Hacker News
- The Internet as a Force in Politics: “Obama Would Not Have Won Without the Internet” http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/11/07/the-internet-as-a-force-in-politics-obama-would-not-have-won-without-the-internet/ 9 comments
- How Obama Won The Internet: Inside the Room for his AMA http://www.buzzfeed.com/mhastings/how-obama-won-the-internet 332 comments politics
- Victory for Internet Freedom: Obama Announces Opposition to SOPA, Congress Shelves Bill -- The Protect IP Act and Stop Online Piracy Act have generated intense opposition because of their crackdown on Internet freedom--and that opposition just won big. http://www.alternet.org/story/153776/victory_for_internet_freedom%3A_obama_announces_opposition_to_sopa%2C_congress_shelves_bill/ 11 comments politics