html 53 comments space
- Cheney Heading for the Hills -- At Long Last?? http://scienceblogs.com/grrlscientist/2006/11/cheney_heading_for_the_hills_a.php 2 comments reddit.com
- The censorship in r/bitcoin is unprecedented. How can it exist in 21st century and last so long? It's illegal & immoral. If any lawyer in NYC plans to initiate class action lawsuit against Reddit inc, I will donate $3K to show my gratitude. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship 32 comments btc
- After 'gratifying' week, Obama sees long to-do list in time left: "The list is long and my instructions to my team and my instructions to myself have always been that we are going to squeeze every last ounce of progress that we can make ... as long as I have the privilege of holding this office" http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/30/us-usa-obama-iduskcn0pa2wl20150630?feedtype=rss&feedname=topnews&utm_source=twitter 5 comments politics