- [Jacob] The Sharpshooting NBA Player with Pet Snakes. Danny Green's uncle introduced him to snakes when he was a kid. The Toronto Raptors guard has been in love with them ever since. https://sports.vice.com/en_ca/article/a3m5k8/the-sharpshooting-nba-player-with-pet-snakes 16 comments nba
- Transgenic zebrafish, genetically engineered to glow red or green under UV & sold as aquarium pets, appear to be thriving & reproducing year round in creeks near Muriaé, Brazil. The fish, likely escaped from illegal fish farms, were first observed in the wild in 2017 and may impact local species. https://www.science.org/content/article/transgenic-glowing-fish-invades-brazilian-streams 14 comments science
- District councils in England are urging people going to parks and green spaces to dispose of their rubbish safely and responsibly, ahead of an expected surge in visits during this weekend’s mini-heatwave. It is also asking dog walkers to make sure they clean up their pets’ mess. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/aug/07/people-urged-take-rubbish-home-england-parks-and-beauty-spots 6 comments worldnews