Hacker News
- You know what Zuckerberg did during recession? http://www.pluggd.in/mark-zuckerberg-wore-a-tie-during-recession-297/ 3 comments
- [MLB] Ultimate Kids Guide to the WORLD SERIES | Recess Therapy Edition! (These kids know ball) https://youtu.be/O5cxn2mAQnY?si=KK7mZ8cw6GNhLFd3 3 comments baseball
- Fed Chair Jerome Powell Says He Doesn't Know If He's Causing A Recession https://www.huffpost.com/entry/federal-reserve-inflation-recession_n_632b5d6ce4b09d8701bb960e 24 comments economy
- Bank of England knows how to call a recession https://finance.yahoo.com/news/boe-raises-rates-most-since-110003612.html 5 comments wallstreetbets
- Recession 'not inevitable,' Treasury Secretary says: What to know as stocks plunge, inflation rises https://abc7ny.com/recession-2022-is-not-inevitable-stock-market-janet-yellen/11980722/ 33 comments economy
- Wall Street is predicting a 2023 recession. Here are the red flags you should know about https://finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/wall-street-predicting-2023-recession-080000694.html 6 comments economy
- What should we know about the next recession? https://www.epi.org/publication/next-recession-bivens/ 11 comments politics
- What We Know About Recessions Might Be Wrong http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-02-11/what-we-know-about-recessions-might-be-wrong 3 comments economy
- You know how the GOP says cutting spending will create jobs. They're doing it in the UK and are falling into a recession. http://www.americablog.com/2011/06/uk-austerity-economy-not-working.html 4 comments politics
- RECESSION IS OVER!!! has been for a year, we just didn't know it. CNN http://money.cnn.com/2010/09/20/news/economy/recession_over/index.htm?hpt=t1&iref=bn1 11 comments reddit.com
- The Minneapolis Fed wants you to know that this recession is way worse than you think. [interactive] http://www.minneapolisfed.org/publications_papers/studies/recession_perspective/ 8 comments business
- Dear reddit: The recession was not caused by a spectacular failure of capitalism or economics. Just though you should know. http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14031376&source=most_commented 35 comments worldnews
- Five Ways You'll Know the Recession is Over http://www.mint.com/blog/finance-core/five-ways-youll-know-the-recession-is-over/ 30 comments business
- [QUESTION] Know other guitars w/ a recessed toggle switch like this? https://guitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Music-Man-Mariposa-Switch-14@1400x1050.jpg 2 comments guitar
- Call it a 'crash,' call it a 'recession:' The housing market is so weird right now no one knows how to describe it https://www.businessinsider.com/housing-market-crash-recession-experts-cant-agree-2022-8 2 comments economy
- Everything to know about the nationwide Recess Rally and its effort to end gun violence in America https://www.newsweek.com/recess-rally-gun-control-protest-1454883 20 comments politics
- Larry Kudlow wouldn't know a recession if it hit him in the face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9NPeDLbCyo 9 comments economy
- "Dear Portugal, this is Ireland here. I know we don't know each other very well, though I hear some of our developers are down with you riding out the recession." http://www.independent.ie/opinion/analysis/bit-of-friendly-advice-portugal-2596178.html 4 comments europe
- You know who actually suggested Obama make recess appointments? Thanks for the tip, Chief Justice Roberts. http://theusconstitution.org/blog.history/?p=1589 3 comments politics
- The Real McCain: "I Am Not An Expert On Wall Street Or Some Of This Stuff"... Are We In A Recession? Sure... I... Technically... I don't know" [devestating video] http://www.prosebeforehos.com/alec/09/30/a-bridge-to-fundamental-town/?! 44 comments politics
- America's recession will be shallow but lengthy - I know that's not exactly a sensational but it's still worth knowing http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11016333 5 comments worldnews
- JP Morgan No Longer Expecting a Recession: Here's what you need to know! https://lemonstop.beehiiv.com/subscribe 5 comments economy
- The economy may look like it’s in recession, but we still don’t know for sure https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/28/the-economy-may-look-like-its-in-recession-but-we-still-dont-know-for-sure.html 345 comments nottheonion
- 3 and 5 year treasury note yields only separated by 1 BPS - I know people normally refer to the spread between 2 and 10 and the curve is fairly flat - but is this an early sign of a coming recession as well? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/a20au5/3_and_5_year_treasury_note_yields_only_separated/ 8 comments investing
- No, Bill Clinton Does Not ‘Know How’ To Fix The Economy: "The bursting of the tech bubble in 2000, and the subsequent recession, revealed that the 1990s boom was, at least to some degree, a mirage, the result of cheap money." http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/no-bill-clinton-does-not-know-how-to-fix-the-economy/ 663 comments politics
