- EXIT-POLL IRES ROMANIAN PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS 2016: Social Democratic Party 45,8% National-Liberal Party 20,8% Save-Romania Union 9,2% Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania 6,7%. https://huff.ro/alegeri-parlamentare/rezultate-alegeri-parlamentare-2016-exit-poll-100481 63 comments europe
- Romanians vote in parliamentary election - Polls put the Social Democrats (PSD) in first place in Sunday's election with around 40 percent. The centre-right National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Save Romania Union (USR) are seen garnering a combined 35-40 percent http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/12/romanians-parliamentary-election-161211093845302.html 4 comments europe
- Political opponents the National Democratic Party (NDP) have given Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a "reality check" Tuesday, after Trudeau revealed his plan to save the environment, by distributing an email statement reading only "You. Bought. A. Pipeline." https://www.newsweek.com/political-rivals-slam-canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeaus-climate-plan-you-bought-1461191 28 comments worldnews