Hacker News
- How The Hell Is This My Fault? http://techcrunch.com/2011/07/30/how-the-hell-is-this-my-fault/ 281 comments
- Stuck in 'tutorial hell'? It might not be your fault. https://youtu.be/nIoXOplUvAw?si=A5a7rdFnj-5X79ls 81 comments learnprogramming
- [Renck] Shelby Harris intercepted Ben last year starting the AB drama. I jokingly asked him if he feels bad about it? "Hell no. That's their fault. You can't take credit for that. It was bound to happen anyway." https://twitter.com/TroyRenck/status/1169764175372943360?s=20 33 comments nfl
- [Gottlieb] "LBJ is not GM. But he & Rich have pushed Cavs to sign TT to 17m/yr, JR to 14m/yr. Now they're in luxury tax hell. Not all the FO's problems are LBJ's fault (ex. Gilbert firing Griff), but the idea that he bears no blame is a lie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bt=4m25s&v=4gApCHWzbUs 1067 comments nba