- Don’t Ban Recess Appointments! - The D.C. Circuit presumes to know original meaning of the Constitution better than the Founding Fathers. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112264/recess-appointments-dc-circuit-court-reinterprets-constitution 4 comments politics
- 20 ways the debt time-bomb could cause the Great Recession to become the Great Depression II: "I will say it again, gently: A new meltdown is coming. The Great Depression II is coming, soon. And yet, I know your mental filters are working, blocking warnings of a bomb." http://www.marketwatch.com/story/our-debt-time-bomb-is-ready-to-go-ka-boom-2010-02-02?pagenumber=1 11 comments reddit.com
- Call/E-mail Harry Reid today and tell him we want healthcare NOW! Some Democrats want to push this out till fall so they can take a recess. We elected these Democrats to do a job and when they choose vacation over our best interest WE HAVE A PROBLEM. Let 'em know, our calls count! http://reid.senate.gov/contact/index.cfm 15 comments reddit.com
- Foodie Confidential: Top 10 Signs you are what you eat. Eating at home during the Recession means a lot more of us know a lot more about food these days. And we like it! http://factoidz.com/foodie-confidential-top-10-signs-you-are-what-you-eat/ 5 comments reddit.com
- Make No Mistake, Our Real Enemy Is Inflation, Not Recession. Central banks even know that recession is the solution to the current problem with inflation. https://thepowerofknowledge.xyz/make-no-mistake-our-real-enemy-is-inflation-not-recession-c07023f70112 13 comments economy
- Fed Expected To Raise Rates To Levels Not Seen Since Before Great Recession: What You Need To Know Before Wednesday's Decision https://www.benzinga.com/trading-ideas/previews/22/09/28936060/fed-expected-to-raise-rates-to-highest-levels-since-great-recession-what-you-need-to 48 comments economy
- Now We’ll Know What the Recession Feels Like | Congress is severing a lifeline for millions of Americans. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/now-well-know-what-recession-feels-like/614560/ 66 comments politics
- Is the next recession on the way? Here’s everything you need to know about the market’s oil collapse https://www.salon.com/2016/01/19/is_the_next_recession_on_the_way_heres_everything_you_need_to_know_about_the_markets_oil_collapse/ 5 comments politics
- "Why do voters need to know what Hillary told the banks? Because it was Wall Street that was responsible for the 2008 recession, making life worse for most Americans. We need to know what, if anything, she promised these behemoths." http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/02/29/occupy-hillary-clintons-wall-street-speeches/ 417 comments politics
- 99 senators haven't come out against CISPA, and they're rushing a vote for as soon as they come back from Memorial Day recess. Today is the last day before they leave. They need to know we're not okay with this. http://www.wyden.senate.gov/news/blog/post/wyden-on-cyber-security-privacy-should-be-the-default-not-the-exception 818 comments politics
- S&P Says US has a 50/50 chance of its debt being downgraded. What I want to know is why we're listening AT ALL to the company and people that labeled the high risk toxic loans that started the global recession as AAA. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/21/us-usa-ratings-sandp-idustre76k3tu20110721 7 comments politics
- True Lies: Things you know that aren't true: 1. The housing recession is over. 2. Prices will soon rebound. 3. The worst of the foreclosure mess is behind us . 4. The tax credits saved the housing market. 5. Housing is a good investment. http://finance.yahoo.com/real-estate/article/109747/the-housing-market-recession-is-not-over 5 comments economy
- "Nobody wants a recession. But you know what's worse than a short-term recession? A bad long-term deal. That's why some liberals are asking the president to dig in and not make a compromise with Republicans..." http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/11/the-fiscal-cliff-explainer-what-it-is-where-its-from-who-will-pay-and-why-it-matters/264990/ 78 comments politics
- The Ghettoization of Public Education: Education is a recession-proof industry. The corporate money-changers know if they can get their hands on this industry, replace decently-paid teachers and faculty with McTeachers, and then get taxpayers to foot the bill, their profits can explode. http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/13256-the-ghettoization-of-public-education 167 comments politics
- UPDATE 1-Obama:Healthcare critics make outlandish claims. We know the Republicans don't care about the country. You Democrats on recess shouldn't make the same mistake listening to the noise from the rent-a-mobs. http://www.reuters.com/article/etfnews/idusn0843126820090808 3 comments politics